Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
    Monday, April 16, 2012
    The Muscatine County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 A.M. with
    Furlong, Howard, Kelly, Watkins and Sorensen present. Chairperson Kelly presiding.
    On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the agenda was approved as written. Ayes:
    On a motion by Watkins, second by Howard, claims dated April 16, 2012 were approved
    in the amount of $2,036,783.33. Ayes: All.
    Discussion was held with Conservation Director Curt Weiss on a request from the
    Muscatine County Conservation Board to construct a new maintenance facility outside
    the fenced area currently designated as Discovery Park. Weiss stated he has two possible
    locations, both of which are outside of Discovery Park. Weiss stated that the only
    location inside the Park would not be a desirable location as it would be right in front of
    the Old Barn. Weiss stated the current maintenance shed was formerly the County Home
    chicken coop and needs replaced. Weiss stated the proposed maintenance shed will be an
    unheated pole building that will provide a secure place for canoes and equipment storage.
    Watkins would like the options flagged so the Board can look at them. Howard stated that
    the numbers reported for usage of Discovery Park have been phenomenal. On a motion
    by Watkins, second by Sorensen, the Board authorized the construction of a new
    maintenance facility outside of Discovery Park with future Board consideration of the
    options on where to build the facility. Ayes: All.
    Weiss reviewed proposed trail expansions through the Muscatine Arboretum. Watkins
    pointed out that Discovery Park has a shelter to rent for $35 with seating for
    approximately 100 people.
    Maintenance Supervisor Troy Sievert reviewed a proposed geothermal loop site plan for
    the DHS Building geothermal project. Sievert stated the plan proposes horizontal boring
    with three layers at 15 feet, 30 feet and 45 feet deep. Sievert stated there would be no
    disturbance from above ground and no trees would be killed. Sievert stated the proposed
    site for the geothermal loop would be north of the DHS building. On a motion by
    Watkins, second by Howard, the Board approved a geothermal loop site plan for the DHS
    Building geothermal project. Ayes: All.
    On a motion by Furlong, second by Howard, the Board accepted a quote from A-One
    Geothermal, Inc. for conductivity testing for the DHS Building geothermal project in the
    amount of $8,300.00. Ayes: All.
    The Board reviewed the final Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction Cost for
    repairs to the Muscatine County Administration Building Condition Study and Area
    Calculations and Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Costs for a new Muscatine County
    Administration Building from Shive-Hattery, Inc. Sievert stated there are differences in

    Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
    Monday, April 16, 2012
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    opinion for costs of a new building. Sievert estimated cost at $155 per square foot and
    Shive-Hattery is proposing $208 per square foot which Sievert feels is high. Sorensen
    stated he has issues with taking 6,000 square feet off the building when there are storage
    retention issues. Furlong stated that in his opinion it would probably be around
    $4,000,000 for a new building. Watkins stated he thinks they need to fix the current
    building as they will get at least 50 more years out of the building. Sorensen stated the
    logical thing to do is repair this building. Sorensen stated there is about $750,000 that has
    to be done structurally to the building and the HVAC can be dealt with long term.
    Furlong stated he would like to go to a vote of the people rather than just put the
    $2,000,000 into this building. Furlong stated that even though they can do the project
    without a referendum, he would rather put it before the people. Furlong stated he agrees
    they have to go ahead and fix the walls regardless of whether they go with one of the
    other options. Sorensen stated they have to at least fix the walls because it would take a
    couple of years to build a new building and to sell this building. Howard stated he has
    not heard a single person mention taking it to a vote of the people as all he hears from
    voters is to get it done and get it done right. Watkins questions the feasibility of going to
    a bond issue for a new building. Kelly stated she is hearing that everyone agrees that the
    walls need to be repaired regardless of what the Board decides to do with the building
    with an approximate cost of $336,563 without roof replacement and $505,856 with the
    roof replacement. Howard stated he would be surprised if the Board would want to go
    with a new building after repairing this building. Furlong stated he will support this even
    though long term he thinks the Board should move forward with a new building because
    it would make this building sellable. Howard stated he is voting against this because of
    the firm who will be providing the architectural and engineering services. On a motion by
    Sorensen, second by Watkins, the Chair was authorized to execute a professional services
    agreement with Shive-Hattery, Inc. for the Muscatine County Administration Building
    Structural and Exterior Repairs Project in the amount of $27,300 for architectural and
    engineering services, $11,500 for the roofing replacement alternate plus $1,600 for
    reimbursable expenses subject to review by the County Attorney. Ayes: Furlong, Kelly,
    Watkins and Sorensen. Nay: Howard.
    Sievert stated that contractors have begun working on placement of a door in the first
    floor Clerk of Court storage room. Furlong reported that he inspected the Courthouse
    sidewalks stating that some of the sidewalks and three of the retaining walls are in fairly
    good condition. Sievert stated that the Historic Preservation Society suggests looking at
    the area as a whole to determine if the sidewalks make the building historical. Sievert
    stated he is researching when sidewalks were installed. Howard stated he thinks the
    sidewalks probably contribute to the historical nature of the Courthouse. The Board will
    look at the sidewalks at their next meeting.
    Jerry Lange, 3486 Big Sky Drive, stated he thought the Board was just going to look at
    the temporary structural repairs for the Administration Building, but that it appears they
    are moving forward with the entire building envelope. Lange stated he feels there are
    still parking issues if the offices stay in this building and asked why the Board is not
    considering an existing commercial building that has lots of parking. Kelly stated that in
    her opinion the offices need close proximity to the Courthouse. Lange stated it appears

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    that the Board will be spending $4,000,000 for this building when repairs are completed.
    Watkins stated that the Board did previously look at other commercial buildings.
    Sorensen stated he has not made his mind up yet as where to go long term as he feels the
    County has too many facilities and poor parking at most of them, but this buys the
    County time to look at total space and determine long term what they want to do. Howard
    stated he is always looking at trying to keep those public offices that should be near the
    Courthouse here on this campus and if at all possible minimize the expense and give the
    residents what they need in the most cost effective way. Watkins stated that what they are
    doing on this building is a permanent fix that allows this building to stand for as long as it
    is maintained in the future. Lange stated the buildings he has thought about are one story
    and HVAC would not be all that difficult and he hopes the Board will still consider the
    option of a current commercial building in the long term.
    On a motion by Furlong, second by Howard, the Board approved an agreement with the
    Iowa DOT, Agreement #2012-C-188, for placing side fillets on Muscatine side roads
    along Iowa Highway 70 between Iowa Highway 22 and West Liberty at an estimated cost
    of $86,830. Ayes: All.
    On a motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen, the Board approved the following utility
    permits: Eastern Iowa Light and Power - replace poles and conductor in county right of
    way on 100
    Street West of IA HWY 38 and on 160
    Street North of Nichols, East of
    Davis Avenue to ½ mile West of Bancroft Avenue. Ayes: All.
    County Engineer Keith White updated the Board on the latest status of the issue with the
    Taylor Avenue project’s cement plant. White reported that there was a meeting between
    the City of Wilton and the contractor to discuss usage of the City road for hauling
    cement. White stated he chose to attend late because he did not want to be an impediment
    to the discussion. White stated the meeting was almost over when he arrived and the
    contractor walked out of the meeting after the City of Wilton told him they were going to
    embargo their road. White stated he also left at that time because the meeting was over.
    White stated that if allowed to use Story Avenue, he is concerned it would be destroyed
    to the point that the paving operation could not continue and he has safety concerns with
    the homes around the curves on Story Avenue. White stated he is waiting to hear from
    the contractor. Watkins also expressed safety concerns using Story Avenue. Watkins
    stated that he notified the Wilton City Administrator on March 19
    and was told they
    already knew they could not use Story Avenue. Watkins stated that the contractor had
    not yet installed their cement plant at that point, so the City of Wilton knew prior to the
    contractor setting up the site that Story Avenue was not an option and they should have
    prevented the contractor from setting up the cement plant.
    On a motion by Howard, second by Sorensen, minutes of the Monday, April 9, 2012
    regular meeting were approved as written. Ayes: All.
    Watkins reported a call from a resident concerned about truck traffic on Story
    Avenue due to small children present.

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    Monday, April 16, 2012
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    Watkins reported a call about the Taylor Avenue Project.
    Kelly reported a call from Bill Hopkins regarding a Fairport drainage issue.
    All board members received an email about the Wilton Chamber of Commerce
    Howard reported several phone calls and emails regarding the Administration
    Building Project.
    Committee Reports:
    Watkins and Howard attended a MAGIC meeting April 9
    Kelly attended a Seventh Judicial meeting April 13
    Howard attended a Muscatine Search and Rescue meeting April 11
    Watkins attended a Wilton City Council meeting on April 9
    Administrative Services Director Nancy Schreiber asked board members for agenda
    items for the joint meeting with the City of Muscatine scheduled for April 19
    at 5:15
    P.M. Watkins asked Schreiber to research whether the Veterans Plaza Authority (VPA)
    could be disbanded now that the Jail Bonds are paid off.
    The meeting was adjourned at 10:33 A.M.
    Leslie A. Soule, County Auditor
    Kas Kelly, Chairperson
    Board of Supervisors

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