Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
    Monday, August 6, 2012
    The Muscatine County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 A.M. with
    Furlong, Howard, Kelly, Sorensen and Watkins present. Chairperson Kelly presiding.
    On a motion by Furlong, second by Howard, the agenda was approved as written. Ayes:
    On a motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen, claims dated August 6, 2012 were
    approved in the amount of $501,555.37. Ayes: All.
    Discussion was held regarding a proposed hog confinement operation near Nichols, Iowa.
    Furlong stated that the Board realizes this is an emotional issue on both sides and asked
    that the public be respectful and professional toward the Board and each other. Steve
    Salemink, 1178 180
    Street, Nichols, Iowa stated that he lives and farms near the site
    where Bill Danner and Tom Lacina plan to build an 1,800 head hog confinement unit.
    Salemink stated that he had petitions signed by the residents of Nichols and the
    surrounding area who do not want this unit built. Salemink stated that access for the hog
    unit will be on Bay Circle which is a gravel road a mile and four tenths long. He also
    stated that there are six houses along this stretch of road and the increase in semi-truck
    traffic will make it more hazardous to use. Salemink stated that the citizens of Nichols
    are concerned about their water quality and if this is stopped now it might prevent
    something showing up in the future. Salemink requested that the Board consider re-
    evaluating land use in Muscatine County now and not wait for the future.
    At the request of the Board, Hank Priest read the statement from the Nichols petition.
    Lynn Pruitt, 606 Broadway, Nichols, Iowa discussed with the Board a meeting he
    attended at the DNR Office in Washington, Iowa on Thursday August 2
    . Pruitt told the
    Board that he was disturbed by the information from the DNR regarding the manure
    management plan and land application rates. Pruitt stated that the plan is kept on site at
    the hog confinement facility and it can be changed by them at any time. Pruitt stated that
    changes to the manure management plan are reported only annually to the DNR.
    Shaun Chaffee, 2362 152
    Street, Muscatine, Iowa read a letter to the Board in favor of
    hog confinement lots. Furlong stated that he took exception to some of the statements
    Chaffee made. Furlong stated that his concern is that the Board does not have authority
    on the location of confinement lots. Kelly stated that she visited Chaffee’s farm for two
    hours and she would live within a hundred feet of them. Kelly stated that the Chaffee’s
    have an operation that is phenomenal. Kelly stated that she would not have a confinement
    lot close to a municipality, but only because of perception. Watkins stated that
    technology has changed things and the federal government is working on ways to reduce
    the smell of hog manure through feed, additives and other things. Sorensen said that he
    had visited Chaffee’s neighbors and they had no complaints. Sorensen stated he had also
    visited a neighbor of Danner who had no complaints and who felt that Danner worked
    with him to minimize any impact on his property. Chaffee stated that we shouldn’t make
    laws on perceptions, only on facts.
    Mike Deahr discussed his operations near Muscatine, West Liberty and Atalissa with the
    Board. Deahr stated that none of the 1,400 acres that his family farms would be available
    to be built on for their farming enterprises with a three mile limit. Deahr stated that you

    Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
    Monday, August 6, 2012
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    would have to be a blatant idiot to screw with the DNR. Deahr stated he provides health
    care and a retirement plan for ten people and he is not out there doing bad things so
    please don’t legislate him out of existence.
    David Scott, Muscatine, Iowa addressed the Board regarding Manure Management Plans.
    Scott stated he would not put on exorbitant amounts of manure since it is a valuable
    commodity. Scott stated that he works with Tri-Oak Corporation and that they are very
    conscientious about what they do. Scott stated that everything is tested every year and
    nitrogen is the limiting factor.
    Hank Priest, Bancroft Avenue, Nichols, Iowa stated they are not attacking the facility;
    they just do not want it around Nichols. Priest stated that the people of Nichols have
    spoken and they would like their concerns addressed. Kelly stated that the Board does
    not have any power in this issue. Lynn stated that they only have 30 days from when the
    plan is filed until the construction permit is issued to review the Manure Management
    Plan. Sorensen stated that the Department of Natural Resources does wield a lot of power
    so he is not alarmed that the Manure Management Plan is not audited that frequently.
    Tim Maxwell, 1440 North Isett Avenue, stated that the DNR holds him to strict
    regulations and they do have to pay penalties if the regulations are not followed. Watkins
    stated that if you are going to get young people involved in agricultural it must be a
    livestock operation and the future of agricultural is the young people. Dale Dropek,
    Nichols, Iowa asked the Board how many confinement lots are in Muscatine County.
    Pruitt stated that there are 53 according to the DNR. Dropek asked if there is any
    limitation on confinement lots and what is the saturation in Muscatine County. Watkins
    stated that you have to have an area to spread the manure so that would be the limiting
    Jack Salemink, 1174 Bay Circle, Nichols, Iowa, stated that he lives within a quarter of a
    mile from where this is proposed on Bay Circle. Salemink stated that he thinks his
    property is already devaluated and he asked the Board to pass a resolution that they are
    not in favor of this. Salemink also requests that the Board help the town set up some
    zones. Kelly stated that the City of Nichols has to address fringe issues. Furlong stated
    that the City and County could set up a 28-E Agreement about the zones over the two
    mile limit. Howard stated that the County needs to work with the Cities to see that we
    have ordinances that make sense. Furlong stated that he is extremely frustrated as a
    Supervisor that the Board does not have any say on the livestock confinements. Phyllis
    Hazen, Nichols, Iowa stated that she lives a ½ mile from a confinement and she can
    hardly ever have her windows open because of the smell. Kelly thanked everyone for
    coming in and stated that the Board does not have the power to do anything on this
    Discussion was held with Chairperson Kas Kelly regarding possible action authorizing the
    Chair to execute a letter to the IDNR regarding hog confinement operations in Muscatine
    County. The action died for lack of motion.
    Discussion was held with Zoning Administrator Jodee Stepleton regarding a request to fill
    a vacant PT Building Inspector position. On a motion by Furlong, second by Watkins,
    Stepleton was authorized to fill the position. Ayes: All

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    Discussion was held with Vic Amoroso, A & J Associates, regarding possible action
    authorizing the Chair to execute a contract with Hometown Plumbing for the Old Jail
    Geothermal HVAC Project, Phase 1. On a motion by Sorensen, second by Watkins, the
    Board authorized the Chair to execute a contract with Hometown Plumbing for the Old
    Jail Geothermal HVAC Project, Phase 1. Ayes: All.
    Discussion was held with Vic Amoroso, A & J Associates, regarding possible
    decision/direction for proceeding with the Architectural (Accessibility/Health-Life
    Safety) and mechanical repairs/updates in the Muscatine County Administration
    Building. Amoroso stated the geothermal study for the Administration building should be
    done by October. After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that they
    would request a proposal for HVAC design and upgrade from A & J Associates only.
    Budget Coordinator Sherry Seright was directed to schedule a meeting with the engineer
    from Shive-Hattery to further discuss the accessibility/health-life safety issues.
    Steve Nowak, MMS Consultants, Inc. reviewed the preliminary plans for the Courthouse
    Sidewalk Replacement/Landscape Project. Nowak stated there were three key things to
    consider, make sure the County was ADA compliant; repair damage to sidewalks, steps
    and sides; and, establish appropriate plantings and amenities with respect to the historical
    context of the site. After discussion the Board directed Nowak to include in their revised
    base price Globe Lights, Tree Removal, PCC Thickness Upgrade and, with their
    approval, Tree Planting. Nowak suggested that he return next week with Jeff Kraemer,
    lighting consultant, to discuss the site lighting in more detail. The Board discussed
    reviewing the plan with the Historical Society and exploring the possibility of interested
    parties/organizations helping to fund some of the proposed historical features.
    On a motion by Howard, second by Furlong the minutes of the Monday, July 30, 2012
    regular meeting were approved as written. Ayes: All.
    Furlong, Howard, Kelly, Watkins and Sorensen received correspondence regarding
    confinement operations.
    Howard and Furlong received contact about maintenance and repair of the
    Administration Building.
    Committee Reports:
    Kelly attended a Health Association meeting August 1st.
    Sorensen attended a Safety Committee meeting August 1
    Kelly attended a Mental Health meeting August 3rd.
    Kelly stated that it was discussed at the Mental Health meeting that all of the Supervisors
    of Jackson, Clinton, Cedar, Scott and Muscatine Counties have a mass meeting to pass a
    mental health resolution to send to the State. Kelly stated that each Board was to approve
    the resolution prior to the mass meeting. Kelly stated that the mass meeting is tentatively
    scheduled for September 10
    Discussion was held with Administrative Services Director Nancy Schreiber and Budget
    Coordinator Sherry Seright regarding a revised class specification for a Maintenance
    Supervisor position. Schreiber recommended this be done on a trial basis. Schreiber
    stated that the Administration staff would continue to handle the higher functions for

    Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
    Monday, August 6, 2012
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    General Services while one of the two existing maintenance workers was promoted.
    Schreiber stated doing this on a trial basis would give the Administration Office the
    opportunity to assess how well these changes will work. Schreiber stated that in
    conjunction with this change she requests approval to hire an additional full time
    maintenance worker. Seright stated that she also feels this is necessary and that there is a
    lot of work and projects that General Services currently cannot get done. On a motion by
    Furlong, second by Howard the Board approved the revised class specification for a
    Maintenance Supervisor. Ayes: All.
    The Board consensus was that Schreiber should hire a full time maintenance worker
    through Temp Services at this time. The Board directed Schreiber to return to the Board
    for further discussion/direction on this issue in a few months.
    On a motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen, the Board accepted the July, 2012 payroll
    claims. Ayes: All
    Administrative Services Director Nancy Schreiber informed the Board that the County
    needs to appoint two people to the Mercer Muscatine Revolving Loan Fund
    Administration Board.
    The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 P.M.
    Leslie A. Soule, County Auditor
    Kas Kelly, Chairperson
    Board of Supervisors

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