Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
Monday, October 22, 2012
The Muscatine County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 7:00 P.M. with
Furlong, Howard, Kelly, Watkins and Sorensen present. Chairperson Kelly presiding.
On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the agenda was approved as written. Ayes:
Discussion was held with Gary Stephenson regarding his efforts to place an actual 1934
Lithograph of the Constitution in every Courthouse in the State of Iowa. Stephenson
stated that his Dad had placed the lithograph in 25 Courthouses amongst 170 other public
buildings in 87 Cities before he passed away. When his Dad died, Stephenson decided he
would continue placing the lithographs in Courthouses and he has completed another 54
Courthouses to date. Stephenson stated he asks for sponsors to cover his $850 of
expenses, but that he will go out in the community and work with local veteran agencies
to secure the sponsors. Stephenson stated he will reduce the sponsors need by $100, if
veterans will find the sponsors so he does not have to travel. On a motion by Furlong,
second by Sorensen, the Board accepted a lithograph of the U.S. Constitution from Gary
Stephenson for placement in the Muscatine County Courthouse. Ayes: All. Any persons
wanting to sponsor the placement of the lithograph in the Courthouse may contact the
Muscatine County Administration Office.
On a motion by Howard, second by Sorensen, Muscatine County Jail HVAC Project
Change Order #1 was approved in the amount of $2,359.50 for well casings for the
Geothermal wellfield. Ayes: All.
On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, Muscatine County Jail Building HVAC
Project Change Order #2 was approved in the amount of $43,545.70 for additional
concrete instead of greenspace over the Geothermal wellfield. Ayes: All.
Vic Amoroso, A&J Associates, updated the Board on various HVAC projects stating the
geothermal field portion of the Jail project will be approaching completion towards the
end of November and he has begun the design process for the inside work at the Jail.
Amoroso stated he plans to complete the Old Jail Geothermal Project before next
Summer. Amoroso stated that another exploratory drill will be performed at the
Administration Building on Thursday as the previous test hit debris that broke their
equipment. Amoroso reported that the Community Services building control replacement
is underway. Amoroso stated he has completed the Courthouse preventive maintenance
program and will provide training to Budget Coordinator Sherry Seright and Maintenance
Supervisor Oscar Alvarez. Amoroso stated that the Courthouse Light Study is underway.
On a motion by Howard, second by Sorensen, minutes of the October 15, 2012 regular
meeting were approved as written. Ayes: All.
Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
Monday, October 22, 2012
Page 2
Howard reported two contacts regarding concerns about possible usage of
slag on County roads.
Kelly reported a call from a lady regarding stray cats in the County.
Kelly reported a contact from Sally Duncan regarding people burning trash in the
Committee Reports:
Sorensen attended a Wilton Development Corporation meeting October 17
Kelly attended a Greater Muscatine Chamber of Commerce Board meeting
October 19
Howard attended a Muscatine County Conservation Board meeting October 15
Howard attended a Muscatine County Emergency Management Association
Board meeting October 16
Furlong attended a West Liberty Economic Area Development meeting October
Kelly and Howard attended the dedication of the Douglas King Memorial Expressway on
October 20
. All supervisors held an exit interview with the State Auditors on October
The meeting was adjourned at 7:46 P.M.
Betty Wamback, First Deputy Auditor
Kas Kelly, Chairperson
Board of Supervisors
Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
Monday, October 29, 2012
The Muscatine County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 A.M. with
Furlong, Howard, Kelly, Watkins and Sorensen present. Chairperson Kelly presiding.
On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the agenda was approved as written. Ayes:
On a motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen, claims dated October 29, 2012 were
approved in the amount of $661,942.97. Ayes: All.
A Public Hearing was called to order at 9:04 A.M. by Chairperson Kelly for review and
comment concerning effects of the Saulsbury Road bridge replacement project.
Muscatine County Conservation Board Member Mike Hartman, 1555 W. Acre Drive,
Muscatine, stressed the importance of this project for the continuing operation of
Saulsbury. Hartman stated that the bridge has been downgraded to the point where the
LP delivery trucks cannot drive over the bridge. Hartman stated that sooner or later the
bridge will become unusable for the Conservation Board. County Conservation Board
Member Jim Goedken, 2273 Ridgeview Drive, Muscatine stated that there are camping
and cabin costs that would be lost to the County without the bridge and it would cost
more than the bridge to replace the facilities somewhere else. Goedken stated that there
are vehicles going over the bridge that are heavier than the placarded weight.
Conservation Director Curt Weiss thanked County Engineer Keith White for his
assistance in working with the Conservation Board on the bridge project. Weiss stated
that Saulsbury is a multi-recreational area with camping, picnic shelters, a boat ramp to
the Cedar River, sand volleyball, hiking trails and horseback riding trails. Weiss stated
that schools request field trips to Saulsbury and the buses have to park on the other side
and have the kids walk across the bridge. Howard asked if Weiss had any figures to
show how well the County was doing at Saulsbury. Weiss stated that they have collected
an additional $8,000 this fiscal year and are on track to meet that again. On a motion by
Howard, second by Furlong, the public hearing was closed at 9:12 A.M. Roll call vote:
Ayes: All.
On a motion by Watkins, second by Furlong, the following utility permit was approved:
MidAmerican Energy – install 4” plastic 25psig gas main line to create dual feed to
residences west of Elder Avenue and to test the existing 4” plastic main in the easement.
Ayes: All.
County Engineer Keith White updated the Board on various road construction projects.
White told the Board that the Federal Bridge Money Fund is gone. White stated that
discussions are being held between the Iowa DOT and the County Engineers Association
on possible procedures for future distribution of Bridge Funds. White stated that the salt
dome has been re-roofed and he is looking at sign trailer alternatives.
Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
Monday, October 29, 2012
Page 2
County Engineer Keith White discussed water quality problems at the Secondary Road
Office. White stated that he has talked with Muscatine Power & Water about running
services to the office to get them off the well. The Board directed White to pursue
options and also to investigate the cost of adding a water line that would be able to handle
a fire truck versus the cost of a smaller line.
Discussion was held with County Engineer Keith White on a Title VI Non-
Discrimination Agreement between the Iowa Department of Transportation and
Muscatine County and Standard DOT Assurances. White stated that this Agreement was
driven by the Federal Highway Administration. White stated that should the County sign
this Agreement and the Assurance they will be used as attachments to all future
agreements with the DOT instead of having to do a separate one every time.
Administrative Services Director Nancy Schreiber stated that she has discussed this with
the County Attorney’s Office and has agreed to be the Title VI Coordinator. On a motion
by Howard, second by Furlong, the Board authorized the Chair to execute (1) a Title VI
Non-Discrimination Agreement between the Iowa Department of Transportation and
Muscatine County and (2) Standard DOT Assurances. Ayes: All.
The Board reviewed a variance granted by the Muscatine County Board of Adjustment
on October 19, 2012. Case #12-10-01 is an application filed by Matthew A. and Angela
B. Draves, Record Owners. This property is located in Bloomington Township, in the
NE1/4 of Sec. 5-T77N-R2W, Parcel B, at the corner of N. Mulberry Road and 155
Street, containing approximately 1.71 acres, and is zoned A-1 Agricultural District. This
request, if approved, would allow the Zoning Administrator to issue a Variance in order
for the Draves to build a detached outbuilding in front of their existing dwelling, but it
would be at least 50 feet back from the front lot line. The Board of Adjustment approved
this request. On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the Board approved a
Variance for Case #12-10-01 as approved by the Board of Adjustment. Ayes: All.
The Board reviewed a variance granted by the Muscatine County Board of Adjustment
on October 19, 2012. Case #12-10-02 is an application filed by John Robert Clark,
Record Owner. This property is located in Moscow Township, Henderson’s Addition,
South 60’ of Lots 10-12, Block 8, 1561 River Street, Moscow, Iowa, containing
approximately 0.21 acres, and is zoned R-2 Residential District. This request, if
approved, would allow the Zoning Administrator to issue a Variance in order for Mr.
Clark to build a 40’ x 48’ outbuilding on this residential property without having a
dwelling on it; and a Variance from the front and rear setbacks. Mr. Clark would like to
place the outbuilding six inches (6”) from the front lot line, instead of the required 35
feet, and 18 feet from the rear lot line, instead of the required 40 feet. The Board of
Adjustment approved this request with the stipulation that the outbuilding be in line with
the existing building on this lot. On a motion by Furlong, second by Watkins, the Board
approved a Variance for Case #12-10-02 as approved by the Board of Adjustment. Ayes:
Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
Monday, October 29, 2012
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The Board reviewed the following Special Use Permit approved by the Muscatine County
Board of Adjustment on October 19, 2012: Case #12-10-03 is an application filed by
William F. and Elizabeth J. Gerot, Record Owners. This property is located in Orono
Township, in the SE1/4 of Sec. 19-T76N-R4W, 2552 Hwy. 70, West of Hwy. 70, and is
zoned I-2 Heavy Industrial District, containing approximately 16.46 acres. This request,
if approved, would allow the Zoning Administrator to issue a Special Use Permit in order
for Mr. Gerot to be able to de-manufacture appliances at his junk yard, Bills Auto
Salvage. The Board of Adjustment approved this request.
Discussion was held with Community Services Director Mike Johannsen regarding
funding during the Mental Health transition period. On a motion by Watkins, second by
Sorensen, the Board authorized the Chair to execute an application to the Iowa
Department of Human Services for Mental Health Redesign Transition Funds in the
amount of $305,765.00. Ayes: All
On a motion by Watkins, second by Furlong, the Board approved Resolution #10-29-12-
01 Naming Depositories – Muscatine County Treasurer’s Office. Roll call vote: Ayes:
All. The following are the maximum allowable balances:
Central State Bank
Muscatine, IA
Community Bank
Muscatine, IA
$ 2,000,000
First National Bank
Muscatine, IA
$ 2,000,000
IPAIT Muscatine, IA $15,000,000
Midwest One Bank
West Liberty, IA
West Liberty State Bank
West Liberty, IA
On a motion by Howard, second by Sorensen, minutes of the Monday, October 22, 2012
regular meeting were approved as written. Ayes: All.
No correspondence was noted.
Committee Reports:
Kelly and Sorensen attended a Bi-State Regional Commission meeting October
Howard attended a Generations of the Aging Board meeting October 24
Howard attended a MAGIC Board special meeting on October 22nd.
Watkins attended a Riverbend Transportation meeting on October 24
Furlong attended a Muscatine County Fair Board meeting on October 23
Budget Coordinator Sherry Seright presented the following bids for snow removal for
County owned parking lots at the Courthouse, Administration Building, Community
Services, DHS, Washington Street and the Jail:
Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
Monday, October 29, 2012
Page 4
Kellor & Kellor Top to Bottom Riverbend
Totals per snowfall
1-5” per plowing
5”+ per plowing
Salt per application
Seright recommended the Board accept the low bid from Kellor & Kellor Landscaping.
On a motion by Furlong, second by Howard the Board accepted the snow removal bid
from Kellor & Kellor Landscaping. Ayes: All.
On a motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen the Board approved Resolution #10-29-12-
02 State of Iowa Designation of Applicant’s Authorized Representative. Roll call vote:
Ayes: All.
On a motion by Watkins, second by Furlong the Board authorized the Chair to execute
the July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013 agreement regarding the Muscatine County
Sheriff’s Office Correctional Unit between Muscatine County and Chauffeurs, Teamsters
& Helpers, Local Union #238. Ayes: All.
On a motion by Watkins, second by Furlong, the Board adopted the following 2013
Holiday Schedule for Muscatine County. Ayes: All.
New Year’s Day
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Memorial Day Monday, May 27, 2013
Independence Day Thursday, July 4, 2013
Labor Day Monday, September 2, 2013
Veterans’ Day Monday, November 11, 2013
Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 28, 2013
Day after Thanksgiving
Friday, November 29, 2013
Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Christmas Day Wednesday, December 25, 2013
In addition to the holidays enumerated above, staff is granted two unscheduled holidays
(personal days) to be used in 2013.
On a motion by Howard, second by Watkins, the Board accepted October, 2012 payroll
claims. Ayes: All.
Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
Monday, October 29, 2012
Page 5
The meeting was adjourned at 9:56 A.M.
______________________________ ___________________________
Betty L. Wamback, Kas Kelly, Chairperson
First Deputy Auditor Board of Supervisors