MONDAY – AUGUST 27, 2007
    The Muscatine Airport Advisory Commission meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by
    Commission Chairperson Jerry Page. Commission members present were Wayne Tooman and Jerald Cale.
    Also present were City Administrator A.J. Johnson and Airport Manager Janet Lewis.
    The first item on the agenda was approval of the minutes of the July 24, 2007 meeting.
    It was moved by Commission member Tooman and seconded by Commission member Cale that the
    minutes be approved. There was no discussion and the minutes were approved unanimously.
    The next item on the agenda was a National Guard Armory update. City Administrator Johnson stated
    that he anticipated the agreement would be presented for City Council’s consideration at the September 6,
    2007 meeting for approval. He also noted that members of the National Guard staff and their consulting group
    were on site previously to view the area, access points, etc. Once the agreement has been entered into, the
    National Guard will be in a better position to possibly draw down funds earlier for the construction of the new
    Under a construction update, City Administrator Johnson informed the Commission as to the status of
    the crosswind runway project.
    Under other business, there was discussion concerning hangar leases and the status of the #2 hangar
    for HNI. The City Administrator also informed the group that he received a letter from the FAA concerning
    the pre-approval of funds for the replacement of snow equipment at the airport.
    With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 6:06 p.m.
    Respectfully submitted,
    A.J. Johnson
    City Administrator

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