Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
Thursday, April 19, 2012 – Joint meeting with Muscatine City Council.
The Muscatine County Board of Supervisors met in joint session with the Muscatine City
Council at 5:15 P.M. with Furlong, Howard, Kelly, Watkins and Sorensen present for the
County. Mayor Hopkins, LeRette, Spread, Fitzgerald, Natvig, Bynum and Phillips were
present for the City of Muscatine. Shihadeh was absent. City Administrator Gregg
Mandsager, Muscatine County Administrative Services Director Nancy Schreiber, and
Muscatine County Auditor Leslie Soule were also present.
Public Works Director Randy Hill provided an update on trails. Hill stated that the
Musser Park/Wiggens Road Trail will ultimately connect Scott County to Louisa County
through Muscatine County at an estimated cost of $1,000,000 of which they have raised
$400,000 to date. Hill stated that at some point they will be making an application to the
State Recreational Trail Fund for a grant and will come back to the Board of Supervisors
asking for their support of the trail at that time. Hill stated they are hoping to construct
the trail in 2013. Supervisor Howard asked if funds could disappear soon. Hill stated that
is why they are trying to lock in the route with DOT in order to secure the funds, but he is
confident that the money is set aside for this project.
Solid Waste Manager Laura Liegois provided an update on the County landfill. Liegois
stated that two years ago they had issues with lack of tonnage causing a lack of revenue
and a two million dollar deficit, but a lot of discussions have taken place and a committee
was formed in 2010 to address those issues. Liegois stated that they budgeted 35,000 tons
for this fiscal year and currently have 26,000 tons. Liegois stated that the committee has
acquired several commercial accounts are reducing the deficit approximately $400,000
per year. Liegois stated that a landfill study is being conducted this May to determine the
life of the landfill. Liegois stated that the Iowa DNR and EPA have changed regulations
causing water quality issues with a couple of their wells not meeting standards, but no
landfill in Iowa is able to meet the new standards. Supervisor Furlong stated Liegois has
done a really good job working with the DNR and the changing regulations.
Councilmember Natvig stated that Liegois responded quickly to erosion issues.
Discussion was held on possible changes to the 28E Agreement concerning MUSCOM.
Supervisor Furlong stated that things are going very well with MUSCOM and Lorrie
Lacina has done a good job as manager. Supervisor Furlong stated that the 45% City
portion was eliminated with MUSCOM now funded countywide through a levy issued by
the Board of Supervisors and the City provides space and utilities. Supervisor Furlong
stated he feels there is no longer a need for the MUSCOM Board as it is redundant since
the Board of Supervisors ultimately approves the MUSCOM budget. Supervisor Watkins
stated he does not want to eliminate the MUSCOM Directing Board. Supervisor Furlong
stated he would like the MUSCOM Directing Board to meet quarterly, keep minutes of
the meeting and perform the annual personnel evaluation of MUSCOM Manager Lorrie
Lacina. Chief of Police Brett Talkington stated he does not see a need for quarterly
meetings as they already meet with Lacina anytime they have a personnel issue which
would not be a public meeting anyway. Supervisor Furlong stated he would like more
Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
Thursday, April 19, 2012 – Joint meeting with Muscatine City Council
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formal meetings. Councilmember Fitzgerald stated that if they eliminate the joint
commission then the operation is no longer a joint operation and they have received
funding because they are considered a joint operation. Councilmember Fitzgerald does
not see any reason for the MUSCOM Directing Board to meet quarterly. Councilmember
Fitzgerald stated that the Board of Supervisors does not have the authority to change the
budget. Supervisor Furlong disagreed stating that the 28E says the budget shall be
approved by the board of supervisors. Supervisor Watkins stated that he attends the
meetings and what is discussed and approved could just as easily be approved by the
Board of Supervisors. Councilmember Spread asked if eliminating the commission meets
State Code. Supervisor Furlong stated the Board of Supervisors would become the
governing body. Supervisor Furlong stated is was not aware of funding received because
of MUSCOM being a joint facility. Councilmember Natvig asked if involvement by the
Chief of Police is enough for MUSCOM to be considered a joint operation. Supervisor
Furlong stated he just wants everyone to think about the setup, how it operates and are we
being redundant by having a MUSCOM Board. City Administrator Gregg Mandsager
stated that this setup has prevented some issues so maybe the relationship should be
continued to avoid those issues. Supervisor Kelly stated she does not think that anyone on
either side is looking for control and that they only want to make it a successful joint
venture that works for the County as a whole and she feels it is always good to have these
discussions. MUSCOM Manager Lorrie Lacina stated that she would be willing to ask
managers from other counties the makeup of their agencies and how they are funded and
report that information back to the Board of Supervisors and the City Council.
Councilmember LeRette stated that because it has appeared to work, he would like to
have a risk analysis done before any changes are made. Supervisor Howard stated he is
not in favor of making any changes because he feels it is set up to prevent any issues
between the City and County.
Discussion was held regarding areas of opportunity for collaborative efforts. Supervisor
Howard stated that he would like to see the County and City work together on a regular
basis to develop regulations that make sense so that when annexation opportunities arise
in the future, the County residents do not end up on the short end of the stick. Supervisor
Howard stated that he would hope that the Planning and Zoning Commissions could lay
the ground work for the future so that they could minimize the downside for either party.
City Administrator Gregg Mandsager stated that the timing is great as they are currently
working on updating the City comprehensive plan. Supervisor Howard stated that they
need ordinances that work together and blend rather than be at odds so that future
annexation possibilities benefit the County residents as well as the City. Supervisor
Watkins stated it would be nice if they would work with the County on the
comprehensive plan within the two mile limit so that the City and County are in
agreement how areas are developed. City Planner Andrew Fangman stated the plan has
always been to reach out to the County when they get to that point. Supervisor Watkins
stated that what he heard from residents was that the City told them how to develop their
streets, but now the City is not going to accept them. Councilmember Fitzgerald stated
that since the two mile limit and specifications were adopted, streets have been installed
according to specifications. City Administrator Gregg Mandsager stated that all the City
Council was doing was looking at scenarios and that no proposals for annexation were
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Thursday, April 19, 2012 – Joint meeting with Muscatine City Council
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put forward for any area. Community Development Director Steve Boka stated that prior
to the two mile limit, the County did not have any regulations for the streets. Watkins
stated that if the City should have annexed prior to the houses being built they would not
have had these issues. Supervisor Sorensen stated that the 911 center was a good
collaboration and he looks at it that the City of Muscatine can help the residents by
working better together with the County and other communities. Boka stated he sees the
City and County moving closer together, not farther apart, and they will try to engage as
many people as they can when they get to that point in the process of updating their
comprehensive plan. Supervisor Watkins anticipates that the County will probably start
updating their comprehensive plan in another year.
Supervisor Furlong asked if some of staff could be shared between the County and City.
Community Development Director Steve Boka stated they have had some discussions in
the past and it just has not worked out yet, but they should continue to discuss it as
opportunities arise. Public Works Director Randy Hill stated that County Engineer Keith
White has been a lot of help to the City with roads in the two mile area surrounding the
Community Development Director Steve Boka stated that the current City Health
Inspector is retiring the first week of May and another individual is in training to become
a Health Inspector and the State would like them to extend health inspections to the
County. Supervisor Watkins stated the County Board of Health would appreciate the
help. Zoning Administrator Jodee Stepleton stated that the County currently has a 28E
with Johnson County to do all of their inspections which expires in 2013 so that might be
another option to transfer that over to the City of Muscatine at that time.
Councilmember LeRette stated that the Convention and Visitors Bureau is recommending
a proposal to have a full-time position overseen by a Board of Directors made up of
major stakeholders and funded by an allocation by the City of 25% of the Hotel/Motel
Tax. Bill Phelan, Greater Muscatine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, asked if
County would consider some additional funding for the Convention and Visitors Bureau
if this proposal is approved. Supervisor Howard stated he wants to see a revised mission
developed before making that decision. Supervisor Watkins stated it would be hard for
him to justify taxpayer dollars paying for Convention and Visitors Bureau as he feels the
people visiting the community should pay for that through the hotel/motel tax.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:21 P.M.
Leslie A. Soule, County Auditor
Kas Kelly, Chairperson
Board of Supervisors
Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
Thursday, April 19, 2012 – Joint meeting with Muscatine City Council
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Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
Monday, April 23, 2012
The Muscatine County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 7:00 P.M. with
Furlong, Howard, Kelly, Watkins and Sorensen present. Chairperson Kelly presiding.
On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the agenda was approved as amended.
Ayes: All.
On a motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen, the Board authorized the County Recorder
to fill a part-time Recorder’s Clerk position effective May 21, 2012. Ayes: All.
The Board toured the sidewalks on the Courthouse lawn at 7:05 A.M. and returned to the
meeting at 7:25 P.M. Furlong stated he feels the Board should hire a landscape specialist
to design the sidewalks. Kelly stated that the front retaining wall needs work and the
sidewalks have a lot of breakage and heaving. Maintenance Supervisor Troy Sievert
stated that to his knowledge no other heavy equipment will be on the sidewalks. Board
consensus was for the Maintenance Supervisor to draft a Request for Proposal (RFP) for
Landscape Design Services on the Courthouse Sidewalk Replacement Project.
Discussion was held regarding possible geothermal loop field sites for the Jail HVAC
project. Vic Amoroso, A&J Associates, presented potential sites for the geothermal loop
field stating that Sites 2 and 3 do not have enough capacity. Amoroso stated that Site 1
under the parking lot on the corner of 5
Street and Walnut is estimated to cost
$463,100.00 and Site 4 on the corner of Mulberry and 4
Street is estimated to cost
$398,020.00. Amoroso stated that the vertical boring may hinder the County’s ability to
build on the field, but not necessarily. Watkins stated he does not have a problem with
Site 4, but expressed concern about possible problems boring due to previous buildings
on those sites. Howard asked if the field would need the entire space. Amoroso stated
that it might not. Watkins suggested conductivity testing on Site 4. The Board directed
Amoroso to proceed with exploratory boring on Site 4.
Maintenance Supervisor Troy Sievert reviewed the proposed timeline from Shive-
Hattery, Inc. for the Muscatine County Administration Building Masonry Repairs
Project. Sievert stated he feels seven months is a long time for this project and masonry
work in September/October hinders the contractor. Furlong stated it would be good if
they could move bidding up a month. Sorensen agreed. County Auditor Leslie Soule
asked how the Auditor’s Office would be affected since this will be happening during a
major Presidential Election. Sievert stated that only about 3-4 feet along the wall will be
affected and voters will still have access from the elevator to the Auditor’s counter.
Watkins questioned what type of windows would be put in. Kelly stated that she would
like more windows installed in the offices. Furlong said that would need to be discussed
with the Engineer and would increase the cost of the project. The Board directed Sievert
to request Shive-Hattery to revise their timeline to shorten the end date by 2 weeks to 1
month, if possible. Sievert will place a revised timeline response from Shive-Hattery on a
future agenda.
Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
Monday, April 23, 2012
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Maintenance Supervisor Troy Sievert presented proposals for monitoring and inspection
agreements for fire alarm detection systems at the Muscatine County Administration
Building, Community Services Building, County Attorney’s Office and DHS Building as
Simplex Grinnell
Per Mar
Fire Alarm Test & Inspect
Monitoring (24/7)
Community Services
Fire Alarm Test & Inspect
Monitoring (24/7)
Fire Alarm Test & Inspect
Monitoring (24/7) Included
Total Annual Cost $2,395.00 $3,324.00
Sievert stated that Simplex charges $400 for a service call whereas Per Mar does not
charge for the service call, but only charges $75 per hour in 15 minute increments.
Sievert stated he does not like the way Simplex charges over $400 for a five minute
service call. Howard stated in his experience Per Mar is more reasonable. Sorensen asked
how often Simplex has made service calls. Sievert will look into the frequency of service
calls and return with that information next week.
Kelly reported that she had been contacted by Judge Strausser regarding the timeline for
remodeling his office, and stated that the Board had delayed that project until record
storage issues were resolved. She reminded the Board that Sievert had been tasked with
finding companies that could assist with that issue. Sievert stated he has contacted a few
companies about County’s storage needs, but that the Clerk of Court will not talk to
anyone because he has nothing in his budget for record retention. Kelly stated they need
to consolidate their records in the Courthouse. Sorensen suggested the Board send a
letter to the Clerk of Court directing him to remedy their dangerous record storage
situation within 15 days. Sievert stated he received an email from Judge Strausser about
excess funds he has to purchase furniture for his office. Furlong stated that maybe they
should have a professional talk with the Judge and Clerk of Court about record storage.
Sorensen stated they need to move the records and get them stored safely. Board
consensus was for Sievert to make a call letting the Clerk of Court know the door has
been installed in the lower room, so they need to get the stacked file cabinets moved as it
is a safety issue. Administrative Services Director Nancy Schreiber will invite the Judge
and Clerk of Court to next week’s meeting to talk about storage and a remodeling
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Monday, April 23, 2012
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Zoning Administrator Jodee Stepleton reviewed her response to the Monitoring Visit
Report for Contract #08-DRHB-210. Stepleton stated that she has addressed all of the
issues except for the overage which will be remedied with the final pay request. Stepleton
informed the Board that everything is complete but the paperwork.
On a motion by Howard, second by Sorensen, the Chair was authorized to execute a
Memorandum of Understanding between Muscatine County and the City of Muscatine
for the FFY 2012 Justice Assistance Grant Direct Award in the amount of $17,109.00 of
which the State mandates that $3,421.80 be awarded to the Drug Task Force with the
remaining balance split equally between the County and City of Muscatine. Ayes: All.
On a motion by Furlong, second by Watkins, the Board approved class specifications and
grade placements for a Victim-Witness Coordinator position and a Fine Collection
Coordinator position and authorized the County Attorney to fill the two full-time
positions effective July 1, 2012. Ayes: All.
On a motion by Watkins, second by Howard, minutes of the Monday, April 16, 2012
regular meeting were approved as written. Ayes: All.
The Board received a Notice of Intent from the DNR to issue a construction
permit for the proposed Kundel hog confinement facility.
The Board received notice that the City of Muscatine had completed three
Sorensen received a call regarding a zoning issue.
Sorensen received some calls regarding the Taylor Avenue paving project.
Kelly received a call regarding an issue with a Courthouse Project.
Howard received a call regarding the staff reduction issue.
Furlong received a call regarding a road maintenance issue in Montpelier.
Committee Reports:
Kelly attended a Greater Muscatine Chamber of Commerce meeting April 18
Watkins attended a River Bend Transit meeting April 18
Howard attended a Conservation Board meeting April 16
Furlong attended a West Liberty Economic Area Development meeting April 19
Furlong attended a Muscatine County Fair Board meeting April 19
Sorensen attended a Wilton Development Corporation meeting April 18
Watkins stated that he and the County Engineer met with the Wilton City Council on
April 23
regarding the Taylor Avenue Project.
Conservation Director Curt Weiss stated he has marked out two possible sites for a
maintenance building. Weiss stated he prefers the site east of the Old Barn because it
would be easier to construct on the flat surface. Weiss stated that the other site has a hill
to deal with and not as much room to turn trailers around without removing trees. Weiss
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Monday, April 23, 2012
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stated he would be happy to meet with any Board members who want to see the sites. The
Board will place site decision for this project on next week’s agenda.
Discussion was held regarding properties acquired through flood buyout programs.
Administrative Services Director Nancy Schreiber stated that the Conservation Board has
agreed to do basic maintenance on the seven properties on Edgewater, the DNR is
interested in pursuing ownership of the property on 170
Street and the Conservation
Board is interested in assuming responsibility for the property on 180
Street. Schreiber
asked the Board for direction on whether they want to attempt to lease the two properties
on Pike Run and the Hinkeyville property. Schreiber stated that FEMA will have to
approve a lease. Board consensus was to move forward with developing a three-year
lease on the remaining parcels for FEMA approval.
On a motion by Howard, second by Sorensen, the Board approved Resolution #04-23-12-
01 Transferring $700,000 from the Rural Services Fund to the Secondary Roads Fund.
Roll call vote: Ayes: All.
On a motion by Watkins, second by Furlong, the Board scheduled a public hearing for
Monday, June 4, 2012 at 9:00 A.M. on proposed FY11/12 Muscatine County Budget
Amendments. Ayes: All.
On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the Board accepted April, 2012 payroll
claims. Ayes: All.
Furlong reported that Durrant Group shut down and ceased operations April 19
The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 P.M.
Leslie A. Soule, County Auditor
Kas Kelly, Chairperson
Board of Supervisors