Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
Monday, January 9, 2012
The Muscatine County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 A.M. with
Furlong, Howard, Kelly, Watkins and Sorensen present. Chairperson Kelly presiding.
On a motion by Watkins, second by Furlong, the agenda was approved as written. Ayes:
On a motion by Howard, second by Sorensen, claims dated January 9, 2012 were
approved in the amount of $342,307.91. Ayes: All.
Discussion was held with County Sheriff Dave White regarding a proposed service
contract with SimplexGrinnell for components of the Muscatine County Jail. White stated
that there are no other firms that can service the entire system. White stated that other
firms are in the ballpark for the cost of the annual service contract, but the County would
incur additional cost in excess of $400,000 for equipment that would have to be replaced
because of the proprietary nature of the current systems.
On a motion by Watkins, second by Furlong, the Board approved a 5-year service
contract with SimplexGrinnell for components of the Muscatine County Jail in the
amount of $35,668.00 per year. Ayes: All.
On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the Board approved a contract with the US
Army Corps of Engineers for patrol services at Clark’s Ferry and Shady Creek
Recreation Areas. Ayes: All.
Sheriff White reported that the Jail population is consistently running around 220-235
inmates which includes 100-103 federal inmates. Chairperson Kelly asked if they have a
sanitation system for preventing the spread of germs throughout the Jail. Sheriff White
stated that they provide all sorts of products to keep the cells and shared space sanitized
as a flu outbreak is the last thing they want at the Jail.
On a motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen, the Board authorized the Chair to execute
a Letter of Agreement with Barnhart Custom Services, LLC to demolish 1130 West
Hinkeyville Road, Atalissa, under the CDBG Disaster Recovery Property Acquisition
Demolition Program at an amount not to exceed $18,735.00. Ayes: All.
On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, an ordinance was approved Amending the
Muscatine County Construction Codes and Enforcement Ordinance to Update Provisions
Related to Muscatine County Residential and Electrical Codes on the second of three
readings. Roll call vote: Ayes: All
On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the Board approved the Muscatine County
Recorder’s Report of Fees Collected for the quarter ending December 31, 2011 in the
amount of $64,830.49. Ayes: All.
Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
Monday, January 9, 2012
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On a motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen, the Board approved the Muscatine County
Civil Department’s Report of Fees Collected for the quarter ending December 31, 2011 in
the amount of $28,218.50. Ayes: All.
On a motion by Furlong, second by Howard, the Board approved the Muscatine County
Auditor’s Report of Fees Collected for the quarter ending December 31, 2011 in the
amount of $538.50. Ayes: All.
On a motion by Watkins, second by Furlong, the Board approved the Muscatine County
Treasurer’s Report of Fees Collected for the quarter ending December 31, 2011 in the
amount of $99,817.84. Ayes: All.
On a motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen, the Board approved the Muscatine County
Treasurer’s Semi Annual Report for July 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 for
publication. Ayes: All.
On a motion by Howard, second by Sorensen, minutes of the Tuesday, January 3, 2012
regular meeting were approved as written. Ayes: All.
On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the Board approved a Class C Beer and
Liquor Permit for Francesca Vitale, dba The Sicilian, 1963 Tipton Road North,
Muscatine, Iowa, 52761. Ayes: All.
On a motion by Howard, second by Sorensen, the Board authorized the Chair to sign
Statement of Election Costs for the September 13, 2011 Muscatine County School
Election and the November 8, 2011 Muscatine County City Elections. Ayes: All.
Discussion was held with Information Services Director William Riley regarding a
proposed revised Muscatine County Computer Systems and Equipment Policy. Riley
stated that at the request of the State Auditors, the revised policy incorporates a more
complex password which will have to be changed every 60 days. Riley stated the revised
policy also changes how vendors have access to the system and how accounts are handled
for terminated employees. On a motion by Watkins, second by Howard, the Board
approved a revised Muscatine County Computer Systems and Equipment Policy. Ayes:
Watkins received a call suggesting the Treasurer’s Office remain open on
Saturday should the County assume issuance of Driver’s Licenses.
Furlong received several calls over the last few weeks regarding the
possibility of the Treasurer issuing Driver’s Licenses.
Sorensen, Watkins, Furlong and Kelly received an email regarding the budget
process stating that the County taxpayers cannot afford a tax increase.
Kelly received a call concerned about germs and sanitation at the Jail.
Howard received an invitation from John Haskins for the Board to visit the Old
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Monday, January 9, 2012
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Barn in order to review recent improvements.
Howard received multiple contacts at the Caucus regarding varying topics.
Howard received a call regarding Steve’s Meats on Hwy 61.
Howard received a call regarding the time frame of upcoming budget sessions.
All Supervisors received correspondence from the Church of Latter Day Saints.
Committee Reports:
Sorensen attended a Muscatine County Safety Committee meeting January 4
Maintenance Supervisor Troy Sievert reported that the pop machine at the Courthouse
generates approximately $300 per year in revenue. Sievert stated that his research
reflects the cost to run the machine is approximately $350 per year. Watkins stated that
perhaps the Board should consider removing the pop machine from the Courthouse.
Howard stated he does not think that $50 is cost prohibitive to provide a service to
taxpayers utilizing the Courthouse.
On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the Board appointed Conservation Director
Curt Weiss to the Bi-State Regional Trails Committee. Ayes: All.
Discussion and possible action regarding a revised Purchasing Policy was tabled until
next week’s meeting.
Discussion was held with Administrative Services Director Nancy Schreiber regarding
evaluation of the County’s salary structure. Schreiber reported that a study of the salary
structure was last completed in early 2008 at a cost of around $35,000 with bids ranging
from $28,000 to $85,000. Watkins stated that he feels an evaluation needs to be
completed of exactly what personnel is needed, but the prior study just compared to other
Counties. Howard stated he would like to see the Board think about this for a little while
before making a decision to do the study because if the Board wants to spend the money
on the study, then they need to be prepared to implement the results. Watkins stated that
the last study was implemented by the Board. Furlong stated that overall the last study
was a step forward and it will never be perfect, but it accomplished a lot. Watkins stated
that he thinks an employee is not moving to mid-point fast enough, but too fast after mid-
point. Sorensen thinks the Jail operation is significantly different than it was in 2008 and
needs to be evaluated. Howard stated that maybe the Board could do some evaluation
themselves rather than hiring it to be done. Sorensen stated that he prefers professionals
as they have access to resources that the Board does not. The Board will discuss this
further as they move through the budget process.
The Board recessed at 9:58 A.M. and reconvened at 10:03 A.M.
The Board reviewed FY12/13 funding requests from outside agencies as follows:
EMS – Mileage for Training – Tom Summitt
FY11/12 Allocation $1,158
FY12/13 Request $1,450
Medical Examiner – Tom Summitt
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FY11/12 Allocation $94,820
FY12/13 Request $95,440
Trinity – Community Nursing Subsidy – Mary O’Dell and Jane Caes
FY11/12 Allocation $175,704
FY12/13 Request $180,975
Y-Family Program Services –Diana Broderson and Bret Olson
FY11/12 Allocation $12,000
FY12/13 Request $19,000
MCSA Case Coordinator – Maggie Curry and four Board members
FY11/12 Allocation $24,348
FY12/13 Request $25,078
MCSA Shelter Subsidy – Maggie Curry and four Board members
FY11/12 Allocation $25,029
FY12/13 Request $25,780
Furlong left the meeting at 10:55 A.M.
Muscatine Legal Services – Jean Pfeiffer
FY11/12 Allocation $19,500
FY12/13 Request $20,000
The Board recessed at 11:02 A.M. and reconvened at 1:00 P.M. to hear budget requests
for FY12/13 from outside agencies with Howard, Kelly, Watkins and Sorensen present.
River Bend Transit – Randy Zobrist
FY11/12 Allocation $7,000
FY12/13 Request $7,000
Senior Resources – Todd Poci and three Board members
FY11/12 Allocation $38,601
FY12/13 Request $42,461
Furlong returned to the meeting at 1:18 P.M.
Greater Muscatine Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Greg Jenkins
FY11/12 Allocation $10,000
FY12/13 Request $15,600
Eastern Iowa Economic Development Alliance – Greg Jenkins
FY11/12 Allocation $5,700
FY 12/13 Request $5,700
Eastern Iowa Tourism Association – Greg Jenkins
FY11/12 Allocation $500
FY 12/13 Request $500
Wilton Development Corporation – Jackie Barten
FY11/12 Allocation $3,000
FY12/13 Request $3,000
WELEAD (West Liberty Development) – Karen Lathrop
FY11/12 Allocation $3,000
FY12/13 Request $3,000
Wilton Library – Sharon Bowers
FY11/12 Allocation $12,721
FY12/13 Request $13,000
Muscatine County Fair Board – Lori Gosenberg
FY11/12 Allocation $24,000
FY12/13 Request $24,000
Musser Public Library – Pam Collins
FY11/12 Allocation $102,723
FY12/13 Request $105,291
West Liberty Library – Jeanette McMahon
FY11/12 Allocation $12,721
FY12/13 Request $12,721
Muscatine Search & Rescue – Sheriff Dave White
FY11/12 Allocation $5,500
FY12/13 Request $5,500
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Monday, January 9, 2012
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The meeting was adjourned at 3:32 P.M.
________________________________ _________________________________
Leslie A. Soule, County Auditor
Kas Kelly, Chairperson
Board of Supervisors
Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
Monday, January 16, 2012
The Muscatine County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 A.M. with
Furlong, Howard, Kelly, Watkins and Sorensen present. Chairperson Kelly presiding.
On a motion by Watkins, second by Furlong, the agenda was approved as written. Ayes:
On a motion by Watkins, second by Howard, the Board approved Ordinance #01-16-12-
01 Amending the Muscatine County Construction Codes and Enforcement Ordinance to
Update Provisions Related to Muscatine County Residential and Electrical Codes on the
third and final reading. Roll call vote: Ayes: All.
On a motion by Furlong, second by Howard, a public hearing was set for 9:00 A.M.
Monday, February 13, 2012 for a request from Michael and Patricia Fowler, Record
Owners, to add service of ready to eat foods at their business, Steve’s Meat Shop. Ayes:
On a motion by Furlong, second by Howard, the Chair was authorized to execute
Amendment #3 to the Iowa Economic Development Authority Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) Contract #08-DRMH-239. Ayes: All.
Discussion was held with Maintenance Supervisor Troy Sievert regarding a change order
for the Muscatine County Courthouse Roof Project. Sievert stated that this change order
covers the cost of sheathing that had to be replaced which was discovered during
construction. On a motion by Furlong, second by Sorensen, the Board approved Change
Order #2 for the Muscatine County Courthouse Roof Project in the amount of $300 for a
total project cost of $265,311. Ayes: All.
On a motion by Howard, second by Sorensen, minutes of the Monday, January 9, 2012
regular meeting were approved as written. Ayes: All.
Howard received email asking the Board to do their best to reduce taxes.
Committee Reports:
Howard and Watkins attended a MAGIC meeting January 9
Watkins attended a Board of Health meeting January 11
Watkins attended a meeting on January 13
with Muscatine, Cedar and Johnson County
CPC’s and State Representative Kaufmann regarding Mental Health Redesign. Howard
attended a Fruitland City Council meeting on January 10
On a motion by Watkins, second by Howard, the Board approved a revised Purchasing
Policy. Ayes: All.
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Monday, January 16, 2012
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On a motion by Howard, second by Sorensen, the Chair was authorized to sign letters of
support for the Foreign Trade Zone #133 and Foreign Trade Zone #175. Ayes: All.
Information Services Director Bill Riley reviewed the FY12/13 budget request for the
Information Services Department stating software has been reduced because of no
specific requests at this time. Riley stated that he is in the process of changing from 4
year desktop replacement to 5 year rotation, but that he will still replace 30 units this year
that are at least 4 years old in order to insure that all desktops do not have to be replaced
at the same time. Riley stated he has included in the budget the addition of a SAN shelf to
allow for future virtual server growth and additional services. Riley intends to eliminate
the server at the Attorney’s office and the server that the Deputies use which will be
absorbed within the IS Office. Riley stated that he can purchase software to allow users to
reset their passwords when they have been locked out at a cost of $520 per year. Watkins
stated he was concerned that Secondary Roads does not have fiber optics. Riley
estimated it would cost $700 per month to tie in the Engineer, Zoning and Sheriff’s
Offices with fiber optics.
County Treasurer Jerry Coffman reviewed the FY12/13 budget request for the
Treasurer’s Office stating that postage has been increased in anticipation of rates
increasing April 1
. Coffman stated that the issuance of Driver Licenses has not been
included in the budget. Sorensen stated that if the Treasurer can take on the work of five
with no additional staffing, then he would expect to see a reduction in staffing if the
County does not take over driver license issuance. Watkins and Kelly stated they are
getting the same comments from the public. Furlong stated that the Driver License Office
at the mall currently has five employees and the Treasurer is saying he can offer the
service with no additional staff so he must have a couple of extra staff people right now.
Furlong stated that most of the feedback he has received that citizens are happy with the
current Drivers License Office and if taken over by the County, they would want the
same service they are getting now. The Board plans to have further discussion on whether
or not to takeover issuance of driver licenses and how that decision might effect current
staffing in the Treasurer’s Office.
County Recorder Cindy Gray reviewed the FY12/13 budget request for the Recorder’s
Office stating that the increase is document preservation of Recorder’s records which
have not been done for three years. Gray stated that $7,000 of office equipment
requested is for a new copier and a new passport camera. Gray stated she would like to
use the Recorder’s Records Management Fund for the purchase of an indexing and
accounts receivable program.
Zoning Administrator Jodee Stepleton reviewed the FY12/13 budget request for
Zoning/Environmental Services stating that no changes are proposed for next year’s
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Monday, January 16, 2012
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Conservation Director Curt Weiss reviewed the FY12/13 budget request for the
Conservation Department stating that the increase is to replace a small dump truck,
purchased in 1991, which is used extensively to haul rock, rip rap, etc. into Saulsbury
since the Secondary Roads vehicles are too heavy to transport across the bridge.
County Auditor Leslie Soule reviewed the FY12/13 budget request for Auditor and
Elections stating that in an effort to maintain the current budget in the Auditor’s Office
there is once again no archival of the old real estate books included in the budget. Board
consensus was that $5,000 should be added to archive some of the old real estate books.
Soule stated precinct officials was reduced because of only one major scheduled election
next year and postage was increased in anticipation of a large absentee turnout for the
Presidential election. Soule stated that normally there is postage left over from the
previous year to help with absentee turnout in the Presidential election, but this year that
postage will all be used with the reprecincting mailing. Soule stated that the increase in
the Election Office budget is for the purchase of Precinct Atlas Electronic Pollbooks.
Soule stated that more than half of the Counties have Precinct Atlas
Electronic Pollbooks and that it is time for Muscatine County to consider implementing
them for the 2013 School and City Elections. Soule stated that the equipment would be
purchased after the 2012 General Election which would allow almost a year to train staff
and precinct officials prior to the smaller 2013 elections. Soule expressed concern that
due to the necessity for extensive training, it would be unfortunate to be forced by the
Legislature and Secretary of State to implement electronic pollbooks in the year of a
major election. Howard stated he is not in favor of electronic pollbooks. Watkins stated
he may consider them if implemented over two years at $40,000 a year, but would have
to see how much money they have to work with. Soule stated she has also increased the
part-time budget to allow for some setup of elections to be done by outsourcing as she is
not always able to count on General Services for enough support in that area, but that she
would not spend that money unless absolutely needed. Chairperson Kelly asked Soule to
supply the Board with a timeline stating what is needed from General Services several
weeks prior to the General Election so they could direct how much of the setup should be
done by General Services versus outsourcing.
The Board recessed at 11:34 A.M. and reconvened at 1:00 P.M. with Furlong, Howard,
Kelly, Watkins and Sorensen present.
County Attorney Alan Ostergren reviewed the FY12/13 budget request for the Attorney’s
Office stating that the main increase is for depositions and interpreters as he has some
upcoming cases that would easily use what is budgeted. Ostergren stated that he wants to
dedicate someone full-time to the collection of fines. Ostergren stated that Black Hawk
Co has an excellent program that employs 4 full-time employees that collected 1.6
million dollars in 2010 of which the County General Fund received 40%. Ostergren
stated that the County Attorney’s Office would also receive 12% if over $100,000 is
collected. Ostergren requested one position to be housed at the Courthouse near the Clerk
of Court’s Office at a cost of approximately $50,000 that should generate approximately
$200,000 in revenue. Board consensus was to move forward with a plan to hire the
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Monday, January 16, 2012
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additional person to handle collection of fines starting July 1, 2012. Chairperson Kelly
requested that the County Attorney report back to the Board every three months to
determine the worth of the position.
Ostergren stated that there were 51 local inmates when he took office and this morning
there were 98 local inmates. Ostergren stated that the local population is putting total jail
population over 230, which required additional personnel at the Jail, but those extra
inmates are not paying to cover the costs. Ostergren stated that the net effect out of
cutting $20,000 out of the County Attorney budget was an increased cost of $300,000 at
the Jail. Ostergren requested a new entry level attorney and a victim coordinator.
Ostergren stated that in comparison to other County populations, Muscatine County
should have 6 lawyers or nine lawyers if you look at the number of crimes in Muscatine
County versus other Counties. Howard asked how these positions would effect jail
population. Ostergren stated that jail population will not change overnight, but should be
able to get back to a local population of 45-55 inmates. Watkins asked if the number of
crimes has increased. Ostergren stated that they have a higher amount of cases being
prosecuted. Kelly asked what would be more important to the Attorney’s Office, an
attorney or support staff. Ostergren stated that would depend on what is more important
to the Board, the well being of the victims or the County’s financial position. Howard
stated he wants the data to prove the necessity of the additional positions. The Board will
consider these extra positions again on January 31
Sheriff Dave White reviewed the FY12/13 budget request for the Sheriff’s Office and Jail
stating that the increases in the Sheriff budget are mainly due to increased fuel costs and
the replacement of four squad cars. White stated that the increase to the Jail budget is
mainly custodial supplies due to recommendations from jail inspectors and maintenance
of the secure side of the Jail. White stated that other increases are mainly due to the
increase number of inmates triggering an increase in supplies, medical, food and
The Board recessed at 3:08 P.M. and reconvened at 3:17 P.M.
Administrative Services Director Nancy Schreiber reviewed the FY12/13 budget request
for Administration and Board of Supervisors.
The Board reviewed the FY12/13 budget requests for Court Services and
Nondepartmental with Budget Coordinator Sherry Seright and Administrative Services
Director Nancy Schreiber.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:44 P.M.
Leslie A. Soule, County Auditor
Kas Kelly, Chairperson
Board of Supervisors
Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
The Muscatine County Board of Supervisors met in special session at 9:00 A.M. with
Furlong, Howard, Kelly, Watkins and Sorensen present. Chairperson Kelly presiding.
On a motion by Watkins, second by Sorensen, the agenda was approved as written.
Ayes: All.
GIS Manager Mark Warren reviewed the FY12/13 budget request for MAGIC stating
that a server will be purchased by the County to make its data available on the internet
rather than through the MAGIC website hosted by the Schneider Corporation. Warren
stated that making the data available on the internet will make it easier for citizens and
County offices to access the data. Howard asked how this would benefit the County.
Warren stated it would improve efficiency. Warren stated that the Assessor’s Office has
discovered $3,000,000 worth of assessments by having GIS on their desktops. County
Auditor Leslie Soule stated that MAGIC was extremely helpful for reprecincting. Warren
stated that GIS is used mostly by the Assessor, Auditor, Zoning and Secondary Roads.
Watkins asked when they could start using satellites rather than flying to update the
maps. Warren stated that because of the resolution needed to get the desired scale of
maps, satellites are not feasible at this time. Warren estimated that by 2020 satellites may
be used for updating maps.
County Engineer Keith White reviewed the FY12/13 budget request for Secondary Roads
stating that the single largest increase is in the local construction portion of the budget
which includes the Saulsbury bridge replacement, Bayfield Road seal coat, and various
culvert replacements. White stated they are still considering contracting ditch cleaning,
but he does not feel his staff has the time to supervise the ditch cleaning. White is
proposing replacing a tandem plow truck, single axel plow truck, motor grader, compact
track loader and light duty truck. White stated that he had intended to purchase the two
plows yet this year, but does not believe that will be accomplished. The Board directed
White to purchase locally if possible. White stated he has budgeted to repair the parking
lot and paint buildings at their main facility.
The Board recessed at 10:38 A.M. and reconvened at 10:44 A.M.
Maintenance Supervisor Troy Sievert reviewed the FY12/13 budget request for General
Services stating that he is requesting a part-time Maintenance Worker at 25 hours per
week. Sievert stated that while they are keeping up with work orders, they are not able to
do any preventive maintenance. Sievert stated that he plans to lower the HVAC
preventive maintenance contracts as equipment is upgraded, but he would request that
those savings be used to build up a fund to repair or replace the equipment in the future.
Sievert stated he would like to actually place anything that he can save in his budget in
that fund in order to front load the fund for future repairs. Kelly stated that she does not
want repairs funded directly out of savings because human nature would be to cut corners
in order to build up the fund. Board consensus is that they should work to build up a fund
Muscatine County Board of Supervisors
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
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for future capital improvements. Kelly asked if the budget includes a sink in the food
pantry. Sievert stated that if he has funds left, he will get it done yet this year. Sievert
stated that he is providing all of the equipment for the inmate work program that is doing
tasks for entities other than the County and should there be a charge of some sort to
entities that would cover some of the expenses. Budget Coordinator Sherry Seright stated
her concern is that the County is not accurately reflecting the cost of the inmate work
program when salaries are paid out of the Jail budget, but equipment costs are paid out of
the General Services budget.
The Board recessed at 11:40 A.M. and reconvened at 1:00 P.M. with Furlong, Howard,
Kelly, Watkins and Sorensen present.
The Board reviewed the Muscatine County Administration Building and DHS Building
Condition Analysis report with Jeff Brown, ShiveHattery. Brown stated the issues with
the Muscatine County Administration Building involve some accessibility issues, exterior
masonry/window deficiencies which are allowing water infiltration into the walls
throughout the building, and an inefficient HVAC system. Brown stated the estimated
cost of repairs to the Muscatine County Administration Building is $1,752,000. Brown
stated the HVAC system and roof replacement would not have to be done immediately
which could spread out the project cost over time. In response to questions, Brown stated
he will revisit the structural analysis of the exterior east and west walls to be sure that the
only critical structural issue is the west wall.
The Board reviewed the DHS Building Condition Analysis report with Jeff Brown,
ShiveHattery. Brown stated the issues with the DHS Building involve some accessibility
issues, health-life safety issues, roof/masonry/window deficiencies as a result of the age
of the building and an inefficient HVAC system. Brown stated the top floors could be
remodeled to house County departments. Brown stated the estimated cost of repairs to the
DHS Building and remodeling of that building are $4,349,600. Brown stated that a traffic
study is needed before adding additional parking at DHS and the report does not include
estimated cost for additional parking.
Board consensus is that the Board will further discussion the Building Condition Analysis
reports at the January 23
The Board recessed at 2:49 P.M. and reconvened at 3:00 P.M.
The Board reviewed possible geothermal projects at the DHS building with Vic
Amoroso, AJ Associates. Amoroso presented four options as follows: Option 1 –replace
the current system with new high energy furnaces at $619,646; Option 2 – replacement
with a geothermal field coupled with water to water heat pumps - $802,766 (6.86 year
energy payback); Option 3 – replacement with a variable refrigerant flow coupled with a
geothermal field at $1,100,366 (15.51 year energy payback); and Option 4 – replacement
with a radiant panel system with geothermal field - $891,566 (8.07 year energy payback).
Amoroso recommends the Option 2. Board consensus was that Option 2 was preferable
with a phased-in approach for the upper two floors as needed.
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Tuesday, January 17, 2012
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The Board reviewed possible geothermal projects at the Optimae building with Vic
Amoroso, AJ Associates. Amoroso presented four options as follows: Option 1A –
replace the current system with new high energy furnaces (tank type domestic water
heaters) - $189,462; Option 1B – replace the current system with new high energy
furnaces (instantaneous domestic water heaters) - $193,302 (2.83 year payback); Option
2A – replacement with a geothermal field coupled with water to air heat pumps (tank
type domestic water heaters) - $286,320 (36.32 energy year payback); and Option 2B –
replacement with a geothermal field coupled with water to air heat pumps (instantaneous
domestic water heaters) - $290,070 (37.36 year energy payback). Amoroso stated he does
not recommend geothermal for this building due to the payback. Amoroso recommended
Option 1B.
Board consensus was for AJ Associates to develop a contract with cost estimates for
Option 2 at the DHS building with a plan to phase-in the top two floors at a later time.
Chairperson Kelly requested Amoroso provide her with the best location for the
geothermal field. Board consensus was to place the Optimae HVAC replacement in the
five year plan.
The Board reviewed a possible geothermal project for the older portion of the Muscatine
County Jail with Vic Amoroso, AJ Associates. Amoroso presented three options as
follows: Option 1 – HVAC upgrade only with geothermal field water to water heat
pumps - $1,115,674 (16.78 year utility cost savings payback); Option 2 – HVAC upgrade
the same as Option 1 plus partial domestic hot water upgrade - $1,181,134 (14.58 year
utility cost savings payback); and Option 3 – HVAC upgrade the same as Option 1 plus
full domestic hot water upgrade - $1,172,734 (13.07 year utility cost savings payback).
Amoroso recommended Option 3. Board consensus was for Amoroso to develop a
contract for implementation of Option 3 on the older portion of the Muscatine County
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 P.M.
Leslie A. Soule, County Auditor
Kas Kelly, Chairperson
Board of Supervisors