TUESDAY – JULY 24, 2007
    The Muscatine Airport Advisory Commission meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m. by
    Commission Chairperson Jerry Page. Commission members present were Wayne Tooman, Phil Fitzgerald,
    Jerry Page, and Jeff Armstrong. Also present were City Administrator A.J. Johnson and Airport Manager
    Janet Lewis.
    The first item on the agenda was approval of the minutes of the April 23, 2007 meeting.
    It was moved by Commission member Tooman and seconded by Commission member Fitzgerald that
    the minutes be approved. There was no discussion and the minutes were approved unanimously.
    The next item on the agenda was an update from the City Administrator on the National Guard
    Armory project. The City of Muscatine and the Iowa National Guard are moving forward with a project that
    will eventually lead to the construction of a new armory facility on the airport property. City Administrator
    Johnson stated that a team from the Iowa National Guard was at the airport on Tuesday, July 17, 2007, to get
    a firsthand look at the facility and property. Guard representatives were very pleased with the facility and
    location. A number of questions have been raised to the Guard that have been incorporated into the proposed
    lease that Council is anticipated to take action on at the August 2, 2007 City Council Meeting.
    The next item on the agenda was a review of capital improvement projects currently underway at the
    airport. City Administrator Johnson distributed the bid tab for the recent award for the crosswind runway
    taxiway project. Council took action to approve the bid from All American Concrete from West Liberty. It is
    anticipated the project will be completed later this fall. City Administrator Johnson indicated that once this
    project is complete, other resources from both state and federal funding pools will be available for other
    related activities such as maintenance equipment, snow removal, maintenance buildings, etc. The Commission
    members also discussed the possibility of constructing new t-hangars on the airport property. City
    Administrator Johnson and Airport Manager Lewis shared with Commission members the numbers associated
    with the construction of eight new t-hangars. Costs were kicked around and it was determined that the city
    should come up with a “payback period” for hangar development based on a $400,000 cost estimate. Once a
    cost estimate for the payback of the investment is made, we can then determine whether or not there is a
    marketplace for new hangars and what type of rent they would sustain. City Administrator Johnson will get
    back to Commission members as soon as possible on this matter.
    There was also discussion concerning the HNI lease. It has been brought to the attention of the city
    and to the Airport Advisory Commission that the newest of the two hangars that are currently occupied by the
    HNI Corporation is being vacated. The city will want to investigate what its legal position is concerning the
    use of that facility. Copies of that lease will be distributed to the Commission members and the City
    Administrator will confer with the city attorney as to the legal rights of the city concerning this matter.
    With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m.
    Respectfully submitted,
    A.J. Johnson
    City Administrator

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