Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
    Monday, March 5, 2012
    The Muscatine County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 A.M. with
    Furlong, Howard, Kelly, Watkins and Sorensen present. Chairperson Kelly presiding.
    On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the agenda was approved as written. Ayes:
    On a motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen, claims dated March 5, 2012 were
    approved in the amount of $228,365.19. Ayes: All.
    A Public Hearing was called to order by Chairperson Kelly at 9:04 A.M. on a
    construction permit application for a confinement feeding operation from David Kundel
    LLC. No one spoke against the proposed confinement feeding operation. Steve Kundel,
    attorney for the applicant, stated that David Kundel is adding a new building to the
    operation and is working with DNR on their permit application and updating of their
    manure management plan. Howard noted that test scoring was very good. Jodee Stepleton
    stated that they exceeded the minimum by quite a bit and inject all of their manure into
    the soil. Stepleton stated that their manure capacity exceeds what they can produce in a
    year. On a motion by Watkins, second by Furlong, the public hearing was closed at 9:08
    A.M. Roll call vote: Ayes: All.
    On a motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen, the Board approved the Master Matrix as
    prepared by the Zoning Administrator and the Chairperson was authorized to execute a
    letter to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to recommend approval of a
    construction permit as submitted by David Kundel LLC. Ayes: All.
    Max Churchhill, Friends of the Old Barn, updated the Board on activities at the Old Barn.
    Churchhill stated that they started renovation of the cottage and a handicap accessible
    ramp is being installed by Eagle Scout Jordan Elshoff. Dave Metz, Friends of the Old
    Barn, stated they are developing display panels in the loft for a photographic display.
    Churchhill stated that the financial status of Friends of the Old Barn reflects a good
    working fund balance and they are in the process of making a CD of all the outstanding
    things in Muscatine County in order to promote the community. Furlong stated he
    appreciates everything they have done, but questioned the mowing agreement as he feels
    the lease agreement for the cottage was agreed upon in exchange for Friends of the Old
    Barn providing mowing services. Paul Carroll, Friends of the Old Barn, stated they will
    do the mowing if the work release program does not have the time and they appreciate
    the support the Board has given them.
    Discussion was held regarding a preventive maintenance agreement for a generator at the
    Jail with Sheriff Dave White. White presented the following proposals for a one year
    contract: Cummins Central Power - $1,576.65 and Altorfer - $1,532.00. White stated the
    generator is just out of warranty and since Cummins Central Power was the original
    supplier and their agreement included an extra trip, he would recommend accepting the

    Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
    Monday, March 5, 2012
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    Cummins Central Power proposal. On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the
    Board approved a generator maintenance contract with Cummins Central Power in the
    amount of $1,576.65 as recommended by Sheriff Dave White. Ayes: All.
    Discussion was held with Sheriff Dave White regarding raising the jail inmate fees.
    White stated that they are currently charging $25 per day with an average daily
    population of 240 inmates at a cost of approximately $62 per day. White stated that they
    pay Louisa County $40 per day to handle their overflow. White recommended raising the
    fees to at least $40 per day. White feels this would encourage more inmates to participate
    in the inmate weekend work program. On a motion by Watkins, second by Furlong, the
    Board approved raising the jail inmate fees to $40.00 per day effective April 1, 2012.
    Ayes: All.
    On a motion by Watkins, second by Howard, the Chairperson was authorized to sign
    Applications to the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy Council to be Certified to Carry
    Weapons for Reserve Officers Brian Flake and Kristina Wells. Ayes: All.
    Watkins asked about evacuation procedures of the Jail in an emergency. Sheriff Dave
    White stated he needs to have an outdoor evacuation area and at some point will need to
    fence in an area, but currently he would move the inmates to the public safety building in
    an emergency.
    Discussion was held regarding an amendment to the agreement with Shive-Hattery for
    the Muscatine County Building Condition Analysis project to include destructive testing
    on the Muscatine County Administration Building. Sorensen stated he has a lot of
    concerns with Shive-Hattery as their contractor price is high and they did not listen to the
    Board who asked them to use local contractors. Watkins stated he feels the wages are not
    justified for what we are asking them to do. Watkins stated maybe they should be hiring
    an engineer rather than an architect to do the destructive testing and analysis. Furlong
    stated he does not have a problem getting a second opinion. Sorensen stated he does not
    think they should be in too big of a hurry to get the project at a premium price. Howard
    stated he has asked questions of Shive-Hattery and their responses have been very vague.
    Howard stated they need to correct the problems in an efficient and cost effective way,
    but it is more important to get it done correctly. Kelly suggested not approving the
    amendment to the agreement and having Troy get local contractors in to do the
    destructive testing. Sorensen stated he is uneasy with Shive-Hattery at this point.
    Watkins stated they need a structural engineer to determine where to cut the holes and
    evaluate the data. Furlong stated he believes Shive-Hattery was probably somewhat
    evasive because they were worried about liability. Watkins stated he is not worried about
    going with someone new. Kelly stated Shive-Hattery does not take their signed contracts
    seriously. Maintenance Supervisor Troy Sievert stated he knows approximately where
    Shive-Hattery intended to cut the holes and he could contact contractors for proposals to
    perform the work. Furlong stated he thinks they need to keep moving to get this done.
    The Board directed Sievert to renegotiate the amendment to get more competitive bids by
    utilizing a local contractor to perform the work.

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    Monday, March 5, 2012
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    Kelly asked Maintenance Supervisor Troy Sievert who to contact if he is on vacation.
    Sievert stated that Scott Buser is the Lead Maintenance Worker and his backup.
    Discussion was held regarding a possible lease agreement for a postage machine for use
    by offices in the Administration Building. First Deputy Treasurer Amy Zybarth stated
    that the current postage machine is costing $269 per month. Zybarth presented bids for a
    63 month lease from Neopost at a cost of $11,422.83 or $182 per month and a 60 month
    lease from Pitney Bowes at a cost of $13,500 or $225 per month. Zybarth stated that the
    Auditor’s lease is up March 31, 2012 and County Auditor Leslie Soule is interested in
    using this new machine which would be a savings of $959.40 per year. Zybarth
    recommended accepting the bid from Neopost. On a motion by Watkins, second by
    Howard, the Board authorized the Chairperson to execute a 63 month lease agreement for
    a postage machine for use by offices in the Administration Building with Neopost in the
    amount of $11,422.83. Ayes: All.
    Discussion was held with department heads regarding the possible relocation of offices in
    the Muscatine County Administration Building. County Recorder Cindy Gray stated that
    the Recorder and Auditor need to be in close proximity to each other. County Assessor
    Dale McCrea stated that the Assessor and Auditor could temporarily be located near each
    other but in separate buildings, but only on a short term basis. Administrative Services
    Director Nancy Schreiber stated that Administration and the Auditor need to also be in
    close proximity to each other. County Auditor Leslie Soule stated she needs handicap
    accessibility and quite a bit of space because this is a major election year. Information
    Services Director Bill Riley stated new fiber might have to be pulled if he were moved
    back to the Old Sheriff’s House. Soule stated that the postage machine utilized by all of
    the offices could be an issue if they are not kept together and questioned whether she
    should proceed with cancelling her lease at this time. Watkins stated they may have to
    temporarily rent a postage machine and to move forward with the new postage machine
    and cancellation of the Auditor’s lease. Treasurer Jerry Coffman suggested temporarily
    relocating to the old Aldi building or the Muscatine Mall. The Board asked the
    department heads to get together to put concerns and needs in writing.
    On a motion by Howard, second by Sorensen, minutes of the Monday, February 27, 2012
    special meeting and Monday, February 27, 2012 regular meeting were approved as
    written. Ayes: All.
    Furlong received a call complimenting road maintenance in Seventy-Six
    and Cedar Townships.
    Furlong received a phone call regarding trash dumped on Funk’s Hill.
    Kelly received several calls on snow and ice.
    All Board members received an email on Old Sheriff’s House renovation from
    David Nowling of the County Historic Commission.

    Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
    Monday, March 5, 2012
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    Committee Reports:
    Kelly, Sorensen and Furlong attended the Conference Board meeting February
    Disaster Services Director Jeff Carter stated the County has five years to upgrade the
    Hazard Mitigation Plan of which they are in the second year, but it will take 9 months to
    start this project by which time he will be retired, so someone else needs to coordinate
    this project. Carter encouraged all Muscatine County residents to purchase weather radios
    and utilize computerized alerts over radios, cell phones, computers, etc. to keep apprised
    of severe weather.
    On a motion by Watkins, second by Howard, the Chairperson was authorized to execute a
    Quit Claim Deed for two donated grave spaces in Greenwood Cemetery for indigent
    residents of Muscatine County. Ayes: All.
    Discussion was held regarding a Voluntary Separation Agreement for three positions to
    be eliminated and one position to be reduced to part-time on or before June 30, 2012.
    County Attorney Alan Ostergren stated he needs to know what the Board intends for the
    person reduced to part-time. Furlong stated the Board originally discussed prorating the
    $10,000 and providing single insurance premiums for a year. County Recorder Cindy
    Gray stated the person from her office will probably have to leave because they cannot
    afford to work part-time with no benefits. Gray questioned the clause saying they cannot
    be rehired until January 1, 2013 and what if a County position opens up shortly after they
    are gone. Howard thinks when giving a severance package they have to have a period of
    time that they cannot return to employment with the County. Watkins does not have a
    problem with paying the person their full severance in the Recorder’s Office and then
    hiring a different person for the part-time position, but it could not be that same person.
    Ostergren stated that from the time the employee is told their position is being eliminated,
    there is a 21-day time frame that the County has to offer to give the employee time to
    seek counsel and also 7 days for the employee to revoke their decision should they
    choose. Ostergren stated his issue with the severance package is that the County will not
    be able to do anything if there are disciplinary issues with the employee after they have
    been notified that their position is being eliminated. Information Services Director Bill
    Riley stated the employee could be put on paid leave during the 21-day period to prevent
    disciplinary issues from arising. Watkins agreed that the elected official could decide to
    do that. Administrative Services Director Nancy Schreiber stated that for unemployment
    purposes the severance package would be calculated into weeks of pay and the employee
    would not be eligible for unemployment for that period of time. Schreiber stated she
    needs direction on whether the employee is going to get paid for 21 days or through June
    . Coffman stated he feels the employee should be paid through June 30
    even if they
    are let go sooner. Watkins stated he did not have a problem with that as they are all good
    employees. Ostergren stated that normally once you tell an employee their position is no
    longer needed, you do not keep them on the payroll for an arbitrary amount of time such
    as the end of a fiscal year. Watkins asked if department heads would be more comfortable
    with an earlier date. Coffman stated that he has told his staff they would announce it late
    in May or early June, but it looks like now it would be closer to May 15
    and he thinks

    Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
    Monday, March 5, 2012
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    they should then be paid through June 30
    . Ostergren stated the agreement could be
    given to all of the employees in each of the departments to satisfy the 21-day notice
    without them knowing for sure which staff members are going to actually be eliminated.
    County Auditor Leslie Soule stated that she is already witnessing that going clear out to
    June 30
    is killing morale because of not knowing who is going to be eliminated and
    giving this voluntary separation agreement to everyone will only make that worse. Soule
    thinks maybe we should just decide who it is and get it over with as the longer it goes, the
    more morale goes down. Budget Coordinator Sherry Seright stated that maybe
    departments should be allowed to do this sooner and payout the severance sooner. Gray
    stated that she wants to publicly say that the Board has gone about this in a backward
    way. Gray stated she feels she brought in the numbers to prove that her office is not
    overstaffed and her study is proving that, so the decision should be delayed for a year to
    give the offices a chance to prove what is really needed in their offices. Kelly thinks that
    if it is done earlier, then the timeline for possible rehire should be moved up. Howard
    and Sorensen disagreed. Board consensus was that if a department head wants to
    eliminate the position sooner, they can, but no later than June 30
    . The Board by
    consensus agreed that the employee should go on paid leave during the 21-day
    notification period and if they sign the agreement, they will be paid out the severance
    with the next payroll after the seven day revocation period. If the employee does not sign
    the agreement, then they will receive no severance.
    On a motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen, the Board approved a Voluntary
    Separation Agreement for positions to be eliminated on or before June 30, 2012 as
    revised. Ayes: All.
    The Board recessed at 11:16 A.M. and reconvened at 11:22 A.M.
    On a motion by Sorensen, second by Watkins, the Board went into non-public session at
    11:22 A.M. pursuant to Chapter 20.17(3), Code of Iowa, to discuss strategy in union
    negotiations. Roll call vote: Ayes: All. On a motion by Furlong, second by Watkins, the
    Board returned to open session at 11:26 A.M. Roll call vote: Ayes: All.
    The meeting was adjourned at 11:26 A.M.
    _______________________________ ____________________________
    Leslie A. Soule, County Auditor
    Kas Kelly, Chairperson
    Board of Supervisors

    Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
    Monday, March 5, 2012 – Special Session
    The Muscatine County Board of Supervisors met in special session at 7:00 P.M. with
    Furlong, Howard, Kelly, Watkins and Sorensen present. Chairperson Kelly presiding.
    On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the agenda was approved as written. Ayes:
    A Public Hearing was called to order by Chairperson Kelly at 7:01 P.M. on the proposed
    Fiscal Year 2012/13 Muscatine County Budget. No one spoke for or against the
    proposed Fiscal Year 2012/13 Muscatine County Budget. Budget Coordinator Sherry
    Seright stated the proposed budget reduces the General Basic levy back down to $3.50,
    leaves the General Supplemental levy at $2.62, reduces the MH-DD levy to $1.18,
    increases the Debt Service levy to $0.44 and reduces the Rural Services levy to $2.54
    resulting in an overall decrease in the Urban levy of 29 cents and a decrease in the Rural
    Services levy of 8 cents. Howard noted that the Board had already reduced the levies
    prior to the 6 cent reduction by the State of the MH-DD levy. On a motion by Furlong,
    second by Howard, the public hearing was closed at 7:08 P.M. Roll call vote: Ayes: All.
    On a motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen, the Board approved Resolution #03-05-12-
    01 Adopting the Fiscal Year 2012/13 County Budget. Roll call vote: Ayes: All.
    A Public Hearing was called to order by Chairperson Kelly at 7:09 P.M. on proposed
    Fiscal Year 2011/12 Muscatine County Budget Amendments. No one spoke for or
    against the proposed budget amendments. Budget Coordinator Sherry Seright reviewed
    the proposed amendments with the Board. On a motion by Howard, second by Furlong,
    the public hearing was closed at 7:15 P.M. Roll call vote: Ayes: All.
    On a motion by Watkins, second by Howard, the Board approved Resolution #03-05-12-
    02 Amending the Fiscal Year 2011/12 Muscatine County Budget. Roll call vote: Ayes:
    On a motion by Furlong, second by Howard, the Board approved Resolution #03-05-12-
    03 Fiscal Year 2011/12 Muscatine County Budget Appropriations. Roll call vote: Ayes:
    County Recorder Cindy Gray asked the Board to take reduction in staff off the table in
    her office. Gray stated she is concerned that if one of her employees changes their mind
    about accepting a part-time position, they will not be able to because after they sign the
    agreement, they cannot return until January 2013. Gray stated she is going to lose
    experience with the reduction. Gray stated that in her 30 years in the Recorder’s office
    she has been a good manager. Gray requested that the Board consider only reducing the
    position to 32 hours per week. Gray stated she is willing to do the work study if the
    Board would be willing to change their mind on reducing the position to part-time, but
    she has never received a definite yes. Gray stated that the time study she just completed

    Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
    Monday, March 5, 2012 – Special Session
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    was done at home because she did not have time to do it at work. Gray stated she has
    been asked to look at cutting passports, but feels it is a bad idea as it brings in more
    money than it costs. Howard stated he would like to clarify that he thinks Cindy has great
    work ethic. Howard stated the problem he sees is that they have no idea when they are
    going to have a heavy customer load and this will probably end up causing some delayed
    services due to traffic flow. Kelly stated she likes the idea of the 32 hours because it gives
    the employee insurance benefits and allows Cindy to get the study done because in her
    opinion the Board did this process backwards. Furlong stated he disagrees because it is
    driven by money and over the long term will realize cost savings to the County and
    provides for more efficient government. Watkins stated the County is going to see a
    squeeze on tax dollars in the future.
    On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the Board approved staffing level
    reductions of two full-time positions in the Treasurer’s Office, one full-time position in
    the Auditor’s Office and one full-time position in the Recorder’s Office effective on or
    before June 30, 2012. Ayes: Furlong, Howard, Watkins, and Sorensen. Nay: Kelly.
    On a motion by Furlong, second by Watkins, the Board approved a staffing level increase
    in the Recorder’s Office of one part-time position (maximum 25 hours per week)
    effective July 1, 2012. Ayes: Furlong, Howard, Watkins and Sorensen. Nay: Kelly.
    The meeting was adjourned at 7:33 P.M.
    ________________________________ _________________________________
    Leslie A. Soule, County Auditor
    Kas Kelly, Chairperson
    Board of Supervisors

    Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
    Monday, March 12, 2012
    The Muscatine County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 A.M. with
    Furlong, Watkins, Kelly and Sorensen present. Howard was absent. Chairperson Kelly
    On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the agenda was approved as written. Ayes:
    Diana Broderson, Muscatine County Cares, requested that her group be allowed to hang
    handprints in the Muscatine County Administration Building during April for Child
    Abuse Prevention Month. On a motion by Watkins, second by Furlong, the Board
    approved a request from Muscatine County Cares to hang handprints at the Muscatine
    County Administration Building for Child Abuse Prevention Month. Ayes: All.
    On a motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen, the Board approved Resolution #03-12-12-
    01 Approving Execution and Delivery of a Release of Bond Indenture Guaranty
    Agreement and Tax Agreement Relating to the County’s $23,550,000 Urban Renewal
    Tax Increment Revenue Bonds (Taxable), Series 1995 (IPSCO Steel, Inc. Project). Roll
    call vote: Ayes: All.
    The Board reviewed variances granted by the Muscatine County Board of Adjustment on
    Friday, March 2, 2012. Case #12-03-01 is an application filed by Paul E. and Karen K.
    Beatty, Record Owners. This property is located in Moscow Township, West of North
    Mulberry Road, in the SE ¼ of Section 32-T78N-R2W, containing approximately 40
    acres, and is zoned A-1 Agricultural District. This request, if approved, would allow the
    Zoning Administrator to issue a Waiver of the Subdivision Ordinance in order to split off
    approximately five (5) acres in the NE Corner; and a Special Use Permit for Mr. & Mrs.
    Beatty’s daughter to build a rural residence on the proposed split. On a motion by
    Watkins, second by Sorensen, the Board accepted the variance. Ayes: All. Case #12-03-
    02 is an application filed by Larry T. Streets, Record Owner, and Benjamin L. Goodale,
    Proposed Buyer. This property is located in Pike Township, in the NW ¼ of Section 4-
    T77N-R3W, East of Iron City Avenue, containing approximately 38.49 acres and is
    zoned A-1 Agricultural District. This request, if approved, would allow the Zoning
    Administrator to issue a Special Use Permit in order to allow the split off of
    approximately five (5) acres and for Mr. and Mrs. Goodale to build a rural residence on
    this property. The Board of Adjustment tabled the request until the April meeting due to
    the fact that the Record Owner and Proposed Buyer/Builder believes that they can find
    evidence concerning a lower CSR rating of the property than what was provided by the
    Assessor’s Office. Case #12-03-03 is an application filed by Norma J. Brooks, Record
    Owner, and ITC Midwest LLC, Proposed Buyer. This property is located in Pike
    Township, at the corner of Highway 70 and 170
    Street, in the SW ¼ of Section 7-T77N-
    R3W, containing approximately 79 acres, and is zoned A-1 Agricultural District. This
    request, if approved, would allow the Zoning Administrator to issue a Waiver of the
    Subdivision Ordinance in order for Ms. Brooks to split off and sell approximately 9.75

    Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
    Monday, March 12, 2012
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    acres at the corner of Highway 70 and 170
    Street, and a Special Use Permit to allow
    ITC Midwest LLC to construct, operate, and maintain an electrical transmission
    substation on this property. On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the Board
    accepted the variance. Ayes: All.
    Maintenance Supervisor Troy Sievert presented one sealed bid for the Muscatine County
    Courthouse Doorway Installation Project from Hy-Brand in the amount of $6,325.
    Sievert stated that an emailed bid was not considered because it was not submitted as a
    sealed bid as required by the bid specifications. On a motion by Furlong, second by
    Watkins, the Board accepted a bid from Hy-Brand for the Muscatine County Courthouse
    Doorway Installation Project in the amount of $6,325. Ayes: All.
    Maintenance Supervisor Troy Sievert presented bids for the Muscatine County Historic
    Jail building for tuckpointing and maintenance of masonry as follows: Renaissance
    Restoration - $98,659 plus $25 per brick and $520 per sill replacement; Kenny Tharp
    Masonry - $56,016; E & H Restoration - $99,819 plus $25 per brick and $448 per sill
    replacement; TNT Tuckpointing - $116,000 plus $22 per brick and $700 per sill
    replacement. Sievert stated that the unit prices are in excess of 500 bricks and 8 window
    sill replacements which were already included in the bid totals. Sievert was directed to
    obtain the unit pricing for the bid from Kenny Tharp Masonry. Sievert will review the
    bids and return next week with a recommendation.
    Maintenance Supervisor Troy Sievert presented bids for the Muscatine County Optimae
    building for tuckpointing and maintenance of masonry as follows: Fuessel Masonry (no
    bid bond) – Base Bid $88,950 (including Alternate 1) and Alternate 2 - $14,200; Kenny
    Tharp Masonry – Base Bid $67,005, Alternate 1 - $1,200 and Alternate 2 - $9,000; TNT
    Tuckpointing – Base Bid $91,100, Alternate 1 - deduct $1,000 and Alternate 2 - $12,900
    plus two more alternates of water repellant for $5,800 and demolition of the six columns
    for $3,100; and E & H Restoration - $99,779, Alternate 1 - $44,930 and Alternate 2 –
    $14,322. Sievert stated that he asked for Alternate 1 to remove the brick archway and
    Alternate 2 to repair the six brick columns in the back of the facility. Sievert stated that
    he did not ask for the additional alternates provided by TNT Tuckpointing. Sievert will
    review the bids and return next week with a recommendation.
    Sievert reported that Shive-Hattery received two bids from local contractors for
    destructive testing at the Muscatine County Administration Building, but he has not yet
    seen a proposal from Shive-Hattery.
    On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the Board approved an application for a
    Class C Beer, Liquor, Sunday Sales and Outdoor Service Permit for The Chart House,
    Inc., DBA The Lighthouse, 2142 Water Street, Muscatine, Iowa. Ayes: All.
    On a motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen, minutes of the Monday, March 5, 2012
    regular meeting and Monday, March 5, 2012 special meeting were approved as written.
    Ayes: All.

    Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
    Monday, March 12, 2012
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    Watkins received a phone call regarding junk in Moscow.
    Furlong received a phone call regarding junk on a couple of properties on 231
    Furlong received a call regarding limbs and trash on the Courthouse lawn and
    items taped on the walls instead of on the bulletin boards in the
    Committee Reports:
    Kelly attended a Muscatine County Health Association meeting March 7
    Kelly attended a Seventh Judicial District meeting March 9
    Sorensen attended a Muscatine County Safety Committee meeting March 7
    Kelly attended a Bluezone Site Visit for Muscatine County March 7
    The Board recessed at 9:33 A.M. and reconvened at 9:42 A.M.
    On a motion by Watkins, second by Furlong, the Board went into closed session at 9:42
    A.M. pursuant to Chapter 21.5(c), Code of Iowa, to discuss strategy with counsel in
    matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent. Roll call vote:
    Ayes: All. On a motion by Watkins, second by Furlong, the Board returned to open
    session at 10:00 A.M. Roll call vote: Ayes: All.
    County Attorney Alan Ostergren requested that the Board allow him to sign settlement
    documents on the Board’s behalf that will result in the County paying insurance
    deductible of $2,500 in the case of Goddard v. Muscatine County Board of Adjustment.
    On a motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen, the Board approved a settlement
    agreement in Goddard v. Muscatine County Board of Adjustment as recommended by
    County Attorney Alan Ostergren. Ayes: All.
    The meeting was adjourned at 10:01 A.M.
    ______________________________ ____________________________
    Leslie A. Soule, County Auditor Kas Kelly, Chairperson
    Board of Supervisors

    Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
    Wednesday, March 14, 2012
    The Muscatine County Board of Supervisors met in special session at 1:30 P.M. with
    Furlong, Kelly, Watkins and Sorensen present. Howard was absent. Chairperson Kelly
    On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the agenda was approved as written. Ayes:
    Discussion was held with Maintenance Supervisor Troy Sievert regarding an amendment
    to the agreement with Shive-Hattery for the Muscatine County Building Condition
    Analysis project to include destructive testing on the Muscatine County Administration
    Building. Sievert stated that the agreement includes proposals from local contractors Hy-
    Brand at $45 per hour and North Construction at $37 per hour. On a motion by Sorensen,
    second by Furlong, the Chair was authorized to execute an amendment to the agreement
    with Shive-Hattery for the Muscatine County Building Condition Analysis project to
    include destructive testing on the Muscatine County Administration Building with North
    Construction as the approved contractor at $37 per hour. Ayes: All.
    Discussion was held regarding bids received for tuckpointing and maintenance of
    masonry at the Muscatine County Historic Jail with Maintenance Supervisor Troy
    Sievert. Sievert stated that he contacted the references for Kenny Tharp Masonry and
    they were impeccable with everyone highly recommending the company. On a motion
    by Furlong, second by Watkins, the Board accepted a bid from Kenny Tharp Masonry for
    tuckpointing and maintenance of masonry at the Muscatine County Historic Jail in the
    amount of $56,016 plus Alternate 1 - $14 per brick installed (excess over 500 bricks) and
    Alternate 2 - $500 per sill replacement (excess over 8 sill replacements). Ayes: All.
    Discussion was held regarding bids received for tuckpointing and maintenance of
    masonry at the Muscatine County Optimae Building with Maintenance Supervisor Troy
    Sievert. On a motion by Watkins, second by Furlong, the Board accepted a bid from
    Kenny Tharp Masonry for tuckpointing and maintenance of masonry at the Muscatine
    County Optimae Building in the amount of $67,005 (Base Bid) plus Alternate 1 - $1,200.
    Ayes: All.
    On a motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen, minutes of the Monday, March 12, 2012
    regular meeting were approved as written. Ayes: All.
    Kelly stated that she received a phone call from a citizen concerned about only two
    cameras working for the video visitation at the Jail which results in the visitation process
    taking longer and the Jail gets crowded with visitors waiting for their visitation. Kelly
    stated there is no system for scheduling whose turn it is which may cause some tension in
    an already crowded situation. Sievert stated the Jail has a contract for maintenance of
    video visitation equipment. Kelly will discuss the issue with Sheriff Dave White and Jail
    Administrator Dean Naylor.

    Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
    Wednesday, March 14, 2012
    Page 2
    The meeting was adjourned at 1:58 P.M.
    _______________________________ _______________________________
    Leslie A. Soule, County Auditor
    Kas Kelly, Chairperson
    Board of Supervisors

    Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
    Monday, March 19, 2012
    The Muscatine County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 A.M. with Furlong,
    Howard, Kelly, Watkins and Sorensen present. Chairperson Kelly presiding.
    On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the agenda was approved as written. Ayes: All.
    On a motion by Watkins, second by Howard, claims dated March 19, 2012 were approved in the
    amount of $1,527,986.92. Ayes: All.
    On a motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen, minutes of the Wednesday, March 14, 2012
    special meeting were approved as written. Ayes: All.
    Furlong and Sorensen received a phone call regarding a zoning issue.
    Howard received emails regarding staff reductions.
    The Board received a Notice of Public Hearings on various annexations to the City of
    Muscatine to be held on April 5, 2012 at 7:00 P.M.
    Committee Reports:
    Furlong attended a West Liberty Economic Area Development meeting March 15
    Furlong attended a Muscatine County Fair Board meeting March 15
    Watkins attended a Muscatine County Board of Health meeting March 14
    The Board reviewed the health/dental fund balance as of February 29, 2012.
    The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 A.M.
    Leslie A. Soule, County Auditor Kas Kelly, Chairperson
    Board of Supervisors

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