Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
Monday, August 27, 2012
The Muscatine County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 7:00 P.M. with
Furlong, Howard, Kelly, Watkins and Sorensen present. Chairperson Kelly presiding.
On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the agenda was approved as written. Ayes:
The Board reviewed the following bids for the Muscatine County Courthouse Judge’s
Chambers and Administration Office remodel project:
Oak Tree Hy-Brand Industrial North
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Budget Coordinator Sherry Seright explained the Options as follows: Option 1 – Skim
coat walls to make texture even; Option 2 – Move control to fan by light switch; Option 3
– Paint walls in Judge’s old office; Option 4 – Paint walls in Court Reporter’s old office;
and Option 5 – Paint walls in Courtroom. Kelly stated that the Courtroom was last
painted over 20 years ago. Seright recommended including all of the options. On a
motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen, the Board accepted a bid from Oak Tree Homes
for the Muscatine County Courthouse Judge’s Chambers and Administration Office
remodel project including Options 1-5 in the amount of $28,263.00. Ayes: All.
Discussion was held with Muscatine City Health and Housing Coordinator Ken Rogers
regarding health and safety issues at the Old Barn. Rogers stated that the City received
complaints about wedding receptions and assemblies being held at the Old Barn which
has raised concern about safety. Rogers stated maximum occupancy on the upper floor is
49 occupants. Furlong stated the lease does not allow for renting out the facility, but he
would consider amending the lease once the group has met City Code requirements.
Rogers stated that the City has no problem as long as City Building and Fire Codes are
met. Rogers stated that the City has a major issue with the fact that there is currently no
second egress from the upper level. Administrative Services Director Nancy Schreiber
stated that the County covers the property insurance on the Old Barn, the cost of which is
being reimbursed by the Friends of the Old Barn. Schreiber stated that the Friends of the
Old Barn carry liability insurance and the lease holds the County harmless on liability
issues, but that the County’s insurance company wants the Old Barn to be compliant with
all City Building Regulations. In response to a question about permits from Kelly, Rogers
stated that to his knowledge there has been electrical work done without a permit or
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inspection. Kelly stated that she went out this afternoon and it did not appear there were
footings for the ramp. Rogers stated there was no permit issued for the ramp. Furlong
stated that he commends the Friends of the Old Barn for what they have done, but there
probably needs to be changes to the lease to require approval by the County to insure they
are following proper regulations. Rogers stated that if the Old Barn is used for its original
purpose, the City will not require the restrooms and hard surface parking, etc.
County Attorney Alan Ostergren stated that Friends of the Old Barn has an insurance
policy which covers $1,000,000 per occurrence, but that could be surpassed quickly in
the case of an emergency. Ostergren stated the County needs to place it in writing that the
wiring has to be permitted and inspected and the second egress installed just to have
events limited to 49 occupants. Watkins stated that more liability insurance should also
be required. Ostergren will draft a letter to the Friends of the Old Barn for the Board.
Furlong stated that language also needs to be added to the lease to address Board
approval of building upgrades.
Friends of the Old Barn President David Metz stated that former Maintenance Supervisor
Troy Sievert came by regularly to keep up to date on what they were doing. Metz stated
that the wheelchair ramp does have footings and that all of the 1920’s wiring has been
removed and replaced by licensed electricians and brought up to City Code. Metz stated
they will add whatever liability insurance the Board requires. Metz stated that the second
egress from the upper level will be installed by October 1, 2012. Metz stated that they
have had some registered structural engineers volunteer to inspect and certify that the loft
will hold a floor load of more than 49 people.
Metz stated that all of the remodeling of the old cottage has been completed which is now
ADA compliant. Kelly asked why the remodeling at the cottage happened without talking
to the Board when the County owns the building. Metz stated that when he came
onboard, he thought they were doing what had been approved.
Metz stated that Friends of the Old Barn are not generating the interest in holding events
at the facility, but residents are coming to them asking to hold events. Metz stated their
mission is evolving because of what the public is asking for and invited the Board out to
tour the facility to see what they have accomplished. Howard stated that in the future they
need to keep the Board informed on a regular basis about what is going on. Howard
stated that the Board needs to have final approval over changes to the cottage. Watkins
stated that if they are going to run the facility as a business, then they need to charge an
appropriate amount because taxpayer dollars should not be competing with private
entities. Howard appreciates the work that Friends of the Old Barn has done. Sorensen
stated they need to call Planning and Zoning when they are beginning a project to make
sure they are following regulations.
Gary Sebbert, Friends of the Old Barn, stated that the problem is that it is a Lowden Barn,
which is the only one of that type in the World. Sebbert stated it was designed
specifically for Muscatine County. Sebbert stated the County has a jewel in this barn.
Sebbert stated Friends of Old Barn saved the barn, but that it is awfully hard to take a
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1920 barn and make it standard to the current laws. Budget Coordinator Sherry Seright
asked if the Board wants to be part of the decision on what egress option is chosen. Board
consensus was that they wanted it submitted for approval by the Board. Kelly
commended Jordan Elshoff who got his Eagle Scout Award for working on the
wheelchair ramp.
Rogers stated that what Friends of the Old Barn has accomplished with the Old Barn
exceeded what anyone else would have done, but in the end health and safety have to be
considered and without the inspections, they cannot assure that the work was done
properly. Rogers stated that Code requires hard surface parking and restrooms, even with
an occupancy limit of 49, but the City has looked away because of the historical nature of
the Old Barn. Kelly wrapped up the discussion by stating that for the benefit of safety the
Barn is closed for all events until the City’s issues are resolved.
On a motion by Furlong, second by Howard, the Board approved a preliminary plat of the
proposed four lot agricultural subdivision, Miller-Deahr Farm Subdivision, containing
approximately 46.74 acres in Bloomington Township. Ayes: All.
On a motion by Howard, second by Watkins, the Board approved Resolution #08-27-12-
01 Approval of Final Plat of Miller-Deahr Farm Subdivision. Roll call vote: Ayes: All.
On a motion by Howard, second by Watkins, minutes of the Monday, August 20, 2012
regular meeting were approved as written. Ayes: All.
Furlong, Howard, Sorensen and Kelly received several contacts regarding Special
Olympics funding.
Watkins received a call regarding a problem with the Treasurer’s Office.
Furlong received a call regarding a road concern.
Howard received calls regarding the Courthouse trees.
Howard received a call regarding hog confinement concerns.
Committee Reports:
Furlong attended a Muscatine County Fair Board meeting August 23
Howard attended a Conservation Board meeting August 20
Sorensen and Kelly attended a Bi-State Regional meeting August 22
Kelly attended a Mental Health Association meeting August 22
Furlong met with farmers on August 21
at a proposed hog confinement site in the
Nichols area regarding their hog confinement concerns.
On a motion by Furlong, second by Watkins, the Board accepted the August 2012 payroll
claims. Ayes: All.
On a motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen, the Board set a public hearing for Monday,
September 10, 2012 at 9:00 A.M. on proposed plans, specifications, form of contract and
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estimated cost for the Muscatine County Courthouse Landscape and Accessibility
Project. Ayes: All.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:01 P.M.
______________________________ _____________________________
Leslie A. Soule, County Auditor Kas Kelly, Chairperson
Board of Supervisors