    AUCTIONEER Repealed 6/82 81104

    5-1-1 License Required
    5-1-2 Duration of License
    5-1-3 Fire Inspections
    5-1-1 License Required. No person shall keep, conduct, carry
    on, or operate any roller skating rink, shooting gallery, theatre, or
    any machine or apparatus for amusement or trial of skill or strength,
    including, but not limited to, pin ball machines, not otherwise
    provided for herein in this Section for a fee, charge, or profit,
    unless he shall first procure a license and pay a fee therefore in
    accordance with Title 5, Chapter 15 of the City Code.
    5-1-2 Duration of License. The licenses required under this
    Chapter shall expire on the expiration of the day, week, or month
    for which issued, and in the case of annual licenses, such license
    shall expire on the thirty-first (31) day of December after it's
    5-1-3 Fire Inspections. No license shall be issued for a
    roller skating rink (indoor), shooting gallery, theatre, or any
    other building which requires an amusement permit before such
    building has been inspected by the Fire Department and has been
    certified that such building is in compliance with the fire codes.
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    5-2-1 Outdoor Commercial Entertainment Establishment Permit 5-
    2-2 Application, Fee, Renewal, and Transfer
    5-2-1 Outdoor Commercial Entertainment Establishment Permit. No person,
    association, firm or corporation shall operate an outdoor commercial entertainment
    establishment for profit which engages in the playing or rendition of music or singing
    using amplification of sound or amplification of the human voice without first acquiring a
    valid permit issued by the city clerk for such establishment pursuant to the provisions of
    this chapter. The permit shall allow such operation only between the hours of 10:00
    o'clock a.m. and 1:30 o'clock a.m. on the following morning. A permit once issued may
    be suspended or revoked by the City Administrator or his/her designee pursuant to the
    rules and guidelines established by the City Administrator or his/her designee. An
    applicant or permit holder aggrieved by a decision of the City Administrator or his/her
    designee shall have the right of appeal to the City Council. Any person who violates this
    section shall be charged with a municipal infraction and shall be subject to a civil penalty of
    $500.00 for the first violation and a civil penalty of $750.00 for each subsequent
    5-2-2 Application for Annual Permit, Fee, Renewal, and Transfer of Permit.
    Application for an outdoor commercial entertainment establishment permit shall be filed
    with the city clerk on forms provided for that purpose. A permit may be applied for and
    issued to expire one year following the date of the issuance of the permit and the fee shall be
    $10.00 which fee may be changed by Resolution of the City Council. An application for a
    renewal of a permit shall be filed not later than one month prior to the date of
    expiration of the permit.
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    Eligibility for Liquor Control License or Beer Permit
    Conditions for Approval of License or Permit; Premises
    Beer Permits; Classes
    Liquor Licenses; Classes
    Separate Locations; Class "B" or "C"
    Application, Contents; Bond
    Investigation of Applicant
    Application for Renewal of Permit
    Civil Liability
    License and Permit Fees
    Nature of License or Permit
    Action by Council
    Expiration of License or Permit
    Prohibited Sales and Acts
    Beer Brand Signs Prohibited
    Suspension and Revocation
    Effect of Revocation
    Appeal and Hearing
    Consumption in Public Places; Possession of Open Containers;
    Persons Under Legal Age
    Dancing Permitted; License
    Persons Under Legal Age Frequenting Taverns
    Open Containers
    5-3-1 Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to provide
    administration of licenses and permits and for local regulations and
    procedures for the conduct of the sale and consumption of beer and
    liquor for the protection of the safety, morals, and general welfare
    of this community.
    5-3-2 Definitions. Where words and phrases used in this
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    Ordinance are defined by State law, such definitions shall app.7.y to
    their use in this Ordinance and are adopted by reference. Those
    definitions so adopted that need further definition or are
    reiterated, and other words and phrases used herein, shall have the
    following meanings:
    (A) "Person of good moral character" means any person who meets
    all of the following requirements:
    1. He has such financial standing and good reputation as
    will satisfy the City Council and the Director that he will
    comply with the Iowa Beer and Liquor Control Act and all
    other laws, ordinances, and regulations applicable to his
    operations under State law.
    2. He does not possess a Federal Gambling Stamp, except for
    such gambling activities as are permitted by the laws of
    the State of Iowa.
    3. He is not prohibited by the provisions of Section 5-3-21 of
    this Ordinance from obtaining a liquor license or beer
    4. He is a citizen of the United States and a resident of
    Iowa, or licensed to do business in Iowa in the case of a
    5. He has not been convicted of a felony. However, if his
    conviction of a felony occurred more than five (5) years
    before the application for a license or permit, and if his
    rights of citizenship have been restored by the Governor,
    the Director may determine that he is a person of good
    moral character notwithstanding such conviction.
    6. If such person is a corporation, partnership, association,
    club, hotel, or motel, the requirements of this subsection
    shall apply to each of the officers, directors, and
    partners of such person, and to any person who directly or
    indirectly owns or controls ten percent (10%) or more of
    any class of stock of such person or has an interest of
    ten percent (10%) or more in the ownership or profits of
    such person. For the purpose of this provision, an
    individual and his spouse shall be regarded as one
    (B) "Club" means any nonprofit corporation or association of
    individuals which is the owner, lessee, or occupant of a
    permanent building or part thereof, membership in which
    entails the prepayment of regular dues and is not operated
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    for a profit other than such profits as would accrue to the entire membership.
    "Commercial establishment" means a place of business which is at all times
    equipped with sufficient tables and seats to accommodate twenty-five (25) persons at
    one time, and the licensed premises of which conform to the ordinances of this City.
    "Grocery store" means any retail establishment, the business of which consists of the
    sale of food, food products, or beverages for consumption off the premises.
    "Pharmacy" means a drug store in which drugs and medicines are exposed for sale
    and sold at retail, or in which prescriptions of licensed physicians and surgeons,
    dentists, or veterinarians are compounded and sold by a registered pharmacist.
    "Hotel" or "motel" means a premise licensed by the State Department of
    Agriculture and regularly or seasonally kept open in a bona fide manner for the
    lodging of transient guests, and with twenty (20) or more sleeping rooms.
    "Legal age" means twenty-one (21) years of age or more.
    5-3-3 Eligibility for Liquor Control License or Beer Permit. Upon meeting
    the requirements imposed by State law and the ordinances of this City, a person
    who is of good moral character as defined by State law and this Ordinance may
    apply for a liquor control license or a beer permit. In the case of a club,
    corporation, or partnership, the officers of the club or corporation and the partners
    of a partnership shall be persons of good moral character as defined by State law
    and this Ordinance.
    5-3-4 Conditions for Approval of License or Permit; Premises. An applicant for a
    new liquor control license or beer permit or for the renewal of such license or permit, as a
    further condition for approval by the City Council, must give consent in writing on the
    application that members of the Fire, Police, and Health Departments and the Building
    Inspector may enter upon the premises without warrant to inspect for violations of the
    provisions of State law and this Ordinance, and provide that:
    (A) No liquor control license or beer permit shall be approved for premises which do not
    conform to all applicable laws, ordinances, resolutions, and fire regulations.
    (B) No licensee shall have or maintain any interior access to residential or sleeping
    quarters unless permission is granted by the State Beer and Liquor Control
    Director in the form of a living quarters permit.

    (C) The premises for which a Class "B" beer permit is sought must be located within a
    business district or an area now or hereafter zoned as a business district or
    conform to the zoning requirements of this City.
    (D) The premises of a Class "B" beer permit shall, at the time of the application,
    continue to be equipped with sufficient tables and seats to accommodate
    twenty-five (25) persons at one time.
    (E) No state liquor store shall be located within three hundred feet (300') of a public or
    private educational institution unless a lesser distance is specifically authorized by
    5-3-5 Beer Permits; Classes. Beer permits shall be classed as follows:
    (A) Class "B". A class "B" beer permit shall allow the holder to sell beer at retail for
    consumption on or off the premises.
    (B) Class "C". A Class "C" beer permit shall allow the holder to sell beer at retail for
    consumption off the premises only. Such sales shall be in original containers only. No
    Class "C" permit shall be issued to any person except the owner or proprietor of a
    grocery store or pharmacy.
    5-3-6 Liquor Licenses; Classes. Liquor control licenses shall be classed as follows:
    (A) Class "A". A Class "A" liquor control license issued to a club shall authorize the holder
    to purchase alcoholic liquors from the Department only, and to sell such liquors and
    beer to bona fide members and their guests by the individual drink for consumption
    on the premises only.
    (B) Class "B". A Class "B" liquor control license issued to a hotel or motel shall
    authorize the holder to purchase alcoholic liquors from the Department only, and to
    sell such liquors and beer to patrons by the individual drink for consumption on the
    premises, provided that beer may be sold for consumption off the premises. Each
    such license shall be effective throughout the premises described in the application.
    (C) Class "C". A Class "C" liquor control license issued to a commercial establishment
    must be issued in the name of the individual or individuals who actually own the
    entire business and shall authorize the holder or holders to purchase alcoholic
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    liquors from the Department only, and to sell such liquors and beer to patrons by the
    individual drink for consumption on the premises, provided that beer may be sold for
    consumption off the premises.
    Special Class "C". A Special Class "C" liquor control license issued to a commercial
    establishment must be issued in the name or names of the individual or
    individuals who actually own the entire business and shall authorize the holder or
    holders to purchase wine containing no more than seventeen percent alcohol by
    weight from the Department only, and to sell such wine and beer to patrons by
    the individual drink for consumption on the premises, provided that beer may be
    sold for consumption off the premises.
    5-3-7 Separate Locations; Class "B" or "C". Every person holding a Class "B" or
    Class "C" permit having more than one place of business where such beer is sold shall be
    required to have a separate license for each separate place of business, except as
    otherwise permitted by State law.
    5-3-8 Application, Contents; Bond. A verified application for the original issuance
    or the renewal of a liquor control license or a beer permit shall be filed at such time, in
    such number of copies, and in such form as the State Director of Beer and Liquor Control
    shall prescribe on forms prescribed by him. The application shall be accompanied by the
    required fee and bond and be filed with the City Council for approval or disapproval. The
    bond to be submitted shall be in a form prescribed by the State Director and in the
    following amounts:
    With any liquor control license$5,000.00 and conditioned upon the payment of
    all taxes payable to the State under the provisions of the Iowa Beer and Liquor
    Control Act and compliance with all provisions of the Act.
    With any beer permit $500.00 and conditioned upon the faithful observance of the
    Iowa Beer and Liquor Control Act.
    5-3-9 Investigation of Applicant. Upon receipt of an original application for a
    liquor license or beer permit by the City Clerk, it shall be forwarded to the Chief of
    Police, who shall conduct an investigation and shall submit a written report on the
    applicant as to the truth of the facts averred in the application and a recommendation
    to the City Council as to the approval of the license or permit. It shall be the duty of the
    Health Inspector, the Building Inspector, and the Fire Chief to inspect the premises to
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    determine if they conform to the requirements of the City, and no license or permit shall
    be approved until or unless an approving report has been filed with the City Council by
    such officers.
    5-3-10 Application for Renewal of Permit. Before any permit renewal is granted, the
    Police Chief, Fire Chief, Health Inspector, and Building and Zoning Administrators shall
    inspect the premises of the applicant's place of business to determine whether such
    premises comply with the applicable provisions of City ordinances, codes, and regulations.
    The approval of said officials must be endorsed upon a Supplemental Application form
    available from the City Clerk's office in order for the permit to be renewed.
    5-3-11 Civil Liability. Every liquor control licensee and Class "B" beer permittee
    shall furnish proof of financial responsibility either by the existence of a liability
    insurance policy or by posting bond in such amount as determined by the Department.
    5-3-12 License and Permit Fees. A fee shall be submitted with applications for
    beer permits, liquor licenses, and Sunday sales permits, as required by State law and
    specified in Sections 123.36 and 123.134 of the Code of Iowa.
    5-3-13 Nature of License or Permit. A liquor control license or beer permit shall be
    a purely personal privilege and be revocable for cause. It shall not constitute property nor
    be subject to attachment and execution nor be alienable nor assignable, and in any case
    it shall cease upon the death of the permittee or licensee. However, the Director may in
    his discretion allow the executor or administrator of a permittee or licensee to operate
    the business of the decedent for a reasonable time not to exceed the expiration date of the
    permit or license. Every permit or license shall be issued in the name of the applicant
    and no person holding a permit or license shall allow any other person to use same.
    5-3-14 Action by Council. Action taken by the City Council shall be so endorsed on
    the application and thereafter the application, fee, and bond shall be forwarded to the Iowa
    Beer and Liquor Control Department for such further action as is provided by law.
    5-3-15 Expiration of License or Permit. All liquor control licenses and beer
    permits, unless sooner suspended or revoked, shall expire one year from date of issuance.
    Six (6) or eight (8) month seasonal licenses or beer permits may be issued for a
    proportionate part of the license or permit fee. No seasonal license or permit shall be
    renewed except after a period of two (2) months. Seasonal licensing shall be only as
    permitted by State regulation.
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    5-3-16 Refunds. Any such licensee or permittee, or his executor, administrator,
    or any person duly appointed by the court to take charge of and administer the property
    or assets of the licensee or permittee for the benefit of his creditors, may voluntarily
    surrender such license or permit to the Department, and when so surrendered the
    Department shall notify the City, and the Department and the City, or the City by itself in
    the case of a retail beer permit, shall refund to the person so surrendering the license or
    permit a proportionate amount of the fee paid for such license or permit as follows: If
    surrendered during the first three (3) months of the period for which said license or
    permit was issued, the refund shall be three-fourths (3/4) of the amount of the fee; if
    surrendered more than three (3) months but not more than six (6) months after issuance,
    the refund shall be one-half (1/2) of the amount of the fee; if surrendered more than six
    (6) months but not more than nine (9) months after issuance, the refund shall be
    one-fourth (1/4) of the amount of the fee. No refund shall be made, however, for a liquor
    control license or beer permit surrendered more than nine (9) months after issuance. No
    refund shall be made to any licensee or permittee, upon the surrender of his license or
    permit, if there is at the time of said surrender a complaint filed with the Department
    or the City charging him with a violation of this Ordinance or provisions of the Iowa Beer
    and Liquor Control Act. If upon hearing on any such complaint the license or permit is
    not revoked or suspended, then the licensee or permittee shall be eligible, upon surrender of
    his license or permit, to receive a refund as herein provided. But if his license or
    permit is revoked or suspended upon such hearing, he shall not be eligible for the refund of
    any portion of his license or permit fee. No refund shall be made for seasonal licenses or
    5-3-17 Transfers. The Council will, in its discretion, authorize a licensee or
    permittee to transfer the license or permit from one location to another within the City,
    provided that the premises to which the transfer is to be made would have been eligible
    for a license or permit in the first instance and such transfer will not result in the
    violation of any law or ordinance.
    5-3-18 Prohibited Sales and Acts. No person or club holding a liquor license or
    beer permit, nor his agents or employees, shall do any of the following:
    Sell, dispense, orgivetoanyintoxicatedperson, oronesimulatingintoxication, any
    alcoholic liquor or beer.
    Sell or dispense any alcoholic liquor or beer on the premises covered by the license or
    permit, or permit the consumption thereon between the hours of two o'clock (2:00)
    A.M. and six o'clock (6:00) A.M. on any weekday, and between the hours of two
    o'clock (2:00) A.M. on Sunday and six o'clock (6:00) A.M. on the following
    Monday except as is permitted by the laws of the State of Iowa.
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    (C) Sell alcoholic liquor or beer to any person on credit, except with a bona fide credit
    card. This provision shall not apply to sales by a club to its members nor to sales by
    a hotel or motel to bona fide registered guests.
    (D) Employ any person under the age of eighteen (18) years old in the sale or serving of
    alcoholic liquor or beer for consumption on the premises where sold.
    (E) Sell, give, or otherwise supply any alcoholic beverage or beer to any person
    knowing or having reasonable cause to believe him to be under legal age, or
    permit any person knowing or having reasonable cause to believe him to be under
    legal age, to consume any alcoholic beverage or beer.
    (F) In the case of a retail beer permittee, knowingly allow the mixing or adding of
    alcohol or any alcoholic beverage to beer or any other beverage in or about his
    place of business.
    (G) Keep or allow to be kept, gambling devices of any kind or description on the
    premises or place of business of the license or permit holder, except as permitted by
    the laws of the State of Iowa.
    (H) Allow or permit a public appearance on licensed premises by any person who is
    nude or who exposes to public view the human male or female genital or genitals,
    pubic hair, buttocks, or perineum of the human male, or female breasts or breast at
    or below the areola thereof with less than a full opaque covering.
    5-3-19 Beer Brand Signs Prohibited. No signs or other matter advertising any
    brand of beer shall be erected or placed upon the outside of any premises occupied by a
    licensee or permittee authorized to sell beer at retail. All such signs formerly erected
    shall be removed by the owner of the same by July 1, 1974.
    5-3-20 Suspension and Revocation. A liquor license or beer permit may be
    suspended for a period up to one year, or revoked for violations of law including City
    ordinances following notice and hearing, and shall be revoked in accordance with the
    provisions of State law for any of the following causes:
    Misrepresentation of any material fact in the application for such license or permit.
    Violation of any of the provisions of the Iowa Beer and Liquor Control Act.
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    (C) Any change in the ownership or interest in the business operated under a Class
    "A", Class "B", or Class "C" liquor control license, or any beer permit which change was
    not previously reported to and approved by the City and the Department.
    (D) An event which would have resulted in disqualification from receiving such license or
    permit when originally issued.
    (E) Any sale, hypothecation, or transfer of such license or permit.
    (F) The failure or refusal on the part of any licensee or permittee to render any report or
    remit any taxes to the Department under the State Act.
    5-3-21 Effect of Revocation. Any liquor control licensee or beer permittee whose
    license or permit is revoked under the Iowa Beer and Liquor Control Act shall not
    thereafter be permitted to hold a liquor control license or beer permit in the State of
    Iowa for a period of two (2) years from the date of such revocation. Neither business
    associates holding ten percent (10%) or more of the capital stock or ownership interest
    in a business whose license or permit has been revoked nor the spouse of a licensee or
    permittee whose license or permit has been revoked shall be issued a liquor control
    license or beer permit, and no liquor control license or beer permit shall be issued which
    covers any business in which such person has a financial interest for a period of two (2)
    years from the date of such revocation. In the event a license or permit is revoked, the
    premises which had been covered by such license or permit shall not be relicensed for one
    5-3-22 Appeal and Hearing. The right of appeal to the Hearing Board shall be
    afforded a liquor control licensee or beer permittee whose license or permit has been
    suspended or revoked. Any applicant who feels aggrieved by a decision of the Director or
    City disapproving, suspending, or revoking issuance of a liquor control license or beer
    permit may, provided he has exercised his right of appeal to the Hearing Board as
    provided by State law, appeal from said decision within ten (10) days to the Muscatine
    County District Court. The City may appeal a decision of the Hearing Board within ten
    (10) days to the Muscatine County District Court.
    5-3-23 Consumption in Public Places; Possession of Open Containers; Intoxication. It
    is unlawful for any person to use or consume alcoholic liquors or beer upon the public
    streets or highways or alcoholic liquor in any public place, or to possess an open container of
    beer or alcoholic beverages upon the public streets or highways, including the sidewalk
    within the public right-of-way, and in any public place, except premises covered by a
    liquor control license, and no person shall be intoxicated or appear to be intoxicated in
    any public place.
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    5-3-24 Persons Under Legal Age. No person shall sell, give, or otherwise supply
    alcoholic liquor or beer to any person knowing or having reasonable cause to believe him
    to be under legal age, and no person or persons under legal age shall individually or
    jointly have alcoholic liquor or beer in his or their possession or control; except in the
    case of liquor or beer given or dispensed to a person under legal age within a private
    home and with the knowledge and consent of the parent or guardian for beverage or
    medicinal purposes or as administered to him by either a physician or dentist for
    medicinal purposes and except to the extent that a person under legal age may handle
    alcoholic beverages and beer during the regular course of his or her employment by a
    liquor control licensee or beer permittee under state law. A person 19 or 20 years of
    age, other than a licensee or permittee under Chapter 123, Code of Iowa, who violates
    this section shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of fifteen dollars ($15.00).
    5-3-25 Dancing Permitted; License.
    (A) Dancing Permitted. No dancing shall be permitted in connection with the
    operation of a business under any Class "B" beer permit or Class "C" liquor license
    unless the floor space used for dancing purposes therein contained at least two
    hundred (200) square feet, all of which shall be of the same general floor level
    as the place where the beer or liquor is dispensed; said space to be used for
    dancing shall be in the same room as, or in a room adjacent to and opening directly
    from, the place where beer or liquor is dispensed and with full view at all times
    of the major portion thereof from the place where beer or liquor is dispensed. Said
    floor space shall not be obstructed or crossed in any part or portion by partitions
    or other obstructions of any kind except necessary structural posts, pillars, or
    similar supports and shall be used only for dancing.
    Dancing License. No Class "B" beer permit holder or Class "C" liquor licensee shall
    permit dancing until a license therefore has been obtained from the City Clerk's
    office. No dancing license shall be issued until a fee has been paid to the City
    Clerk's office in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 15 of the City Code, and until
    the premises to be used for dancing has been inspected and approved by the Police
    Chief, Fire Chief, and Building Inspector. A dancing license shall not be
    transferred. However, the City Council may, at its discretion, summarily revoke
    any license to dance. Clubs which comply with the requirements of State law shall
    not be required to obtain a dancing license.
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    5-3-26 Penalties
    (A) Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Chapter shall be subject to a
    fine of not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00), or to imprisonment for not more
    than thirty (30) days.
    (B) The conviction of any liquor control licensee or beer permittee for a violation of
    any of the provisions of sub-sections (A) to (H), inclusive, of Section 5-3-18 of this
    Chapter shall be grounds for the suspension or revocation of the license or permit by
    the Department or the City. However, if any liquor control licensee is convicted of any
    violation of subsection 2, paragraph a, d, or e, of Section 123.49 of the Code of Iowa,
    or any beer permittee is convicted of a violation of subsection 2, paragraph a, of said
    section 123.49 of the Code of Iowa, the liquor control license or beer permit shall
    be revoked and shall immediately be surrendered by the holder and the bond of the
    license or permit holder shall be forfeited to the Department of Beer and Liquor
    5-3-27 Persons Under Legal Age Frequenting Taverns. No person under legal age
    shall frequent or be in or about the licensed premises of a Class "B" beer permittee or a
    Class "C" liquor control licensee unless the sale of goods or services other than alcoholic
    liquor or beer constitutes fifty percent (50%) or more of the gross receipts from such
    licensed premises. No such permittee or licensee shall permit persons under legal age to
    frequent or be in or about his licensed premises.
    5-3-28 Open Containers. It shall be unlawful for any person or for any licensee
    or permittee under this Chapter or his or her agents or employees to permit any person
    to carry from a licensed premises any open container of beer or alcoholic beverage,
    including but not limited to bottles, cans, glasses, mugs, and cups, except when such
    carry-out is related to and necessary for custodial, maintenance, and other bona fide
    employment purposes.
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    5-4-1 Permit Required
    5-4-2 Requirements
    5-4-3 Merchants Requirements
    5-4-4 Billposters, Restrictions
    5-4-5 Consent Required
    5-4-6 Use of Nails or Tacks
    5-4-7 Removal
    5-4-1 Permit Required. No person shall post or distribute
    any advertising bills, posters, or written, printed, or illustrated
    matter, without having first obtained a permit therefor from the City
    in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 15 of the City Code.
    5-4-2 Requirements. City of Muscatine resident businessmen
    may distribute their own advertising matter without a permit as
    required in Section 5-4-1, provided that such distribution shall be
    made in such a manner as not to create a nuisance or litter and such
    advertising or billposting shall not be permitted on public streets or
    property. Such businessmen shall conform in all respects with the
    provisions of this Chapter except as to the requirement as to the
    5-4-3 Merchants Requirements. Merchants may hand bills and
    advertisements to persons willing to accept the same, at the
    entrances, or within their own storerooms, but shall refrain from
    scattering the same along the public sidewalks, gutters, streets,
    alleys, and property.
    5-4-4 Billposters, Restrictions. No licensed billposter or
    distributor shall scatter any bills, posters, or written, printed,
    or illustrated matter or deliver such upon the streets or alleys
    of the City, hand the same to persons passing along the streets,
    or throw the same into yards of private buildings or the halls of
    public buildings or elsewhere, except to persons willing to accept
    the same.
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    5-4-5 Consent Required. Any person who shall post, paste, or
    attach, or cause to be posted, pasted, or attached, any bill,
    placard, poster, announcement, or advertisement on any house,
    window, sidewalk, street, building, wall, fence, or tree, or to any
    telegraph, telephone, or electric light or power pole or water
    hydrant without first obtaining the written consent of the owner
    or, if City property, of the Council, shall be deemed guilty of a
    misdemeanor. No such poster or advertisement shall be attached to
    any building, structure, tree, or any other object in conflict with
    the City's Sign Ordinance.
    5-4-6 Use of Nails or Tacks. Any person who uses tacks or nails
    to fasten any such bill, placard, poster, announcement, or
    advertisement on any wall or surface along any street, sidewalk,
    or alley line where such nails or tacks may loosen and fall or may
    reach such street, alley, or sidewalk, shall be deemed guilty of a
    5-4-7 Removal. All bills, placards, posters, announcements, or
    advertisements as permitted in this Chapter shall be removed upon
    the request of the owner of private property and, if on public
    property, as directed by the City.
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    License Required
    Display of License
    5-5-1 License Required. It shall be unlawful for any person,
    without having obtained a license for that purpose in accordance
    with Title 5, Chapter 15 of the City Code to own, operate, or
    maintain any room in which such person owns, operates, or maintains
    any pocket billiard, billiard, or similar table or any bowling
    alley for hire or profit, or for the privilege of using which the
    public or patrons of such room are required to pay, either directly
    or indirectly, with money or with any other thing of value. All
    pocket billiard, billiard, or similar tables located or kept in any
    place of amusement or place of public resort shall be deemed to be
    so located and kept for the purpose of permitting persons to play
    thereon for hire and profit within the meaning of this Chapter.
    5-5-2 Application. Every person applying for a license under
    the terms of this Chapter shall make and deliver to the Clerk a
    written application, setting out the place in which he desires to
    maintain or operate pocket billiard, billiard, or similar tables or
    bowling alleys, the number of tables or alleys to be maintained, and
    who is the real and true owner of the tables or alleys to be
    5-5-3 Fees. The fees for licenses shall be in accordance
    with Title 5, Chapter 15 of the City Code.
    5-5-4 Display of License. Every person holding a license
    shall display such license in a conspicuous place in the room in
    which the tables or alleys thereby licensed are maintained and
    - 185 -

    5-5-5 Gambling. Any person who shall gamble, or permit
    gambling upon any game played on any pocket billiard,
    billiard, or similar table, or bowling alley, except as
    provided in Chapter 99B of the Code of Iowa, shall be guilty
    of a misdemeanor, and the Council, upon hearing, may revoke
    any license issued under this Chapter to such person or
    suspend the same for any period not less than ten (10) days.
    5-5-6 Exemption. This Chapter shall not apply to any pocket
    billiard, billiard, or similar table or bowling alley privately
    maintained in a private family or in social, political,
    philanthropic, benevolent, educational, or in a secret club or
    association, when such club or association maintains or operates
    such table and alley for the use of its members exclusively, and
    when such club or association maintains and operates such tables
    and alleys as an incident only to the general purposes of such
    club or association, and where such club or association has not
    been organized for the purpose of maintaining, operating, or
    running a pocket billiard, billiard, or bowling club.
    - 186 -

    Sale Authorized
    Permit to Sell
    Filing Application
    Application; Approval of
    Mayor to Sign Permit; Term
    Payment of Tax
    5-6-1 Sale Authorized. The sale of cigarettes and cigarette papers and wrappers
    made or prepared for the purpose of making cigarettes, by holders of permits therefor
    issued as hereinafter provided in this Chapter, is hereby authorized.
    5-6-2 Permit to Sell. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell cigarettes and
    cigarette papers and wrappers prepared for the purpose of making cigarettes without first
    obtaining a permit as provided in Title 5, Chapter 15 of the City Code and such sales
    must be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 98 of the Code of Iowa.
    5-6-3 Application. Any person desiring a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette
    papers and wrappers prepared for the purpose of making cigarettes shall sign and file
    with the Clerk a written application for such permit upon a form provided by the Clerk
    for that purpose. Such application shall truly state the name and residence of such
    applicant; whether an individual, firm, or corporation; the exact location of the place
    where such sales are to be made and the name, residence, and post office address of the
    owners of such place.
    5-6-4 Filing Application. Each applicant for a permit to sell cigarettes and
    cigarette papers and wrappers shall file with the Clerk his application prior to the
    deadline established by the City Council for accepting Council items at which such
    applicant desires the application to be acted upon.
    - 187 -

    5-6-5 Application; Approval of. At each regular meeting of the Council, the Clerk
    shall report to the Council each application for a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette
    papers and wrappers then filed in this office. The Council shall then proceed to the
    consideration of such application and if it finds the same proper and sufficient, shall by
    motion grant the permit applied for. Thereupon the Clerk shall endorse upon the
    application the fact and date of the granting of the permit by the Council.
    5-6-6 Mayor to Sign Permit; Term. Whenever the Council shall grant a permit as
    authorized in this Chapter, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to sign and issue the
    same, but such permit shall by its terms expire June thirtieth (30) following its issuance.
    5-6-7 Payment of Tax. No permit shall be issued and delivered to any applicant,
    pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter, unless and until such applicant shall present
    the receipt of the Clerk showing that the proper sum has been paid to the officer as the
    tax to the next following July first (1) as provided by law.

    5-7-1 License Required; Circus
    5-7-2 Circus License; Fee
    5-7-3 License Required; Carnival
    5-7-4 Carnival License; Fee
    5-7-5 Public Property
    5-7-1 License Required; Circus. No person shall keep, conduct,
    carry on, or operate any circus or like exhibition, including side
    shows and other performances in connection therewith, for a fee,
    charge, or profit, unless he shall first procure a license therefor
    in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 15 of the City Code.
    5-7-2 Circus License; Fee. For every circus or like exhibi-
    tion, including side shows or performances at the same time and in
    connection therewith, there shall be paid a license fee and a bond
    issued to the City in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 15 of the
    City Code.
    5-7-3 License Required; Carnival. No person shall keep, conduct,
    carry on, or operate any carnival or street fair, including all shows,
    racks, and stands exhibiting at the same time and in connection
    therewith, unless he shall first procure a license therefor in
    accordance with Title 5, Chapter 15 of the City Code.
    5-7-4 Carnival License; Fee. For every carnival or street
    fair, including all shows, racks, and stands exhibiting at the
    same time and in connection therewith, there shall be a license
    fee paid and bond issued to the City in accordance with Title 5,
    Chapter 15 of the City Code.
    5-7-5 Public Property. No circus or carnival shall be
    conducted on any public street, park, or other public property
    before first having obtained approval of the City Council.
    - 189 -

    5-8-1 Admission Fee
    5-8-1 Admission Fee.
    (A) An admission fee of fifty cents is hereby adopted for each person embarking on an
    excursion gambling boat with a ticket of admission docked within the City of
    (B) The admission fee shall be collected by the excursion boat licensee and paid to the City
    Treasurer at the same time as the admission fees and wagering taxes imposed by the
    State of Iowa are paid to the Treasurer of the State.
    (C) The licensee shall keep its books and records so as to clearly show the total
    number of admissions to gambling excursions conducted by the licensee on each
    day, including the number of admissions on free passes or complimentary tickets
    and the amount received daily from admission fees.
    (D) Within ninety days after the end of each month and the end of the licensee's fiscal
    year, the licensee shall transmit an audit of the admissions and admission fee
    collected to the City Treasurer. All audits shall be conducted by certified public
    accountants registered or licensed by the State of Iowa under Chapter 116 of the
    Code of Iowa.
    - 189A -
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    5-9-1 Grant of Franchise
    5-9-2 Construction of Distribution System
    5-9-3 Restoration of Public Places
    5-9-4 Furnishing of Service
    5-9-5 Non-exclusive
    5-9-6 Term of Franchise
    5-9-7 Publication and Election
    5-9-8 Acceptance
    5-9-9 Special Election to Grant Franchise
    5-9-1 Grant of Franchise. There is hereby granted to IES
    UTILITIES INC., hereinafter referred to as the "Company," its
    successors and assigns, the right, franchise and privilege for the
    term of twenty-five (25) years from and after the passage,
    adoption, approval and acceptance of the Ordinance, to lay down,
    maintain and operate the necessary pipes, mains and other
    conductors and appliances in, along and under the streets, avenues,
    alleys and public places in the City of Muscatine, Muscatine
    County, Iowa as now or hereafter constituted, for the purpose of
    distributing, supplying and selling gas to said City and the
    residents thereof and to persons and corporations beyond the limits
    thereof. The term "gas" as used in this franchise shall be
    construed to mean natural gas only.
    5-9-2 Construction of Distribution System. The mains and
    pipes of the Company must be so placed as not to interfere
    unnecessarily with water pipes, drains, sewers and fire plugs which
    have been or may hereafter be placed in any street, alley and
    public places in said City nor unnecessarily interfere with the
    proper use of the same, including ordinary drainage, or with the
    sewers, underground pipe and other property of the City, and the
    Company, it successors and assigns shall hold the City free and
    harmless from all damages arising from the negligent acts or
    omissions of the Company in the laying down, operation and
    maintenance of said natural gas distribution system.
    - 190 -
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    5-9-3 Restoration of Public Places . In making any
    excavations in any street, alley, avenue or public place, Company,
    its successors and assigns, shall protect the site while work is in
    progress by guards, barriers or signals, shall not unnecessarily
    obstruct the use of the streets, shall back fill all openings in
    such manner as to prevent settling or depressions in surface, and
    shall replace the surface, pavement or sidewalk of such excavations
    with same materials, restoring the condition as nearly as practical
    and if defects are caused shall repair the same.
    5-9-4 Furnishing of Service. The said Company, its successors
    and assigns, shall throughout the term of the franchise distribute
    to all consumers gas of good quality and shall furnish
    uninterrupted service, except as interruptible service may be
    specifically contracted for with consumers; provided, however, that
    any prevention of service caused by fire, act of God or unavoidable
    event or accident shall be a breach of this condition if the
    Company resumes service as quickly as is reasonably practical after
    the happening of the act causing the interruption.
    5-9-5 Non-exclusive. The franchise granted by this Ordinance
    shall not be exclusive.
    5-9-6 Term of Franchise. The term of the franchise granted
    by this Ordinance and the rights granted thereunder shall continue
    for the period of twenty-five (25) years from and after its
    acceptance by the said Company, as herein provided.
    5-9-7 Publication and Election . The expense of the
    publication of this Ordinance and the expense of the election
    herein called shall be paid by the Company, its successors and
    5-9-8 Acceptance. The franchise granted by this Ordinance
    shall be conditioned upon acceptance by the Company in writing.
    The acceptance shall be filed with the City Clerk within ninety
    (90) days from Company receiving a majority of the votes cast at
    the election hereinafter called.
    5-9-9 Special Election to Grant Franchise. BE IT FURTHER
    ORDAINED and it is hereby ordered that the question of granting of
    the franchise provided for in this Ordinance shall be submitted to a
    vote of the electors of the City of Muscatine, Muscatine County,
    Iowa, at a Special Election and that said Special Election is
    hereby called and ordered to be held in the City of Muscatine,
    Muscatine County, Iowa, on the 7th day of May, 1996, subject to the
    acceptance of the Company as provided in Section 8 above. Notice
    of said Special Election shall be given in the manner and form as
    required by law.
    - 191 - (See Next Page 193)
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    CHAPTER 10
    5-10-1 Purpose
    5-10-2 Scope
    5-10-3 License Required
    5-10-4 Screening
    5-10-5 Collection Vehicles License
    5-10-6 Disposal
    5-10-7 Violation
    5-10-1 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to protect the
    public health, safety, and welfare by regulating junk dealers,
    refuse and garbage haulers, and salvage dealers and to assure
    compliance with all applicable Ordinances of the City of Muscatine.
    5-10-2 Scope. The scope of this Chapter shall encompass all
    land within the Corporate Limits of the City of Muscatine and any
    future land annexed thereto. The regulations of this Chapter shall
    apply to all person(s) who actively pursue a livelihood by
    collecting, salvaging, distributing, or processing any junk, refuse,
    or garbage as defined in Title 9, Chapter 3 and Title 10, Chapter 23
    of this Code and applies to all salvage, refuse, or junk dealers,
    whether new or existing.
    5-10-3 License Required. All junk, salvage, or refuse dealers
    shall apply for an annual license to operate their business.
    Application forms must be signed by the appropriate City Officials
    indicating that the salvage or junk yard complies with all
    applicable Ordinances and regulations for the City of Muscatine.
    The completed application shall then be returned to the City Clerk and
    an annual license fee in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 15 shall
    be paid. Upon receipt of the completed application and fee, the City
    Clerk shall issue the annual license. All annual licenses shall be
    renewed prior to January 1st of each calendar year or such license
    will become null and void.
    5-10-4 Screening. All owners of salvage or junk yards shall
    - 193 -

    within one (1) year of the effective date of this Ordinance, screen

    all parts of their salvage or junk yards which are visible from
    any public thoroughfare by plantings, fencing, or other opaque
    materials to a height not exceeding eight feet (8'), except
    natural plantings may exceed eight feet (8').
    5-10-5 Collection Vehicles License. All trucks used for the
    business of hauling salvage, junk, refuse, or garbage shall be
    licensed annually by the City of Muscatine and shall pay a fee
    for each vehicle in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 15 of the
    City Code. Annual licenses shall be renewed prior to January 1st
    of each calendar year, and shall be retained at all times in the
    vehicle for which it is issued.
    Prior to the issuance of a license for each vehicle, the owner
    must certify the following and provide proof of the same if
    requested by the City, and the City may inspect the vehicle if it
    deems necessary:
    (A) Vehicle is owned or leased by applicant.
    (B) Vehicle is properly identified with paint or decal indicating
    the name of the company or individual owning or operating
    such truck.
    (C) Vehicle has been properly inspected in accordance with the
    laws of Iowa to assure such vehicle is safe.
    (D) Vehicle is properly equipped with a safe and watertight
    compactor or dump box which is adequate and safe to transfer
    any salvage, refuse, garbage, or junk without spilling such
    upon the public streets or endanger the general safety of the
    5-10-6 Disposal. All salvage, refuse, garbage, or junk must
    be disposed of in accordance with Title 9, Chapter 6 of the City
    5-10-7 Violation. Any owner of a salvage or junk yard or
    refuse or garbage collector who shall fail to license their
    businesses or vehicles, renew their license, or operate in violation
    of any other City, State, or Federal Law are guilty of a simple
    misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine not to exceed one hundred
    dollars ($100.00) or thirty (30) days in jail.
    - 194 -

    CHAPTER 11
    5-11-1 Definitions
    5-11-2 Compliance with Chapter Required
    5-11-3 Exemptions
    5-11-4 Licenses for Massage Business
    5-11-5 Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of License
    5-11-6 Massage Technician License
    5-11-7 Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of Massage Technician Licenses
    5-11-8 Health Standards
    5-11-9 Unlawful Acts
    5-11-1 Definitions.
    (A) "Massage or massage service" means any method of treating the external parts of
    the body, consisting of rubbing, stroking, kneading, tapping, or vibrating; such
    treatments being performed by the hand or any other body parts, or by any
    mechanical or electrical instrument.
    (B) "Massage establishment" means any establishment having a fixed place of business
    where any person, firm, association, or corporation engages in or carries on or
    permits to be engaged in or carried on any of the activities mentioned in Section
    (A) and Section (C) of this Chapter. Any establishment engaged in or carrying on, or
    permitting any combination of massage and bath house shall be deemed a
    massage establishment.
    (C) "Public bath house" means any place, including a private club or organization,
    wherein any person, firm, association, corporation, or partnership engages in,
    conducts or carries on or permits to be engaged in, conducted, or carried on, the
    business of giving or furnishing Russian, Finnish, Swedish, hot air, vapor, electric
    cabinet, steam, mineral, sweat, sale, Japanese, sauna, fomentation, orelectricbaths or
    baths of any kind whatever, excluding ordinary tub baths where an attendant is
    not used or required.
    - 195 -

    (D) "Massage technician" means any person, including a trainee, who engages in the
    business of performing massage services on or for other persons by use of any or
    all of the treatments, techniques, or methods of treatment referred to in the
    definition of massage or massage service.
    (E) "Massage patron" means any person who receives or pays to receive a massage or
    massage services from a massage technician for value.
    (F) "Applicant" means any person applying for a license to operate or conduct a
    massage business and in addition thereto shall include all partners in a partnership
    and all stockholders of a corporation where the controlling interest of the
    corporation is held by five (5) or less persons of legal entities.
    (G) "Accredited school" means any school which furnishes a certified statement of
    courses offered, including anatomy and physiology, and is accredited by the
    American Massage and Therapy Association, which provides for not less than 1,000
    hours of instruction and which shall furnish a certificate or diploma of successful
    completion of such course of study or learning.
    (H) "Licensee" means the operator of a massage establishment.
    5-11-2 Compliance with Chapter Required. No person, firm, or corporation shall
    operate, own, conduct, carry on, or permit to be operated, owned, conducted, or carried
    on any massage establishment of any type or kind including, but not limited to massage
    parlor, massage service business, or any massage business or service offered in
    conjunction with or as part of any health club, health spa, resort, health resort,
    gymnasium, athletic club, or other business, without compliance with the provisions of
    this Chapter. No person shall perform the services, duties, or work of a massage
    technician except in compliance with the provisions of this Chapter.
    5-11-3 Exemptions. The following persons and institutions are excluded from the
    operation of this Chapter:
    Persons licensed by the State of Iowa under the provisions of Chapters 148,
    148A, 148B, 148C, 148D, 149, 150, 150A, 151, 152, 152A, 152B, 152C, 153, 157, or
    158 of the Iowa Code, when performing massage therapy or massage services as
    part of the profession or trade for which licensed.
    - 196 -
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    (B) Persons performing massage therapy or massage services under
    the direct supervision of a person licensed as described in
    paragraph (A) hereinabove.
    (C) Persons performing massage therapy or massage services upon a
    person pursuant to the written instruction or order of a
    licensed physician.
    (D) Nurses' aides, technicians, and attendants at any hospital or
    health care facility, licensed pursuant to Chapters 135B, 135C,
    or 145A of the Iowa Code, in the course of their employment and
    under the supervision of the administrator thereof or of a
    person licensed as described in paragraph (A) hereinabove.
    (E) An athletic coach or trainer in any accredited public or
    private school, junior college, college, or university, or
    employed by a professional or semi-professional athletic team
    or organization in the course of his employment as such
    coach or trainer.
    (F) Non-profit corporations or associations.
    5-11-4 Licenses for Massage Business.
    (A) No person, firm, or corporation shall operate, own, conduct,
    carry on, or permit to be operated, owned, conducted, or
    carried on any massage business in the City unless the premises
    at which such business is located meet the minimum standards
    set forth in this Chapter and unless a license to operate a
    massage establishment is obtained from the City in compliance
    with the provisions of this Chapter and Title 5, Chapter 15 of
    the City Code.
    (B) Application Procedures. Any person, firm, or corporation seeking
    a license to operate a massage establishment shall make an
    application for a massage establishment license and shall refer
    the application to the Building Inspection Department, the Fire
    Department, and the Public Health Department, which shall
    inspect the premises proposed to be operated as a massage
    establishment and shall make written recommendations to the City
    Clerk concerning compliance with the codes that they administer.
    The Clerk shall also refer the application to the Police
    (C) Application Contents. The application shall contain the
    1. The full name, address, and social security number of the
    - 197 -

    2. The full name of the business and the address of the
    premises for which the application is being made.
    3. The criminal record of the applicant, if any.
    4. Written proof that the applicant is at least 18 years of
    5. The type 'of business entity, such as sole proprietorship,
    partnership, or corporation and, in the case of a cor-
    poration, the names and addresses of all officers and
    directors of the corporation.
    6. Applicants must furnish a diploma or certificate of
    graduation from an accredited school or other institution of
    learning wherein the method, profession, and work of
    massage is taught, provided; however, that if the
    applicant will have no physical contact with his customer or
    clients, he need not possess such diploma or certificate of
    graduation from a recognized school or other institution of
    learning wherein the method, profession, and work of massage
    is taught.
    7. All information required herein of any applicant shall
    also be provided for every person who, directly or
    indirectly, has any right to participate in the manage-
    ment or control of the business to be conducted at the
    premises of the proposed massage establishment.
    8. The name and address of the owner of the building where
    such massage business will be located.
    9. Certified copies of any lease or rental agreement governing
    the applicant's rights in said building.
    10. The signature of the applicant or applicants or, if the
    application is in the name of a corporation, the signa-
    ture of each officer of the corporation.
    (D) License Fees. A nonrefundable fee shall be charged for
    massage establishment licenses in accordance with Title 5,
    Chapter 15 of the City Code.
    (E) Issuance of License. The building, fire, health, and police
    departments shall make written reports of their investigations
    and shall submit such reports to the City Clerk within forty-
    five (45) days of the date of the application. The City
    Clerk shall issue a license if all requirements for a massage
    establishment described in this Chapter are met and shall
    - 198 -

    issue a license to all persons who apply to perform massage
    services unless he finds:
    1. That the operator as proposed by the applicant, if per-
    mitted, would not have complied with all applicable laws,
    including, but not limited to, the Building, City Zoning,
    Housing, and Fire Codes of the City of Muscatine or
    regulations adopted by the Health Department.
    2. That the applicant and any other person who will be
    directly engaged in the management and operation of a
    massage establishment has been convicted of any of the
    following offenses or convicted of an offense outside
    of the State of Iowa that would have constituted any of
    the following offenses if committed within the State of
    (a) An offense involving the use of force and violence
    upon the person of another that amounts to a felony.
    (b) An offense involving sexual misconduct with children.
    (c) An offense as defined in Chapters 698, 699, 704,
    705, and 724 of the 1977 Code of Iowa.
    The City Clerk shall issue a permit to any person convicted
    of any of the crimes described in section (E)2 of this Section
    if he finds that such conviction occurred at least five (5)
    years prior to the date of the application and the applicant has
    had no subsequent felony convictions of any nature and no
    subsequent misdemeanor convictions for crimes mentioned in
    this Section.
    In the event that the City Clerk determines that the applicant
    has not fully complied with all the requirements of this
    Chapter, then the City Clerk shall, after consultation with
    the Legal Department, advise the City Council of the basis
    for questioning the applicant's qualifications, and the
    procedures for notice and hearing as set forth in Section 5-11-
    5(B) of this Chapter shall apply before the license shall be
    (F) Separate License for each Place of Business. Each massage
    business shall have a separate license for each place of
    business, which shall be valid only for the business conducted
    at that location.
    (G) License to be Displayed. Each massage business shall display
    its license conspicuously in the lobby or waiting room area
    - 199 -

    where such license may be readily observed by all
    persons entering such premise.
    (H) Sale or Transfer. No massage establishment license shall
    be sold or transferred. The purchase or purchases of any
    massage business or of the majority of the stock of any
    corporation operating a massage business shall obtain a
    new license before operating such business at the location
    for which the license has been issued.
    5-11-5 Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of License.
    (A) Grounds. The massage establishment license of any such
    applicant or licensee may be denied, suspended, or revoked
    for violation of the provisions of this Chapter; for
    failure to comply with applicable fire regulations,
    building regulations, or health ordinances; for permitting
    massage technicians, who are either employed by the
    licensee or who are allowed by the licensee to perform
    the services or work of a massage technician upon the
    premises of the licensee, to violate the provisions of
    this Chapter; or if it is found that the applicant has
    falsified an application.
    (B) In the event the City Clerk is appraised of information
    indicating that grounds for denial, suspension, or
    revocation of a massage establishment may exist, he or
    she shall cause an investigation of such grounds to be
    made by the appropriate city department or departments,
    and after consultation with the Legal Department, shall
    advise the City Council in writing of the results of the
    investigation. If the City Council determines that the
    report reveals the probable existence of grounds for
    suspension or revocation, it shall direct written notice
    by ordinary mail to the licensee named on the application
    at the massage establishment address informing such
    person of the intention to hold a public hearing on the
    question of whether such license should be denied,
    suspended, or revoked, the grounds therefor, and the
    date and time of said hearing. Upon said hearing, if the
    City Council shall determine that such cause does exist,
    1. If the determination is the first such for that
    licensee, it may withhold action on an application
    for one month from the date of hearing or suspend an
    existing license for up to one month, and thereupon
    such licensee shall cease massage business at that
    location or at any other location for the period of
    - 200 -

    2. If the determination is the second such for that
    licensee or if the City Council finds against the
    applicant or

    licensee on two or more grounds at such hearing, it
    may deny an application or revoke an existing
    license at
    that location, and in either event, no massage
    establishment license shall issue nor shall such
    business be conducted at that location for a period
    of one year, nor shall the licensee be permitted to
    conduct such business in the City for that period.
    5-11-6 Massage Technician License.
    (A) License Required. No person shall perform the
    services, duties, or work of a massage technician without
    first receiving a massage technician license from the
    City Clerk. Such license shall not be required for the
    owner of a licensed massage establishment who performs the
    services, duties, or work of a massage technician in his or
    her own establishment, provided such person provides the
    information required in subsections (C)5 and (C)7
    hereof on the application for massage establishment
    license and states that such owner will be a massage
    technician at such establishment.
    (B) Application Procedures. Any person seeking a massage
    technician license shall apply to the City Clerk. The
    City Clerk shall cause an investigation of such
    applicant by the Police Department to determine if such
    person has a criminal record.
    (C) Application Contents. The application shall contain
    the following information:
    1. The full name, address, age, and social security
    number of the applicant.
    2. The criminal record of the applicant, if any.
    3. Written proof that the applicant is at least
    eighteen (18) years of age.
    4. The name of a licensed massage establishment where
    the applicant will be employed.
    5. The name and address of the accredited school
    attended, the date attended, and a copy of the diploma
    or certificate of graduation awarded indicating the
    applicant has completed not less than 1,000 hours of
    6. A statement that the contents of the application

    are true.
    - 201 -

    7. A certificate issued by a licensed physician stating
    that the applicant is free from communicable diseases
    and venereal diseases, such as syphilis and gonorrhea,
    executed within one week preceding the date of the
    (D) Issuance of the License. The Police Department shall make a
    written report of its investigation to the City Clerk within
    thirty (30) days of the date of the application. The City Clerk
    shall, upon presentation of the certificate described in
    subsection (C)7 hereinabove, issue a temporary massage
    technician permit to the applicant if the application is
    otherwise proper and pending receipt of the written police
    report. Upon receipt of the police report and the certificate,
    the City Clerk shall approve the application if the applicant
    has fully complied with all the requirements of this
    Chapter, and the City Clerk shall thereupon issue a permanent
    massage technician license to the applicant. The permanent
    license shall expire one year from the date of issuance. In the
    event that the City Clerk determines that the applicant for a
    new or renewal license has not fully complied with all of the
    requirements of this Chapter, or has falsified his or her
    application or has been convicted of any of the following:
    1. An offense involving the use of force and violence on the
    person of another that amounts to a felony.
    2. An offense involving sexual misconduct with children.
    3. An offense as defined under Chapters 698, 699, 704, 705, and
    724 of the 1977 Code of Iowa; provided, however, that the
    City Clerk may issue a permit to any person convicted of any
    crimes described in subsection (D)1, (D)2, or (D)3 of this
    Section if he finds that such conviction occurred at least
    five (5) years prior to the date of the application and the
    applicant has had no subsequent felony convictions of any
    nature and no subsequent misdemeanor convictions for crimes
    mentioned in this Section.
    Then the City Clerk shall, after consultation with the Legal
    Department, advise the City Council of the basis for
    questioning the applicant's qualifications, and the procedures
    for notice and hearing as set forth in Section 5-11-7(B) of
    this Chapter shall apply before the permanent license shall

    (E) License Valid Only for Establishment Listed on the Application.
    The massage technician license, when issued, shall be valid
    - 202 -

    only for the massage establishment listed on the application. A
    massage technician changing place of employment shall have his
    or her license amended by the permit clerk to show that the
    establishment proposing such employment holds a valid massage
    establishment license before commencing work for the new
    (F) License to be Kept at Place of Employment. All massage
    technicians having licenses issued pursuant to this Chapter
    shall keep said licenses at their place of employment as
    massage technicians.
    (G) License Fees. The license fee for a massage technician license
    shall be in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 15 of the City
    5-11-7 Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of Massage Technician
    (A) Grounds for Denial, Suspension, or Revocation. A massage
    technician license may be denied, suspended, or revoked for
    any violation of this Chapter, including but not limited to
    the failure to comply with new or renewal procedures, a
    finding of criminal offenses, or falsification of new or
    renewal applications.
    (B) Denial, Suspension, or Revocation Proceedings. The City
    Clerk shall, upon receipt of information alleging that grounds
    exist to deny, suspend, or revoke the massage technician
    license of any applicant or licensee under this subchapter and
    after consultation with the Legal Department, report the
    circumstances to the City Council, which in such case shall
    cause a notice to be sent by ordinary mail to the applicant or
    licensee, which notice shall state that a denial, suspension, or
    revocation hearing has been set before the City Council; the
    grounds for the proposed denial, suspension, or revocation;
    the date and time of the hearing; and the place where the
    hearing will be conducted. Upon such hearing, if the City
    Council shall determine that one or more of such grounds do
    exist, it may deny an application or suspend or revoke an
    existing license. In the event such license is revoked, no
    massage technician license shall issue to that licensee for a
    period of one year.
    5-11-8 Health Standards.
    (A) No massage establishment shall be established, maintained,
    or operated in the City that does not conform or comply with
    the following standards:
    - 203 -

    1. Each room or enclosure where massage services are per-
    formed on patrons shall be provided with a minimum of
    eight foot (8') candles as measured four feet (4') above
    the floor.
    2. The premises shall have adequate equipment for disin-
    fecting and cleaning non-disposable instruments and
    materials used in administering massage services. Such
    material's and instruments shall be cleaned after each
    3. Hot and cold running water shall be provided at all
    4. Closed cabinets shall be provided and used for the
    storage of all equipment, supplies, and clean linens. All
    used disposable materials and soiled linens and
    towels shall be kept in covered containers or cabinets,
    which containers or cabinets shall be kept separate from
    clean storage cabinets.
    5. Clean linen and towels shall be provided for each
    massage patron. No common use of towels or linens shall
    be permitted.
    6. All massage tables, bathtubs, shower stalls, sauna baths,
    steam or bath areas, and all floors shall have surfaces
    which may be readily cleaned.
    7. Oils, creams, lotions, or other preparations used in
    administering massages shall be kept in clean containers
    or cabinets.
    8. Adequate bathing, dressing, locker, and toilet facilities
    shall be provided for all patrons served at any given
    time. In the event male and female patrons are to be served
    simultaneously, separate bathing, dressing, locker, toilet,
    and massage room facilities shall be provided.
    9. All walls, ceilings, floors, pools, showers, bathtubs,
    steam rooms, and all other physical facilities shall be
    in good repair and maintained in a clean and sanitary
    condition. Wet and dry heat rooms, steam or vapor rooms,
    steam or vapor cabinets, shower compartments, and
    toilet rooms shall be thoroughly cleaned each day the
    business is in operation. Bathtubs shall be thoroughly
    cleaned after each use.
    10. Each massage technician shall wash his or her hands in
    - 204 -

    hot running water using soap or disinfectant before and
    after administering a massage to each patron.
    11. The premises shall be equipped with a service sink for
    custodial services, which sink shall be located in a
    janitorial room or custodial room separate from massage
    service rooms.
    12. No person shall consume food or beverages in massage
    work areas.
    13. Animals, except for seeing eye dogs, shall not be
    permitted in massage establishments.
    14. All massage establishments shall continuously comply with
    all applicable building, fire, or health ordinances and
    (B) No massage technician shall administer a massage:
    1. If said massage technician believes, knows, or should
    know that he or she is not free of any contagious or
    communicable disease or infection.
    2. To any massage patron exhibiting any skin fungus, skin
    infection, skin inflammation, or skin eruption; provided,
    however, that a physician duly licensed to practice in the
    State of Iowa may certify that such person may be safely
    massaged prescribing the condition therefor.
    3. To any person who is not free of communicable disease or
    infection or whom the massage technician believes or has
    reason to believe is not free of communicable disease or
    5-11-9 Unlawful Acts.
    (A) It shall be unlawful for any person in a massage establish-
    ment to place his or her hand or hands upon, to touch with
    any part of his or her body, to fondle in any manner, or to
    massage a sexual or genital part of any other person.
    (B) It shall be unlawful for any massage technician, while in the
    presence of any other person in a massage establishment, to
    fail to conceal with a fully opaque covering the sexual or
    genital parts of his or her body.
    (C) It shall be unlawful for massages to be administered to massage
    - 205 -

    patrons of different sexes in the same room or enclosure at
    the same time.
    (D) It shall be unlawful for any person owning, operating, or
    managing a massage establishment knowingly to cause, allow,
    or permit in or about such massage establishments any
    agent, employee, or any other person under his control to
    perform such acts prohibited in subsections (A), (B), (C),
    and (D) of this Section.
    (E) For the purposes of this Section, the following words shall
    have the meaning assigned below:
    "Sexual or genital parts" shall include the genitals,
    pubic area, buttocks, anus, or perineum of any person,
    or the vulva or breasts of a female.
    (F) Every person owning, operating, or managing a massage esta-
    blishment shall post a copy of this Section in a conspicuous
    place in the massage establishment so that it may be readily
    seen by persons entering the premises.
    - 206 -

    CHAPTER 12
    Conditions of Permit
    Unauthorized Entry into Parades
    5-12-1 Permit. No parade or procession, other than a funeral
    procession, except the armed forces of the United States, the
    military forces of the State of Iowa, and the forces of the Police
    and Fire Departments, shall occupy, march, or proceed along any
    street, except in accordance with a permit issued in accordance
    with Title 5, Chapter 15 of the City Code.
    5-12-2 Conditions of Permit. The permit required in Section 5-
    12-1 of this Chapter shall be issued only upon the approval of the
    Chief of Police and shall state the route to be followed and shall
    be subject to any conditions which the Chief of Police deems
    necessary to protect the safety of persons and property.
    5-12-3 Unauthorized Entry into Parades. No person shall enter
    or become a part of any parade or procession without express
    permission of the permittee.
    5-12-4 Insurance. Before a permit can be issued , the
    individual or organization requesting the parade permit must provide a
    certificate of insurance in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 15 of
    the City Code.
    - 207 -

    CHAPTER 13
    License Required
    License Fees
    License; Expiration Date
    Transfer of License
    Dealing with Minors
    Books to be Kept
    Inspection of Books
    Memorandum Required
    Sales by Pawnbrokers
    5-13-1 License Required. No person shall carry on business
    as a pawnbroker, who shall not have first procured a license there-
    for in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 15 of the City Code and
    complied with the requirements of this Chapter.
    5-13-2 License Fees. The fee for a pawnbroker's license
    as required by the preceding Section shall be paid in accordance
    with Title 5, Chapter 15 of the City Code.
    5-13-3 License; Expiration Date. The license required by
    Section 5-13-1 of this Code, obtained from the City, shall expire
    on December thirty-first (31) after its issuance.
    5-13-4 Bond. Every person applying for a license as a pawn-
    broker shall, at the time of receiving the same, execute a bond to
    the City in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 15 of the City
    Code. Any person aggrieved by the acts of any pawnbroker may sue
    upon such bond and recover such damages as he shows himself
    entitled to.
    5-13-5 Transfer of License. No license as required by Section 5-
    13-1 of this Code shall be assignable or transferable.
    5-13-6 Dealing with Minors. No pawnbroker shall purchase
    or receive in pawn any article or property from a minor without
    - 208 -

    the written consent of his parents or guardian.
    5-13-7 Books to be Kept. Every pawnbroker shall keep a book
    in which shall be fairly written, at the time of such loan or
    purchase, an accurate account and description of the goods,
    articles, or things pawned or bought; the amount of money loaned
    thereon or paid therefor; the time of pledging or buying the same;
    the name of the person pawning or selling the goods, articles or
    things; and if pledged, the rate of interest to be paid on such loan
    and the time when the loan becomes payable.
    5-13-8 Inspection of Books. The books of any pawnbroker,
    required to be kept by the preceding Section, shall, at all reason-
    able times be open to the inspection of the Chief of Police, to any
    person who shall be duly authorized in writing for that purpose, or
    by either of them.
    5-13-9 Memorandum Required. Every pawnbroker shall, at the
    time of each loan or purchase, deliver to the person pawning any
    article of goods a memorandum or note signed by him, containing the
    substance of the entry required to be made in his notebook. No
    charge shall be made for such entry, memorandum, or note.
    5-13-10 Sales by Pawnbrokers. No pawnbroker shall sell any
    pawn or pledge until the same shall have remained two (2) months in
    his possession after the payment of the amount loaned becomes due.
    - 209 -

    CHAPTER 14
    License and Fee Required
    Religious and Charitable Organizations Exempt
    Application for License
    Issuance of License
    Bond Required
    Display of License
    License Not Transferable
    Revocation of License
    Expiration of License
    Local Resident Businesses
    5-14-1 Definitions. For use in this Ordinance, the following terms are defined:
    (A) "Peddler" shall mean any person carrying goods or merchandise who sells or offers for
    sale for immediate delivery such goods or merchandise from house-to-house or upon
    public streets or public property. Peddlers shall include itinerant merchants who
    conduct sales on private property, with permission of the owner, such as meat, fish,
    and plant peddlers.
    (B) "Solicitor" shall mean any person who solicits or attempts to solicit from house-
    to-house or upon the public street an order for goods, subscriptions, or
    merchandise to be delivered at a future date.
    (C) "Transient merchant" shall mean any person, firm, or corporation who engages in a
    temporary, two (2) month's or less, itinerant merchandising business and in the
    course of such business hires, leases, or occupies any building or structure
    whatsoever. Temporary association with a local merchant, dealer, trader, or
    auctioneer, or conduct of such transient business local merchant, dealer, trader, or
    auctioneer shall not exempt any person, firm, or corporation from being considered a
    transient merchant.
    - 210 -
    5/7/92 84881

    5-14-2 License and Fee Required. Any person engaging in peddling, soliciting, or
    in the business of a transient merchant in the City shall first obtain a license and pay a
    fee in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 15 of the City Code.
    5-14-3 Religious, Charitable, and Non-Profit Organizations Exempt. Authorized
    representatives of religious, charitable and non-profit organizations desiring to solicit
    money or to distribute literature shall be required to submit in writing to the City Clerk
    the name and purpose of the cause for which such activities are sought; names and
    addresses of the officers and directors of the organization; the period during which such
    activities are to be carried on; and whether any commissions, fees, or wages are to be
    charged by the solicitor for his efforts and the amount thereof.
    If the City Clerk shall find that the organization is a bona fide religious, charitable, or
    non-profit organization, he shall issue, free of charge, a license containing the above
    information to the applicant.
    5-14-4 Application for License. An application in writing shall be filed with the
    City Clerk for a license under this Ordinance. Such application shall set forth the
    applicant's name, permanent and local address, business address, if any, physical
    description, and if required by the City Clerk, a recent photograph and right thumb print.
    The application also shall set forth the applicant's employer, if any, and the employer's
    address, the nature of the applicant's business, the last three (3) places of such business,
    and the length of time sought to be covered by the license. Any individual involved in
    peddling anything to be used as food shall submit to the City Clerk, for examination, a
    medical certificate to the effect that the holder is free from all communicable disease and
    infectious disease in communicable form and is not a carrier of any such disease before a
    license can be issued.
    A company may apply for a license under this Chapter, provided the information
    required above for each individual employee is included in the application.
    5-14-5 Issuance of License. If the City Clerk finds the application is made out in
    conformance with Section 5-14-4 of this Ordinance and the facts stated therein are
    correct, he shall issue, upon posting of bond as required by section 5-14-6 of this
    Ordinance, a license and charge a fee therefor as determined by Title 5, Chapter 15 of
    the City Code.
    5-14-6 Bond Required. Before a license under this Ordinance shall be issued, each
    applicant shall post a bond with the City in accordance with the provisions of Title 5,
    Chapter 15 of the City Code.
    - 211 -
    5/7/92 84881

    5-14-7 Display of License. Each solicitor or peddler shall at all times while doing
    business in this City keep in his possession the license provided for in this Ordinance, and
    shall, upon the request of prospective customers, exhibit the license as evidence that he
    has complied with all requirements of this Ordinance. Each transient merchant shall
    display publicly his license in his place of business.
    5-14-8 License not Transferable. Licenses issued under the provisions of this
    Ordinance are not transferable in any situation and are to be applicable only to the
    person filing the application.
    5-14-9 Revocation of License. The City Council may revoke any license issued
    under this Ordinance where the licensee in the application for the license or in the
    course of conducting his business has made fraudulent or incorrect statements, has
    violated this Ordinance, or has otherwise conducted his business in an unlawful manner.
    5-14-10 Expiration of License. All licenses granted under this Ordinance shall
    expire at twelve o'clock (12:00) midnight of the last day for which the license is issued.
    5-14-11 Penalty. Anyone violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall,
    upon conviction, be subject to imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days, or a fine not
    exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00). Each day that a violation continues to exist
    shall constitute a separate offense.
    5-14-12 Local Resident Businesses. Local resident businesses which would
    otherwise be subject to the provisions of this chapter shall apply for the license as
    required provided that if the City Clerk finds that the applicant is a bona fide local
    resident business, the City Clerk may issue the license. Local resident businesses shall
    pay an annual fee of $20.00, furnish a certificate of insurance with the City named as an
    additional insured if sales are to take place on city property and shall be exempt from
    furnishing a bond as required by this chapter. The application shall also contain a
    description of the area(s) where the sales are to take place which is subject to the
    approval of the City. Approval for the area(s) where the sales are to take place will be
    granted or denied within one working day after submission of the application. All other
    rules and regulations pertaining to the type of business to be conducted shall be met by
    the applicant.
    - 212 -
    5/7/92 84881

    CHAPTER 15
    5-15-1 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to consolidate into one Chapter all
    permits and licenses required in the various Chapters of the City Code for easy reference. It
    is further the purpose of this Chapter to establish the schedule of fees, and when
    required, bonds and insurance limits for all licenses and permits.
    5-15-2 Schedule. No license or permit shall be issued to any person under this
    Code until such person has paid to the City Clerk or other officer specified in this Code
    the fee required by this Chapter, or has qualified as being within one or more exceptions to
    such requirements as set forth in this Code; and no license or permit shall be issued to any
    person under any provision of this Code, until such person shall have filed with the City
    Clerk the bond therefore and evidence of insurance, if any be required, in the
    amount set forth in the attached schedule. The fee for a permit, license, filing or bond
    required by this Chapter may be changed or modified by resolution adopted by the City
    - 213 -
    5/9/03 88691-0503

    Permits(P)/ License(L)
    Beer (P)
    As Per State
    As Per State Code
    Beverage Vending Machine (L)
    As Per State
    Bicycles (L)
    Billiards Table (L)
    Bill Posting (L)
    Bowling Alleys (L)
    $ 11/Lane
    Building Demolitions (P)
    Use Bldg Permit
    Schedule I(A)
    -Based on cost
    of demolition
    GL 500,000 B.I.
    100,000 P.D.
    (500,000 CSL)
    0 B.I. 100,000
    P.D. (500,000
    CSL) WC
    Building Movers (P)
    Use Bldg Permit
    Schedule I(A)
    -Based on cost
    of moving
    GL 500,000 B.I.
    100,000 P.D.
    (500,000 CSL)
    0 B.I. 100,000
    P.D. (500,000
    CSL) WC
    Building Moving (P)
    Use Bldg Permit
    Schedule I(A)
    -Based on cost
    of moving
    Building (P)
    Use Schedule

    Permits(P)/ License(L)
    Code Section
    Carnivals (P)
    GL 1,000,000
    B.I. 100,000
    P.D. (1,000,000
    CSL) Auto
    B.I. 100,000
    P.D. (500,000
    CSL) WC
    Cigarettes (L)
    As Per State Code
    Circus (L)
    (Non-Profit Sponsor $110)
    GL 1,000,000
    B.I. 100,000
    P.D. (1,000,000
    CSL) Auto
    B.I. 100,000
    P.D. (500,000
    CSL) WC
    Conditional Use
    Bldg Dept
    Curb Cuts
    Bldg Dept
    GL 100,000 B.I.
    $25,000 P.D.
    (100,000 CSL)
    Electrical (P)
    Bldg Dept
    Use Schedule I(B)
    Electrician, General (L)
    Bldg Dept
    $50 (Examination)
    $50 (Initial)
    $100 (Annual)
    GL 500,000

    Permits(P)/ License(L)
    Monthly Annually
    Residential (L)
    Bldg Dept
    $50 (Examination)
    $30 (Initial)
    $80 (Annual)
    GL 200,000
    Electrical, Certificate of
    Bldg Dept
    $25 (Examination)
    $15 (Initial)
    $40 (Annual)
    Bldg Dept
    GL 100,000
    25,000 P.D.
    (100,000 CSL)
    Food Vending Machine (L) 9-1-4
    As Per State Code
    Food Establishments (L)
    As Per State Code
    Gaming Tables (L)
    Garbage Haulers (L)
    5-10-3 & 5
    GL 100,000
    25,000 P.D.
    (100,000 CSL)
    500,000 B.I.
    50,000 P.D.
    Hotels (L)
    As Per State Code
    Housing Rental (P)
    Bldg Dept
    $ 15 1st
    $20 Call Back
    Juke Boxes (L)

    Permits(P)/ License(L)
    Daily Weekly
    Monthly Annually
    Junk Dealers (L)
    5-10-3 & 5
    Bldg Dept
    $50 $10/truck
    GL 100,000
    25,000 P.D.
    (100,000 CSL)
    500,000 B.I.
    50,000 P.D.
    Levee Use or Imp. (P)
    Bldg Dept
    Depends on Use
    Depends on Use
    Liquor (L)
    As Per State Code
    As Per State Code
    Massage Establishments (L) 5-11-4
    $100 (3 Rooms or Less)
    $150 (3 Rooms or More)
    Message Technician (L)
    Mechanical (P)
    Bldg Dept
    Use Schedule I(C)
    Motels (L)
    As Per State Code
    Parades (P)
    $30 (Non-Profit Exempt)
    GL 500,000
    50,000 P.D.
    (500,000 CSL)
    Parks (Special Use) (P)
    Parks Dept Depends on Use
    Depends on Use
    Pawnbroker (L)
    Peddlers (L)
    Perculation Test
    Bldg Dept
    Pinball Machines (L)
    Plumbing (P)
    Bldg Dept
    Use Schedule I(D)

    Permits(P)/ License(L)
    Daily Weekly
    Monthly Annually
    Plumbing (L)
    Bldg Dept
    GL 100,000
    25,000 P.D.
    (100,000 CSL)
    Pocket Billiards
    Refuse Collector (L)
    5-10-3 & 5
    GL 100,000
    25,000 P.D.
    (100,000 CSL)
    500,000 B.I.
    50,000 P.D.
    (500,000 CSL)
    Restaurant (L)
    As Per State Code
    Rezoning Request
    Bldg Dept
    Roller Skating Rink (L)
    Salvage Dealers (L)
    5-10-3 & 5
    GL 100,000
    25,000 P.D.
    (100,000 CSL)
    500,000 B.I.
    50,000 P.D.
    (500,000 CSL)
    Septic Tank (P)
    Bldg Dept
    Sewer Repair-Tap (L)
    Bldg Dept
    Shooting Gallery (L)

    Permits(P)/ License(L)
    Daily Weekly
    Monthly Annually
    Sidewalk (New-Repair) (P)
    Bldg Dept
    GL 100,000
    25,000 P.D.
    (100,000 CSL)
    Sign (P)
    Bldg Dept
    GL 100,000
    25,000 P.D.
    (100,000 CSL)
    Street Cut (P)
    Bldg Dept
    GL 100,000
    25,000 P.D.
    (100,000 CSL)
    Subdivision Review
    Bldg Dept
    GL 100,000
    25,000 P.D.
    (100,000 CSL)
    500,000 B.I.
    Theaters (L)
    Transient Merchant (L)
    Tree Planting, Removal or
    Parks Dept None
    GL 100,000
    (100,000 CSL)
    500,000 B.I.
    (500,000 CSL)

    Permits(P)/ License(L)
    Daily Weekly
    Monthly Annually
    Tree Removal (L)
    Parks Dept
    GL 100,000
    (100,000 CSL)
    500,000 B.I.
    (500,000 CSL)
    Zoning Appeal
    Bldg Dept
    Zoning Variance
    Bldg Dept

    CHAPTER 16
    5-16-1 Selling on City Property
    5-16-2 Selling of Merchandise
    5-16-3 Soliciting for Worthy Cause
    5-16-1 Selling on City Property. No individual, company,
    corporation, or organization shall sell any product or service
    upon any city street, property, parks, or sidewalks without
    receiving the proper approval of the City Council.
    5-16-2 Selling of Merchandise. Local merchants and organ-
    izations composed of local merchants may sell merchandise on City
    owned property in conjunction with special promotional events
    subject to the approval by the City Council. Requests to close
    or use streets and sidewalks shall be reviewed by the Police Chief
    and Fire Chief before such approval is granted.
    5-16-3 Soliciting for Worthy Cause. Local civic, service,
    educational, health, welfare, and similarly related organizations
    may sell merchandise or solicit on City owned property upon
    approval by the City Council.
    - 224 -

    CHAPTER 17
    License and Fee
    Required Insurance
    Soliciting Passengers
    Filing; Posting; Rate
    5-17-1 Definition. Whenever the word "taxicab" is used in
    this Chapter, it shall mean any vehicle used for the transpor-
    tation of people for hire from one place to another within the
    5-17-2 Exemption. This Chapter shall not apply to any
    transportation company operating upon designated routes or between
    fixed terminals under an ordinance duly passed by the City.
    5-17-3 License and Fee Required. No person shall engage
    in the business of maintaining or operating any taxicabs without
    first procuring from the Council a license and payment of the
    fee as required in Title 5, Chapter 15 of the City Code.
    5-17-4 Insurance Policy. Any person operating any taxicab
    shall post and deposit with the Clerk an insurance policy issued
    by an authorized company to do business in the state, and such
    insurance policy shall be in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 15
    of the City Code and shall be for each vehicle operated within the
    City. The insurance policy shall insure to the benefit of any
    person who shall suffer bodily injury or property damage or to his
    estate should he be killed by reason of negligence or misconduct on
    the part of the driver or operator of such vehicle.
    5-17-5 Soliciting Passengers. It shall be unlawful for any
    person operating any taxicab to accost, stop, or approach and
    solicit any person to become a passenger in any such taxicab upon
    any street, alley, or other public place within the City.
    - 225 -

    5-17-6 Filing; Posting; Rate Schedule. Any person operating
    a taxicab shall file, with the application for a license, a schedule
    of rates to be charged for the use of such taxicab. A copy of
    this schedule of rates shall be posted in a conspicuous place in
    each taxicab. Any changes to the rate structure during the term of
    the license shall be submitted to the City Clerk's Office and filed
    with the license.
    - 226 -

    CHAPTER 18
    Length of Franchise
    Conditions for Initial Franchise Validation
    Transfers and Assignments
    Franchise Territory - Service Area
    Evidence of Financial Capability
    Initial Geographical Coverage
    Extension of Service
    Television Broadcast Signals
    Education and Governmental Access Channels
    Public Access Channels
    Public Access Channel Facilities
    Leased Access Channels
    Additional Services
    All Channels Emergency Alert
    Subscriber Privacy
    Underground & Overground Installation Requirements
    Consumer Service Standards Record of
    Complaints by Franchisee City Role in Complaints
    Review Sessions
    Triennial Review Sessions
    Topics to be Reviewed
    Services of Consultant Permitted
    Rate Regulation
    Rate Adjustments
    Switching Device
    Termination of Service
    Unauthorized Connections or Modifications
    Discriminatory or Preferential Practices
    Refunds to Subscribers and Programmers
    Public Service Installations
    Other Business Activities
    Franchise Fee
    - 227 -

    5-18-38 Construction and Operation Timetable
    5-18-39 Right of Inspection of Construction
    5-18-40 Technical Standards
    5-18-41 New Developments
    5-18-42 Communications with Regulatory Agencies
    5-18-43 Annual Report
    5-18-44 Security Fund and Performance Bond
    5-18-45 Cancellation and Expiration
    5-18-46 Enforcement
    5-18-47 Indemnification
    5-18-48 Insurance
    5-18-49 Foreclosure
    5-18-50 Receivership
    5-18-51 Publication of Notice
    5-18-52 Cost of Publication and Election
    5-18-53 Transmission of Documents to City
    5-18-54 Severability
    5-18-55 Repealer
    5-18-1 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to specify
    requirements for the establishment, construction, operation, and
    maintenance of cable television in the City pursuant to Chapter
    364, Code of Iowa and applicable federal law. If a new Applicant
    submits a proposal acceptable to the City Council, meets the
    requirements of this ordinance and those of the FCC, and receives a
    majority of the votes cast in a franchise election, the City may
    then proceed to enter into a non-exclusive franchise agreement with
    such prospective Franchisee, subject to the provisions of the
    Chapter. If the Incumbent Operator submits a proposal acceptable
    under Section 626 of the Cable Act of 1984 as amended, and meets
    the requirements of the FCC, the City shall proceed to fulfill its
    obligations under Section 626 of the Cable Act of 1984.
    5-18-2 Definitions.
    (A) "Additional service" means a subscriber service not
    included as part of basic service provided by the
    Franchisee and for which a special charge is made based
    on program, service content, or time of usage.
    (B) "Applicant" shall mean a prospective Franchisee.
    (C) "Basic service" means any service tier which includes the
    retransmission of local television broadcast signals.
    (D) "Broadcast signal" means a television or radio signal
    emanating from an FCC licensed broadcast facility.
    - 228 -

    (E) "Cablecasting" means transmitting a nonbroadcast signal
    by a Cable Television System.
    (F) "Cable Television System" or "Cable System" or "System"
    means a facility, consisting of a set of closed
    transmission paths and associated signal generation,
    reception, and control equipment that is designed to
    provide cable service which includes video programming
    and which is provided to multiple subscribers within a
    community, but such term does not include (A) a facility
    that serves only to retransmit the television signals of
    one or more television broadcast stations; (B) a facility
    that serves only subscribers in one or more multiple unit
    dwellings under common ownership, control, or management,
    unless such facility or facilities uses any public right-
    of-way; (C) a facility of a common carrier which is
    subject, in whole or in part, to the provisions of Title
    II of the Cable Act of 1984, except that such facility
    shall be considered a cable system (other than for
    purposes of Section 621(c) of the Cable Act of 1984) to
    the extent such facility is used in the transmission of
    video programming directly to subscribers; or (D) any
    facilities of any electric utility used solely for
    operating its electric utility systems.
    (G) "Cable operator" means any person or group of persons (A)
    who provides cable service over a cable system or (B) who
    otherwise directly controls or is responsible for,
    through any arrangement, the management and operation of
    such a cable system.
    (H) "City service" means (A) the one-way transmission to
    subscribers of (i) video programming, or (ii) other
    programming service, and (B) subscriber interaction, if
    any, which is required for the selection of such video
    programming or other programming service.
    (I) "City" shall mean the City of Muscatine, Iowa.
    (J) "Commission" shall mean the Muscatine Cable Television
    Advisory Commission established by Title 2, Chapter 4 of
    the City Code.
    (K) "Connecting existing" shall mean the connection of the
    cable or wire to a television or radio receiver when the
    house drop has previously been installed.
    - 229 -

    (L) "Connection new" shall mean the installation of a house
    drop and the connection of the cable or wire to a
    television or radio receiver.
    (M) "Converter" means an electronic device which converts
    signal carriers from one frequency to another.
    (N) "Council" shall mean the City Council of the City of
    Muscatine, Iowa.
    (0) "Education Access Channel" means (A) channel capacity
    designated for educational use; and (B) facilities and
    equipment for the use of such channel capacity.
    (P) "FCC" shall mean the Federal Communications Commission or
    its successor.
    (Q) "Franchise agreement" shall mean the contract entered
    into between the City and a Franchisee.
    (R) "Franchisee" shall mean any person, firm, corporation, or
    other entity granted a franchise in accordance with the
    provisions of this Chapter and applicable federal law.
    (S) "Franchising Authority" means the City of Muscatine,
    Iowa, or the lawful successor, transferee, or assignee
    (T) "Gross Annual Revenues" means any revenue derived
    directly by a Franchisee, from or in connection with the
    operation of a Muscatine cable system including, but not
    limited to, basic subscriber service fees, pay channel
    service fees, installation and reconnection fees, leased
    channel fees, converter and remote control rentals,
    studio rentals, production equipment rentals and local
    advertising revenues. The term does not include any taxes
    on services provided by a Franchisee and imposed directly
    upon any subscriber or user by the state, City or other
    governmental unit and collected by a Franchisee on behalf
    of said unit.
    (U) "Headend" shall mean the land, electronic processing
    equipment, antennas, tower, building, and other
    appurtenances normally associated with and located at the
    starting point of a broad-band telecommunications
    - 230 -

    (V) "House drop" means a cable that connects each building or
    home to the nearest feeder line of the cable network.
    (W) "Incumbent Operator" shall mean Cablevision VII Inc., dba
    TCI of Eastern Iowa, owning entity of the Muscatine
    (X) "Leased access channel" means any channel or portion
    thereof available for lease, on a first-come, first-
    served basis, including those portions of the other
    access channels not in use by their designated
    (Y) "Local government access channel" means (A) channel
    capacity designated for governmental use; and (B)
    facilities and equipment for the use of such channel
    (Z) "Local origination channel" means any channel where the
    Franchisee is the designated programmer.
    (AA) "Normal Business Hours" as applied to the Franchisee
    shall mean those hours during which similar businesses in
    the Village are open to serve customers. In all cases,
    Normal Business Hours must include some evening hours at
    least one night per week, and/or some weekend hours.
    (BB) "Normal Operating Conditions" shall mean those service
    conditions which are within the control of the
    Franchisee. Those conditions which are not within the
    control of the Franchisee include, but are not limited
    to, natural disasters, civil disturbances, power outages,
    telephone network outages, and severe or unusual weather
    conditions. Those conditions which are ordinarily within
    the control of the Franchisee include, but are not
    limited to, special promotions, pay-per-view events, rate
    increases, regular peak or seasonal demand periods, and
    maintenance or upgrade of the Cable System.
    (CC) "Outlet" shall mean the point of connection of the cable
    or wire to a television or radio receiver.
    (DD) "Public access channel" means (A) channel capacity
    designated for public use; and (B) facilities and
    equipment for the use of such channel capacity.
    - 231 -

    (EE) "Service tier" means a category of cable service or other
    services provided by a cable operator and for which a
    separate rate is charged by the cable operator.
    (FF) "Shall" and "will" are mandatory; "may" is permissive.
    (GG) "Subscriber" means any person, firm, corporation, or
    entity receiving reception service from the Franchisee.
    (HH) "Two-way" means subscriber interaction with the cable
    (II) "User" means any person, firm, corporation, or entity who
    or which produces or otherwise provides program material
    for transmission by video, audio, digital, or other
    signals, either live or recorded by means of the system.
    5-18-3 Length of Franchise. The term of a franchise and all
    rights, privileges, obligations, and restrictions pertaining
    thereto shall be determined by Council from the effective date of
    such franchise or the effective date of any transfer or assignment
    thereof in accordance with Section 5-18-6 of this Chapter. The term
    of agreement will be specified in the Franchise Agreement. Such
    term shall not exceed 15 years. The City shall award a non-
    exclusive franchise to construct, erect, operate, and maintain in,
    upon, along, across, above, over, and under the streets, alleys,
    public ways, and public places now laid out or dedicated, and all
    extensions thereof and additions thereto in the City, poles, wires,
    cables, underground conduits, manholes, and other conductors and
    fixtures necessary for the operation and maintenance in the City of a
    Cable Television System, and to furnish and to sell service from
    such System to the inhabitants of the City pursuant to the terms of
    this Chapter. The City specifically reserves the right to grant a
    similar franchise to any person, firm, corporation or municipal
    enterprise at any time.
    5-18-4 Conditions for Initial Franchise Validation.
    (A) The Applicant shall abide by all provisions of this
    Chapter and all other applicable City ordinances. The
    Applicant shall not claim, as against the City, that the
    provisions of this Chapter are unreasonable, arbitrary,
    or void.
    (B) Within twenty (20) days after approval of the voters at a
    franchise election and approval of the City Council of a
    franchise proposal, the Applicant and the City may then
    proceed to execute a franchise agreement.
    - 232-

    (C) Within ninety (90) days after execution of the franchise
    agreement, the Applicant shall file with the appropriate
    authorities all papers and applications necessary to
    comply with the terms of this Chapter and the franchise
    agreement, and shall diligently pursue all such
    (D) Failure of the Applicant to comply with the provisions of
    this section shall be grounds for immediate revocation of
    any rights the Applicant may have in the franchise and
    forfeiture of the Applicant's security fund and
    performance bond.
    5-18-5 Renewal. A franchise granted under this Chapter may be
    renewed by the Council upon application of the Franchisee pursuant
    to Section 626 of the Cable Act of 1984, as amended.
    5-18-6 Transfers and Assignments.
    (A) The Franchisee's right, title, or interest in the
    Franchise shall not be sold, transferred, assigned, or
    otherwise encumbered , other than to an entity
    controlling, controlled by, or under common control with
    the Franchisee, without the prior consent of the
    Franchising Authority , such consent not to be
    unreasonably withheld. No such consent shall be required,
    however, for a transfer in trust, by mortgage, by other
    hypothecation, or by assignment of any rights, title, or
    interest of the Franchisee in the Franchise or System in
    order to secure indebtedness. Within 30 days of receiving
    the request for transfer, the Franchising Authority
    shall, in accordance with FCC rules and regulations,
    notify the Franchisee in writing of the information in
    requires to determine the legal, financial and technical
    qualifications of the transferee.
    (B) It shall be a violation of the franchise for any
    individual or group of individuals acting in concert to
    formally or informally authorize any other individual or
    group of individuals to act as their nominee or to
    mislead the Council in any way in regard to the sale,
    transfer, or disposition of interest in or control of the
    (C) The restrictions of this section shall be effective
    immediately upon execution of the franchise agreement.
    - 233 -

    5-18-7 Franchise Territory - Service Area. The franchise
    territory, also known as the service area, shall include the entire
    present territorial limits of the City and any area annexed thereto
    during the term of the franchise.
    5-18-8 Evidence of Financial Capability. The evidence of
    financial soundness and capability required in the initial
    applicant's proposal shall be such as may be reasonably necessary
    to assure the City that the entire system will be completed within
    the time specified by Section 38 of this Chapter.
    5-18-9 Geographical Coverage. The Franchisee shall provide a
    cable communication system in such manner as to pass and provide
    adequate tap off facilities for every single family dwelling unit,
    multiple dwelling unit or other residential unit in the City.
    Franchisee shall also pass and provide adequate tap off facilities
    for every commercial establishment within 1/4 mile of existing
    distribution system in the City.
    5-18-10 Extension of Service. The Franchisee shall, at its
    expense, within one year of annexation, extend its system to have
    service available to all residents of:
    (A) Newly annexed areas to the City where the average density
    is at least thirty (30) dwelling units per lineal mile of
    proposed trunk and feeder cable route.
    (B) New housing areas developed within the City limits.
    (C) Any new single family dwelling unit, multiple dwelling
    unit or other residential unit or commercial
    establishment within 1/4 mile of existing distribution
    system in the City shall be extended cable simultaneously
    with electric power and telephone utilities.
    5-18-11 Television Broadcast Signals. The Franchisee shall
    provide, as part of its cable television service, the signals of
    all television broadcast signals consistent with the rules and
    regulations of the FCC and all other applicable laws, rules, or
    regulations. The Franchisee's system shall be designed, engineered,
    and maintained so as not to interfere with the television and radio
    reception of residents of the City who are not subscribers to the
    A Spanish language television channel is of interest to the
    City, therefore Franchisees are encouraged to carry such a channel.
    - 234 -

    5-18-12 Education and Governmental Access Channels. During the
    term of the franchise, the Franchisee shall provide at no charge at
    least two additional channels: one for educational use and one to
    be used by the City, or its assignee, for any purpose. As both
    educational and municipal channel availability is of great interest
    to the City, applicants may indicate in their applications a
    greater number of channels dedicated for these purposes.
    For any educational access channel, the Franchisee shall
    prohibit the presentation of any material designed to promote the
    sale of commercial products or services (including promotions by or
    on behalf of candidates for any elected or appointed office),
    lottery information, and obscene or indecent matter and permit
    public inspection of a record of the names and addresses of all
    persons or groups requesting access time. Such record shall be
    retained for a period of two (2) years.
    5-18-13 Public Access Channels. During the term of the
    franchise, the Franchisee shall provide at least one (1) specially
    dedicated, non-commercial public access channel to be made
    available to the public, groups, and individuals on a first-come,
    non-discriminatory basis. Such channels shall be operated in accord
    with FCC rules and regulations. The Franchisee shall make no charge
    for use of such channel other than actual out-of-pocket expenses
    for production costs, if any, which are incurred in live studio
    presentations exceeding five (5) minutes. The Franchisee shall
    establish rules providing for access to the public channel on a
    first-come, non-discriminatory basis, prohibiting the presentation
    of any advertising material designed to promote the sale of
    commercial products or services (including promotions by or on
    behalf of any candidate for any elected or appointed office),
    lottery information, and obscene or indecent matter. A public
    record shall be kept and retained for two (2) years of the name and
    addresses of all persons or groups requesting access time. As the
    total number of access channels is of a great deal of interest to
    the City, applicants may propose a greater number of such channels
    than the minimum set forth herein in their application.
    5-18-14 Public Access Channel Facilities. The Franchisee shall
    augment the television programming available by active promotion
    and assistance for locally originated programs. The Franchisee
    shall, for a reasonable charge, provide the necessary information
    to the public on the use of the access channels and shall provide,
    on request, assistance to any person seeking to develop the
    necessary skills to produce programs on the access channels.
    Further, the Franchisee shall cooperate with any person wishing to
    organize training workshops in connection with the use of access
    - 235 -

    To these ends, the Franchisee must provide the necessary local
    studio and both portable and stationary equipment to support local
    origination of programs for transmission over the system. A studio
    within the City must be made available for all access users on a
    first-come, first-served basis. Equipment included must provide, at
    minimum, for the ability to use 1/2" video tapes and current
    technology available at the consumer level. Equipment shall include
    cameras, slide and film chain, portable cameras and recorders, a
    timebase corrector, and other appropriate equipment. The studio
    shall have the capability to originate cablecasts in color. Cost of
    maintenance of the studio and equipment shall be borne by the
    Franchisee. These program facilities and equipment are to be used
    by access cablecasters with the aid of a technical and production
    staff to be provided by the Franchisee.
    Any Applicant shall demonstrate in its application how it
    plans to make the equipment, studio, and technical and production
    staff available. Applicants will be given preference in the
    selection process for plans that will most adequately meet these
    requirements. A full schedule of rates for the use of equipment,
    studio, and technical and production staff shall be submitted in
    the application or renewal of Franchise proposal.
    5-18-15 Leased Access Channels. The Franchisee shall make a
    portion of the remaining unused channels available for lease to any
    organization, group, or individual on a first-come, first-served
    basis as provided in this Chapter. At least one (1) channel must be
    available for lease on a part-time basis. The Franchisee cannot
    exercise program controls over leased channels, but may adopt rules
    governing the leasing of channel space which: (a) provide for
    access on a first-come, non-discriminatory basis; (b) prohibit the
    presentation of lottery information and obscene or indecent matter;
    (c) require sponsorship identification; (d) specify a reasonable
    rate schedule; and (e) permit public inspection of the record of
    the names and addresses of all persons or groups requesting time,
    which record shall be retained for a period of at least two (2)
    5-18-16 Additional Services. The Franchisee is encouraged to
    make available such additional video, audio, radio, digital, point-
    to-point service, and other services as are requested by
    subscribers and programmers who are willing to pay for such
    services, provided that such services are technologically and
    economically feasible. If no applicable rate exists when such a
    service is requested, the rate change procedures established in
    this Chapter shall apply. The Franchisee shall undertake to apply
    for any certificate of compliance or waiver necessary to permit the
    - 236 -

    provision of a specific additional service. Should a dispute arise
    over any matter regarding additional services, the dispute may be
    resolved in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter relating
    to methods of resolving disputes. Nothing in this section shall
    preclude the offering of such new service on a temporary or
    experimental basis. In addition, public governmental and
    educational space shall be reserved in all information services
    initiated by the Franchisee at the same level as in cable
    television service.
    5-18-17 All Channels Emergency Alert. The Franchisee shall, in
    the case of any emergency or disaster, make its entire system
    available without charge to the City or to any other governmental
    or civil defense agency that the City shall designate. The system
    shall be engineered to provide an audio alert system to allow
    authorized officials to automatically override the audio signal on
    all channels and transmit and report emergency information. The
    system shall also have the capability for visual transmission of
    emergency messages.
    5-18-18 Subscriber Privacy. The Franchisee shall be constantly
    alert to possible abuses of the right of privacy or other legal
    rights of any subscriber, programmer, or general citizen resulting
    from any device or signal associated with the cable communications
    system. The possibility of such abuse shall be discussed at every
    scheduled review session.
    The Franchisee shall abide by current Federal law and FCC
    regulations regarding protection of subscriber privacy.
    No cable, line, wire, amplifier, converter, or other piece of
    equipment owned by the Franchisee shall be installed by the
    Franchisee within private easements without first securing the
    written permission of the owner, leasee, or tenant of any property
    5-18-19 Underground and Overground Installation Requirements.
    (A) The Franchisee may lease, rent, or in any other manner by
    mutual agreement obtain the use of towers, poles, lines,
    cables, and other equipment and facilities from utility
    companies operating within the City, and use towers,
    poles, lines, cables, and other equipment and facilities
    for the system. When and where practicable, the poles
    used by the Franchisee's distribution system shall be
    those erected and maintained by such utility companies
    operating within the City, provided mutually satisfactory
    - 237 -

    rental agreements can be reached. It is the City's desire
    that all holders of public franchises in the City
    cooperate with the Franchisee and allow the Franchisee
    the use of their poles and pole line facilities whenever
    possible so that the number of new or additional poles
    installed in the City may be minimized.
    (B) The Franchisee shall have the right to erect, install,
    and maintain its own towers, poles, guys, anchors,
    underground conduits, and manholes as may be necessary
    for the proper construction and maintenance of the
    antenna site, headend, and distribution system, providing
    that the Franchisee has at the work site the necessary
    City permit(s) or copy thereof, for scheduled work,
    obtained in advance from the appropriate City Department.
    (C) The Franchisee shall have the right to establish terms,
    conditions, and specifications governing the form, type,
    size, quantity, and location of equipment of others on
    its poles, and shall have the further right to charge a
    fair rental for attachment space or spaces occupied by
    the said equipment and plant of others, except that no
    rent shall be paid by the City for its attachment to the
    Franchisee's poles. The City shall pay any costs incurred
    by the Franchisee in providing space for the City's
    attachments, including any necessary rearrangements of
    the Franchisee's equipment and plant to provide room for
    City attachments. Upon expiration, termination, or
    revocation of a franchise, or should a Franchisee wish to
    dispose of any of its poles, conduit or manholes, being
    used by the City, the City shall have the option to
    purchase them in place of their fair value based upon
    reproduction cost less depreciation.
    (D) In those areas of the City where transmission or
    distribution facilities of both telephone and power
    companies are underground or hereafter may be placed
    underground, the Franchisee shall likewise construct,
    operate, and maintain all of its transmission and
    distribution facilities underground to the maximum extent
    the then existing technology permits, in accordance with
    the most recent National Electrical Code as adopted by
    the City, the Bureau of Standards Handbook No. 81, and
    the Telephone System Practices Governing Joint Attachment
    Practices, and their successor documents, as well as in
    conformance with all applicable state and municipal
    ordinances and codes. If and when necessary, amplifiers
    and/or transformers in the Franchisee's transmission and
    - 238 -

    distribution lines may be in appropriate housings on the
    surface of the ground. Such housings and the location and
    construction of all work required or pursuant to this
    section shall be approved in advance by the persons
    identified in Paragraph (B) of this section. Even when
    not required, underground installation is preferable to
    the placing of additional poles.
    (E) All transmission and distribution structures, lines, and
    equipment erected by the Franchisee in the City shall be
    located so as not to endanger or interfere with the
    normal use of streets, alleys, or other public ways and
    places so as to cause minimum interference with the
    rights or reasonable convenience of the general public
    and adjoining property owners and so as not to interfere
    with existing public utility installations and so as to
    comply with the most recent National Electrical Code as
    adopted by the City, the Bureau of Standards Handbook No.
    81, and the Telephone System Practices Governing Joint
    Attachment Practices, and their successor documents, as
    well as in conformance with all applicable state and
    municipal ordinances and codes. The Franchisee shall make
    available to the City, maps, plats, and records of
    locations and character of all facilities for inspection
    at our local facility.
    In the case of any disturbance by the Franchisee or its
    equipment of pavement, sidewalks, driveway, lawn, or
    other surfacing, the Franchisee shall, at its expense and
    in the manner required by the City, promptly replace and
    restore all such surfacing to as near as reasonably
    possible its prior or better condition.
    (F) The City reserves the right, upon reasonable notice, to
    require the Franchisee at its expense to protect,
    support, temporarily disconnect, relocate, or remove the
    Franchisee's equipment from a particular area of the
    City's streets if reasonably necessary by reason of
    traffic conditions; public safety, street construction or
    vacation; change or establishment of street grade;
    installation of sewers, drains, water pipes, power or
    communication lines, tracks, traffic signals, street
    lighting; or other conditions. Reasonable notice for this
    provision of the Chapter shall be construed to mean at
    least thirty (30) days , except in the case of
    - 239 -

    (G) The Franchisee shall not place poles, conduits, or other
    fixtures above or below ground where the same shall
    interfere with any gas, electric, telephone fixtures,
    water hydrant, or other utilities, and all such poles,
    conduits, or other fixtures above or below ground shall
    be so placed as to comply with all the requirements of
    the City.
    (H) The Franchisee shall, on request of any persons holding a
    moving permit issued by the City, temporarily move its
    wires or fixtures to permit the moving of buildings. The
    expense of such temporary removal shall be paid in
    advance by the person requesting the same, and the
    Franchisee shall be given not less than five (5) working
    days advance notice to arrange for such temporary
    (I) The Franchisee shall have the authority, coextensive with
    the legal authority of the City, to trim any trees upon
    and overhanging the streets, alleys, sidewalks, and
    public place of the City so as to prevent the branches of
    such trees from coming in contact with wires and cables
    of the Franchisee, except that at the option of the City,
    trimming may be done by it or under its supervision and
    direction at the expense and liability of the Franchisee.
    5-18-20 Consumer Service Standards. Nothing in this Ordinance
    shall be construed to prevent or prohibit: (i) the City of
    Muscatine and the Franchisee from agreeing to exceed the customer
    service standards set forth herein; (ii) the City from enforcing,
    through the franchise term, pre-existing customer service
    requirements that exceed the requirements set forth herein and are
    contained in current Franchise Agreements; (iii) the establishment
    or enforcement of any State or municipal law or regulation
    concerning customer service or consumer protection that imposes
    customer service or consumer protection requirements that exceed,
    or address matters not addressed herein.
    The Franchisee shall maintain a local office to provide the
    necessary facilities, equipment and personnel to comply with the
    following consumer standards under normal conditions of operation:
    (E) Service Standards. The Franchisee shall render efficient
    service, make repairs promptly, and interrupt service
    only for good cause and for the shortest time possible.
    Scheduled Service Interruptions, insofar as possible,
    shall be preceded by notice and shall occur during
    - 240 -

    periods of minimum use of the system. A written log or an
    equivalent stored in computer memory and capable of
    access and reproduction, shall be maintained for all
    Service Interruptions and requests for cable service as
    required by this Ordinance.
    (B) Telephone lines. Local toll-free or collect call
    telephone line capacity shall be made available by
    Franchisee to customers 24 hours per day, seven days a
    week, including holidays. The Franchisee shall use best
    efforts under Normal Operating Conditions during Normal
    Business Hours to ensure that a minimum average of ninety
    percent (90%) of all callers (measured on a quarterly
    basis) for service will not be required to wait more than
    thirty (30) seconds before being connected to a trained
    customer service representative, and shall receive a busy
    signal less than three percent (3%) of the time (measured
    on a quarterly basis). If the call needs to be
    transferred, the transfer time shall not exceed thirty
    (30) seconds. Inquiries received after normal business
    hours may be answered by a service or an automated
    response system, and such calls must be responded to by a
    trained company representative on the next business day.
    (C) Local office. A business and service office, conveniently
    located within the City, open during Normal Business
    Hours, and adequately staffed to accept subscriber
    payments and respond to service requests and complaints.
    (D) Installation staff. An installation staff shall install
    service to any subscriber located up to 125 feet from the
    existing distribution system within seven (7) days after
    receipt of a request. This Standard shall be met no less
    than ninety-five percent (95%) of the time, measured on a
    quarterly basis.
    (E) Installation, Outages and Service call scheduling.
    Franchisee shall schedule, either at a specific time, or, at
    maximum, within a specified four (4) hour time period, all
    appointments with subscribers for installation or
    service. Franchisee may not cancel an appointment with a
    customer after the close of business on the business day
    prior to the scheduled appointment. If a Franchisee
    representative is running late for an appointment with a
    - 241 -

    customer and will not be able to keep the appoint as
    scheduled , the customer will be contacted . The
    appointment will be rescheduled, as necessary, at a time
    which is convenient for the customer. These Standards
    shall be met no less than ninety-five percent (95%) of
    the time, measured on a quarterly basis.
    (F) Repair standards. The Franchisee shall maintain a repair
    force of technicians who, under Normal Operating
    Conditions, are capable of responding to subscriber
    requests for service within the following time frames:
    1. System Service Interruption: Under Normal
    Operating Conditions, within two (2) hours,
    including weekends, of receiving subscribers
    calls which by number identify a system
    Service Interruption of sound or picture on
    one (1) or more channels, affecting all the
    subscribers of the system or two percent (2%)
    2. Isolated Service Interruption: Within twenty-
    four (24) hours, including weekends, of
    receiving requests for service identifying an
    Isolated Service Interruption (less than 2% of
    subscribers) of sound or picture for one (1) or
    more channels. This Standard shall be met no
    less than ninety-five percent (95%) of the
    time, measured on a quarterly basis.
    3. Inferior reception quality: Within forty-eight
    (48) hours, including weekends, of receiving a
    request for service identifying a problem
    concerning picture or sound quality .
    Franchisee shall be deemed to have responded
    to a request for service under the provisions
    of this Section when a technician arrives at
    the service location and begins work on the
    problem. In the case of a subscriber not being
    home when the technician arrives, response
    shall be deemed to have taken place if the
    technician leaves written notification of
    (G) Notification of Service Interruption to Cable Television
    Advisory Commission. The Franchisee shall promptly notify
    the Municipal Administrator , in writing , or if
    appropriate, by oral communication, of any significant
    - 242 -

    interruption in the operation of the system. For the
    purposes of this section, a "significant interruption in
    the operation of the system" shall mean any interruption
    of sound or picture on one (1) or more channels a
    duration of at least one (1) hour to at least five
    percent (5%) of the subscribers, or an interruption of
    sound or picture on at least one (1) or more channels
    initiated by the Franchisee of at least four (4) hours to
    any single subscriber.
    (H) Subscriber Credit for Service Interruption. Upon Service
    Interruption of subscriber's cable service, the following
    shall apply:
    1. For Service Interruptions of over twelve (12)
    hours and up to fourteen (14) days, the
    Franchisee shall provide, at the subscriber's
    request, a credit of one-thirtieth (1/30) of
    one month's fees for affected services for
    each 24-hour period service is interrupted for
    twelve (12) or more hours for all affected
    2. For interruptions of fourteen (14) days or
    more in one month, the Franchisee shall
    provide, at the subscriber's request, a full
    month's credit for affected services for all
    affected subscribers.
    5-18-21 Record of Complaints by Franchisee. Computer records
    setting forth the date and substance of each complaint received by
    phone, mail or other means during the preceding calendar month, if
    any, the name and address of each complaining party, and the date
    and nature of action taken by the Franchisee to respond to such
    complaints, or, if still pending, the status thereof, shall be
    maintained by the Franchisee and be available to the City for
    review for two years thereafter.
    5-18-22 City Role in Complaints. Unresolved complaints
    concerning the system or its operation or maintenance shall be
    directed to the Office of the City Administrator. The City
    Administrator shall forward the complaint to the Franchisee or
    shall take the question up by correspondence with the Franchisee.
    Within such time as may be prescribed by the City Administrator,
    the Franchisee shall resolve the complaint or advise the City of
    its refusal or inability to do so. When the Franchisee resolves the
    complaint, it shall so notify the City. If a complaint has not been
    resolved, the complainant may petition the City to take any
    appropriate action authorized by this Chapter.
    - 243 -

    5-18-23 Review Sessions. In recognition of the fact that a
    great many technical, financial, marketing, and legal uncertainties
    are associated with all aspects of cable communications at the
    present time, it is the intent of the City to provide for a maximum
    feasible degree of flexibility in this franchise throughout its
    term to achieve an advanced and modern system for the City. The
    principal means for accomplishing this flexibility will be the
    scheduled review sessions provided for in this Chapter. It is
    intended that such review sessions will serve as a means of
    cooperatively working out solutions to problems that develop.
    Furthermore, such review sessions shall be two-way processes. For
    example, if either party has perceived that some major problem has
    developed, the session shall be devoted primarily to working out
    solutions acceptable to both parties.
    5-18-24 Triennial Review Sessions. The City and the Franchisee
    shall hold scheduled review sessions no later than April 30, of
    calendar year 1997 and every third year thereafter for the duration
    of the franchise. All such review sessions shall be open to the
    public and notice thereof shall be published once, not less than
    ten (10) days nor more than twenty-five (25) days before each
    review session, as provided by law. The published notice shall
    specify the topics to be discussed.
    5-18-25 Topics to be Reviewed. The following topics shall be
    discussed at every scheduled review session:
    Recent and Developing Judicial and Federal Communication
    Service Rate Structures
    Free and Discounted Services
    Application of New Technology or New Developments
    System Performance
    System Extension Policy
    Services Provided
    Programming Offered
    Customer Complaints Review
    Privacy and Human Rights
    Community Development and Education
    New Services
    Other topics, in addition to those listed, may be added by
    either party. Members of the general public may also request
    additional topics.
    5-18-26 Services of Consultant Permitted. The City may utilize
    the services of a consultant to gain additional information for use
    - 244 -

    during the review sessions, renewal process and/or rate hearings,
    mediation, and arbitration sessions. The costs of such consultant
    shall be paid by the City.
    5-18-27 Rate Regulation. The City reserves the right to
    regulate rates to the extent expressly permitted by Federal Law and
    FCC regulations.
    5-18-28 Rate Adjustments. Any rate adjustments shall be filed
    with the City Clerk and the Cable Television Advisory Commission
    not later than 30 days prior to the implementation of the
    5-18-29 Switching Device. The Franchisee, upon request from
    any subscriber, shall install, at cost, a switching device to
    permit a subscriber to continue to utilize the subscriber's
    television antenna. The Franchisee shall not require the removal,
    or offer to remove, any subscriber's antenna or antenna lead-in
    wire. In order to restrict the viewing of unwanted programming upon
    the request of a subscriber, a cable operator shall provide (by
    sale or least at a reasonable cost) a device by which the
    subscriber can prohibit viewing of a particular cable service
    during periods selected by that subscriber.
    5-18-30 Disconnection. There shall be no charge for
    disconnection of any installation. If any subscriber fails to pay
    a fee or charge, the Franchisee may disconnect the subscriber's
    service. Such disconnection shall not be effected until the
    subscriber has been given ten (10) days advance written notice of
    the intention to disconnect. After disconnection, upon payment of
    any required delinquent fee or reconnection charge, the Franchisee
    shall promptly reinstate the subscriber's service.
    5-18-31 Termination of Service. Within 30 days of termination
    of service to any subscriber for any reason, the Franchisee shall,
    upon the subscriber's written request, promptly remove all its
    facilities and equipment from the subscriber's premises without
    5-18-32 Unauthorized Connections or Modifications.
    (A) It shall be unlawful for any firm, person, group,
    company, or corporation, without the expressed consent of
    the Franchisee, to make any connection, extension, or
    division whether physically, acoustically, inductively,
    electronically, or otherwise with or to any segment of
    the system, except for residential inside wiring, for any
    purpose whatsoever.
    - 245 -

    (B) It shall be unlawful for any firm, person, group,
    company, or corporation to willfully interfere, tamper,
    remove, obstruct, or damage any part, segment, or content
    of the system for any purpose whatsoever.
    (C) Any firm, person, group, company, or corporation
    convicted of a violation of this section shall be guilty
    of a misdemeanor, and shall be subject to all punishment
    under Iowa and Federal law.
    5-18-33 Discriminatory or Preferential Practices. The
    Franchisee shall not, in making available the services or
    facilities of its system, or in its rules or regulations, or in any
    other respect, make or grant preferences or advantages to any
    subscriber or potential subscriber to the system, or to any user or
    potential user of the system and shall not subject any person to
    any prejudice or disadvantage based on their race, color, national
    origin or gender. This provision shall not prohibit promotional
    campaigns to stimulate subscriptions to the system or other
    legitimate uses thereof; nor shall it prohibit the establishment of a
    graduated scale of charges and classified rate schedules to which any
    customer coming within such classification shall be entitled.
    5-18-34 Refunds to Subscribers and Programmers.
    (A) If the Franchisee fails to provide any material service
    requested by a subscriber or programmer in accordance
    with the current FCC standards, the Franchisee shall,
    after adequate notification and being afforded the
    opportunity to provide the service, promptly refund all
    deposits or advance charges paid for the service in
    question by the subscriber or programmer.
    (B) If any subscriber terminates for any other reason, the
    Franchisee shall refund the unused portion of any prepaid
    subscriber service fee on a daily pro rata basis.
    (C) Any disputes arising under this section shall be finally
    resolved in accordance with Section 22 of this Chapter.
    5-18-35 Public Service Installations. The Franchisee shall,
    without charge for installation, maintenance, or service, install a
    single subscriber outlet at each public building and public
    school building in the City located within 200 feet of the existing
    feeder system. Such installations shall be made at such reasonable
    locations as shall be requested by the respective units of
    government or educational institutions. Any charge for relocation
    - 246 -

    of such installations shall, however, be made at actual cost.
    Additional installations at the same location may be made at cost.
    No monthly service charges shall be made for the provision of Basic
    Service and Expanded Basic within such buildings.
    The Franchisee shall also provide free live audio and video
    origination connection of the Cable Television System for each of
    the following: City of Muscatine, Musser Public Library, Muscatine
    Art Center, Muscatine School District, Muscatine Community College,
    and Veterans' Plaza Complex, provided that such facilities are
    within 500 feet of the existing return system.
    5-18-36 Other Business Activities. Subject to the right of the
    City Council to change this policy, the Franchisee shall not engage
    in the business of selling, repairing, or installing television
    receivers, excluding converters, in the City of Muscatine during
    the term of this franchise. Nothing herein shall be deemed to
    prohibit the Franchisee, at a customer's request, from examining
    and adjusting a customer's receiver set to determine whether
    reception difficulties originate in the set or in Franchisee's
    5-18-37 Franchisee Fee. As compensation for the franchise
    granted herein and in consideration for the use of the streets and
    public ways of the City for the construction, operation,
    maintenance, and reconstruction of a system within the city, the
    Franchisee shall pay to the City an annual amount equal to five
    percent (5%) of the Franchisee's Gross Annual Revenues as defined
    in Section 5-18-2 of this Ordinance, provided, however, that such
    amount shall not include any taxes on Cable Service which are
    imposed directly or indirectly on any subscriber thereof by any
    governmental unit or agency and which are collected by the
    Franchisee on behalf of such governmental unit or agency. This
    includes, but is not limited to, all subscribers' payments,
    installation fees, converter boxes, advertising, leased access
    channels, pay-per-view and cable service exchanged in barter
    agreements. All funds due to the City pursuant to this subsection
    shall be deposited into the general fund of the City. Payment due
    to the City under this provision shall be made quarterly at the
    City Clerk's Office not later than 45 days following March 31, June
    30, September 30 and December 31 each year. Any fee not paid when
    due shall bear interest at the rate of one and one-half percent (1
    1/2%) per month from the date due. Each payment shall be
    accompanied by a detailed report showing the basis for the
    computation, specific income categories and such other relevant
    facts as may be required by the City. The acceptance of any payment
    shall not be construed as an accord that the amount paid is, in
    fact, the correct amount; nor shall such acceptance of payment be
    - 247 -

    construed as a release of any claim the City may have for
    additional sums payable by the Franchisee. All amounts paid shall
    be subject to audit and recomputation by the City.
    5-18-38 Construction and Operation Timetable. The Franchisee
    shall commence construction of the system not later than thirty
    (30) days after issuance of all the necessary permits and
    agreements relating to the Cable Television System. The Franchisee
    shall apply for all these necessary permits and agreements thirty
    (30) days after award of the franchise by the City. The Franchisee
    shall conduct any engineering studies necessary to permit the
    commencement of construction within thirty (30) days after issuance
    of the permits or agreements. Within one (1) year after
    construction commences, the Franchisee shall complete its studios
    and cablecasting facilities and the same shall be fully
    operational. Within one (1) year after construction commences, the
    Franchisee shall reasonably make cable service available to at
    least thirty-five percent (35%) of the potential subscriber
    terminals in the City. Within two (2) years after construction
    commences, the Franchisee shall complete construction of the system
    within the City.
    5-18-39 Right of Inspection of Construction. The City shall
    have the right to inspect all construction or installation work
    performed subject to the provisions of this permit and to make such
    inspections as it shall find necessary to ensure compliance with
    the terms of this permit and other pertinent provisions of law.
    5-18-40 Technical Standards.
    (A) 1. Methods of construction, installation, and
    maintenance of the Cable Television System
    shall comply with the most recent National
    Electrical Code adopted by the City, to the
    extent that such Code is consistent with local
    law affecting the construction, installation,
    maintenance of electric supply and
    communications lines. To the extent that such
    Code is inconsistent with other provisions of
    this franchise or with local law, the latter
    shall govern. The Franchisee must obtain all
    necessary construction or excavation permits in
    advance from the City.
    3. Any tower constructed for use in the Cable
    Television System shall comply with the
    standards contained in Structured Standards
    - 248 -

    for Steel Antenna Towers and Antenna
    Supporting Structures, EIA Standards RS-222-A, as
    published by the Engineering Department of the
    Electronic Industries Association, 2001 "I"
    Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006.
    3. Installation and physical dimensions of any
    tower constructed for use in the Cable
    Television System shall comply with all
    appropriate Federal Aviation Agency
    4. Any antenna structure used in the Cable
    Television System shall comply with all
    appropriate local , state and federal
    5. All working facilities and conditions used
    dur ing co nstructio n, ins tallation , and
    maintenance of the Cable Television System
    shall comply with the standards of the
    Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
    (B) 1. Whenever a pattern of similar complaints
    emerges, or where there exists other evidence,
    which, in the judgment of the City, casts
    doubt on the reliability or quality of cable
    service, the City shall have the right and
    authority to compel the Franchisee to test,
    analyze, and report on the performance of the
    system. The City's right under this provision
    shall be limited to requiring tests, analyses,
    and reports covering specific subjects and
    characteristics based on said complaints or
    other evidence when and under such
    circumstances as the City has reasonable
    grounds to believe that the complaints or
    other evidence require that tests be performed
    to protect the public against substandard
    cable service.
    2. Any special performance tests or measurements
    required by the City to be taken pursuant to
    subsection (3)1 shall be reported to the City
    within fourteen (14) days after such tests or
    measurements are performed. Such report shall
    include the following information: the nature
    - 249 -

    of the complaint which precipitated the
    special tests; what system component was
    tested, the equipment used, and procedures
    employed in said testing; the results of such
    tests; and the method in which such complaints
    were resolved. Any other information pertinent
    to the special test shall be recorded.
    (C) Should any of the following occur, the Franchisee must
    notify the Commission within thirty (30) days prior to
    any change regarding:
    1 . Addition to, deletion of, or change in
    received channel.
    2 . Addition to, deletion of, or change in
    distributed channel or in channel conversion.
    3. Change in location of headend or antenna
    4 . Addition to or changes in location of centers
    for origination of programs and the
    installation of bi-directional facilities or
    additional lines to make connection to the
    5. Interconnection with other cable systems.
    (D) The Franchisee must comply with all FCC technical
    5-18-41 New Developments. The Franchisee is encouraged to
    upgrade its facilities, equipment, and service so that its system
    is as advanced as the current state of production technology will
    allow. Such new developments shall be a topic of discussion at all
    review sessions and shall be a factor to be considered in
    connection with requests for rate adjustments.
    5-18-42 Communications with Regulatory Agencies. Copies of all
    petitions, applications, communications, reports, and all other
    documents submitted by the Franchisee or its parent companies to
    the FCC, Securities and Exchange Commission, or any other Federal
    or State regulator commission or agency shall be made available to
    the City upon written request to Franchisee.
    - 250 -

    5-18-43 Annual Report. No later than ninety (90) days after
    the close of the Franchisee's fiscal year, the Franchisee shall
    submit a detailed written informative report to the City, including
    the following information pertaining only to the Muscatine
    (A) A summary of the previous year's activities in
    development of the system, including, but not limited to,
    services begun or dropped and subscribers gained or lost.
    (B) A detailed revenue statement including a breakdown of all
    revenue sources upon which the City can verify Franchise
    Fee accuracy.
    (C) A current statement on the cost of construction by
    project categories.
    (D) A summary of complaints, identifying the number and
    specific nature of complaints and their disposition.
    (E) A list of key management for the Muscatine franchise
    along with their addresses and job titles.
    (F) The City shall have the right to have an independent firm
    of certified public accountants appointed by the City to
    inspect the Franchisee's books and records at reasonable
    times. Such firm of certified public accountants will be
    paid by the City and approved by the Franchisee, which
    approval will not be unreasonably withheld. Said
    accountant or accountants shall not disclose to the City
    any information other than that relating solely to the
    accuracy and completeness of payments and reports
    required of the Franchisee by this Chapter. At the time
    of any such inspection, Franchisee will make all books
    and records necessary for such inspection available at
    the Franchisee's Muscatine office.
    (G) The annual report of the parent company of a public
    (H) A summary of types of communication signals and services
    provided without charge or provided under a barter
    arrangement along with their dollar equivalent.
    5-18-44 Security Fund and Performance Bond.
    (A) Within ten (10) days after execution of the Franchise
    Agreement, the Franchisee shall deposit with the City
    - 251 -

    Clerk, and maintain on deposit through the term of this
    franchise, the sum of $5,000.00 as security for the
    faithful performance by it of all the provisions of this
    franchise and compliance with all orders, permits, and
    directions of any agency of the City having jurisdiction
    over its acts or defaults under this contract, and the
    payment by the Franchisee of any claims, liens, and taxes
    due the City which arise by reason of the construction,
    operation, or maintenance of the system.
    (B) Within ten (10) days after notice to it that any amount
    has been withdrawn from the security fund deposited
    pursuant to subdivision (A) of this section, the
    Franchisee shall pay to, or deposit with, the City Clerk
    a sum of money sufficient to restore such security fund
    to the original amount of $5,000.00.
    (C) If the Franchisee fails to pay to the City any
    compensation within the time fixed herein; or fails after
    ten (10) days notice to pay to the City any taxes due and
    unpaid; or fails to repay to the City within such ten
    (10) days, any damages, costs, or expenses which the City
    shall be compelled to pay by reason of any act or default
    of the Franchisee in connection with this franchise; or
    fails after three (3) days notice of such failure by the
    City Council to comply with any provision of this
    contract which the City Council reasonably determines can
    be remedied by an expenditure of the security, the City
    Clerk may immediately withdraw the amount thereof, with
    interest and any penalties, from the security fund. Upon
    such withdrawal, the City Clerk shall notify the company
    of the amount and date thereof.
    (D) The security fund deposited pursuant to this section
    shall become the property of the City in the event that
    this contract is cancelled by reason of the default of
    the Franchisee. The Franchisee, however, shall be
    entitled to the return of such security fund, or portion
    thereof, as remains on deposit at the expiration of the
    term of this contract, provided that there is then no
    outstanding default on the part of the Franchisee.
    Interest earned by the investment of the security fund
    will accrue to the Franchisee.
    (E) The rights reserved to the City with respect to the
    security fund are in addition to all other rights of the
    City, whether reserved by this contract or authorized by
    - 252 -

    law, and no action, proceeding, or exercise of a right
    with respect to such security fund shall affect any other
    right the City may have.
    (F) Performance Bond. On or before the effective date of its
    franchise, the Franchisee shall post a performance bond in
    favor of the City in the amount of $45,000.00 as security
    for the faith or performance by it of all the provisions
    of this ordinance; compliance with all orders, permits, and
    directions of any agency of the City having jurisdiction
    over acts or defaults under this ordinance; and payment by
    the Franchisee of any claims due to the City which arise
    by reason of construction, operation, or maintenance of the
    system. Bonds shall be approved by the City's legal
    (G) In lieu of any bonds and other surety required of the
    Franchisee herein or other franchise document with the
    Franchising Authority, Franchising Authority agrees to
    accept a guarantee in lieu of bond from parent
    corporation of an incumbent Franchisee, in form and
    substance reasonably satisfactory to the Franchising
    5-18-45 Cancellation and Expiration.
    (A) The Franchisee shall not be declared in default or be
    subject to any sanction under this ordinance where the
    Franchisee's performance is prevented for reasons beyond
    its control.
    (B) The Franchisee shall not be entitled to damages from the
    City sustained by the virtue of the closing, vacation, or
    relocation of any streets or alleys.
    (C) Upon cancellation or expiration of the franchise, the City
    may, in a lawful manner and upon payment in readily
    available funds, purchase the system for a price equal to
    its fair market value. The fair market value shall be
    determined by an independent organization acceptable to
    both parties in accordance with generally accepted cable
    television appraisal and accounting principles. The
    original cost of all tangible and intangible property, as
    well as salvage value, the book value, and replacement
    cost, cash flow, and other factors may be considered.
    However, under no circumstances shall any valuation be
    - 253 -

    made for any right or privilege granted pursuant to this
    Chapter. Should a dispute arise over the determination of
    the fair market value of the system, the dispute shall be
    resolved by arbitration in accord with the rules of the
    American Arbitration Association. If the City elects to
    purchase the system, the Franchisee shall promptly
    execute all documents necessary to transfer title to the
    City and shall assign all of the contracts, leases,
    licenses, permits, and any other rights necessary to
    maintain continuity of service to the public. The
    Franchisee shall cooperate with the City to operate the
    system for a temporary period, in maintaining continuity
    of service. Nothing herein is intended as a waiver of any
    rights the City may have.
    5-18-46 Enforcement. The Franchisee shall not be relieved of
    its obligation to comply with this ordinance by reason of the
    City's failure to enforce prompt compliance.
    5-18-47 Indemnification. The Franchisee shall defend,
    indemnify, protect, and hold harmless the City from and against any
    and all liability, losses, and damage to property or bodily injury
    or death to any person, including payments made under workmen's
    compensation laws, which may arise out of or be caused by the
    erection, construction, replacement, removal, maintenance, or
    operation of Franchisee's Cable Television System and caused by any
    act or failure to act on the part of the Franchisee, its agents,
    officers, servants, or employees.
    5-18-48 Insurance. The Franchisee shall maintain insurance in
    such amounts and kinds of coverages as may be specified by the
    City. Such coverages may be adjusted by the City with ninety (90)
    day notification. The Franchisee shall maintain such insurance with
    insurance underwriters authorized to do business in the State of
    Iowa. All policies shall name the City, its employees, servants,
    agents, and officers as additional insured parties. Certified
    copies of the insurance policies required by this section shall be
    filed with the City Clerk prior to the commencement of
    construction. Each policy shall provide that it may not be
    cancelled nor the amount of coverage altered until thirty (30) days
    after receipt by the City Clerk of a registered mail notice of such
    intent to cancel or alter coverage.
    (A) The Franchisee shall maintain and provide to the City
    Clerk proof of Public Liability Insurance for not less
    than the following amounts:
    - 254 -

    $1,000,000 Any 1 Occurrence, Bodily Injury or Property Damage
    $1,000,000 Personal or Advertising Injury Liability, Any 1
    Person or Organization
    $1,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Annual Aggregate
    $5,000,000 General Aggregate
    5-18-49 Foreclosure. A foreclosure or other judicial sale of
    all or part of the system shall be treated as a change in control
    of the Franchisee and the provisions of Section 6 of this Chapter
    shall apply.
    5-18-50 Receivership. The City shall have the right to cancel
    this franchise one hundred twenty (120) days after the appointment
    of a receiver or trustee, to take over and conduct the businesses
    of the Franchisee, whether in receivership, reorganization,
    bankruptcy, or other action or proceedings, unless such
    receivership or trusteeship shall have been vacated prior to the
    expiration of said one hundred twenty (120) days, or unless:
    (A) Within one hundred twenty (120) days after being elected
    or appointed such receiver or trustee shall have fully
    complied with all provisions of this ordinance and
    remedied all defaults thereunder; and
    (B) Shall have executed an agreement, approved by the court
    having jurisdiction, whereby such receiver or trustee
    agrees to be bound by this Chapter and the franchise
    granted to the Franchisee.
    5-18-51 Publication of Notice. Whenever the provisions of this
    Chapter require that notice be published, such notice shall be
    prepared and published by the City. The cost of publication will be
    borne by the Franchisee.
    5-18-52 Cost of Publication and Election. The Applicant shall
    assume the costs of publication of this Chapter, the costs of any
    other legal publication for amendments to this Chapter prior to
    franchise award, the costs of publication of any other ordinances
    or legal documents prior to franchise award, and the costs of the
    special election. The Franchisee seeking renewal shall assume the
    costs of publishing this chapter.
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    5-18-53 Transmission of Documents to City. Unless otherwise
    specifically provided, whenever the provisions of this Chapter
    require transmission of documents from the Franchisee to the City,
    such documents shall be mailed or delivered to the office of the
    City Clerk, City Hall, Muscatine, Iowa 52761, or to such other
    person as the City may in writing designate.
    5-18-54 Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or
    phrase of this Chapter is held unconstitutional, unenforceable or
    otherwise invalid, by the Federal Communications Commission, other
    Federal or State regulatory body, or any court of competent
    jurisdiction, such infirmity shall not affect the validity of this
    Chapter, and any portions in conflict are hereby repealed.
    5-18-55 Repealer. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in
    conflict with the provisions of this Chapter are hereby repealed.
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    CHAPTER 19
    5-19-1 Term of Franchise
    5-19-2 Effective Date of Franchise and Acceptance of
    5-19-3 Rebuild of System
    5-19-4 Transfer of Franchise
    5-19-5 Severability
    5-19-6 Adoption
    5-19-7 Equal Protection
    5-19-1 Term of Franchise . Cablevision VII Inc., its
    successors and assigns, is hereby granted a renewal of their non-
    exclusive right, franchise and authority for a period of fifteen
    (15) years to erect, maintain and operate a Cable Television
    System in Muscatine, Iowa, and to sell and supply individuals,
    firms and corporations within the corporate limits of the City of
    Muscatine, Iowa, Cable Service and other services in, along,
    among, upon, across, above, over, under, or in any manner
    connected with Public Ways within the Service Area and for that
    purpose to erect , install , construct , repair , replace ,
    reconstruct, maintain or retain in, on, over, under, upon,
    across, or along any Public Way and all extensions thereof and
    additions thereto, such poles, wires, cables, conductors, ducts,
    conduits, vaults, manholes, pedestals, amplifiers, appliances,
    attachments, and other related property or equipment as may be
    necessary or appurtenant to the Cable System, subject to the
    conditions and restrictions provided and subject to the cable
    television regulatory ordinance, passed and adopted July 21,
    5-19-2. Effective Date of Franchise and Acceptance of
    Franchise. This franchise and all rights thereunder shall become
    effective after final passage and publication hereof; within
    thirty (30) days after the effective date of this franchise
    ordinance renewal, Cablevision VII Inc. shall file with the Clerk
    an acceptance in writing of this franchise renewal and pay all
    costs as required under the laws of the State of Iowa.
    5-19-3 . Rebuild of System . The Franchisee shall
    rebuild/upgrade its system to a capacity capable of at least 60
    channels utilizing fiber optics as necessary to replace existing
    - 257 -

    trunkline in a manner which permits the Franchisee to take full
    advantage of the benefits of that technology, including increased
    reliability and improved system performance. Work shall be
    completed no later than December 31, 1998.
    5-19-4 Transfer of Franchise. The Franchisee's right, title,
    or interest in the Franchise shall not be sold, transferred,
    assigned, or otherwise encumbered, other than to an entity
    controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the
    Franchisee, without the prior consent of the Franchising Authority,
    such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. No such consent shall
    be required, however, for a transfer in trust, by mortgage, by
    other hypothecation, or by assignment of any rights, title, or
    interest of the Franchisee in the Franchise or System in order to
    secure indebtedness. Within 30 days of receiving the request for
    transfer, the Franchising Authority shall in accordance with FCC
    rules and regulations, notify the Franchisee in writing of the
    information it requires to determine the legal, financial and
    technical qualifications of the transferee.
    5-19-5 Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence,
    clause, phrase, or portion of this franchise ordinance shall be
    held invalid or unenforceable or unconstitutional, the remaining
    provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
    5-19-6 Adoption. This franchise renewal was awarded by the
    City Council on August 18, 1994 and was published as required on
    September 7, 1994 and therefore, this franchise renewal shall
    expire on September 7, 2009.
    5-19-7 Equal Protection'. In the event the Franchising
    Authority enters into a franchise, permit, license authorization or
    other agreement of any kind with any other person or entity other
    than the Franchisee to enter into the Franchising Authority's
    streets and Public Ways for the purpose of constructing or
    operating a Cable System or providing Cable Service to any part of
    the Service Area, the material provisions thereof shall be
    reasonably comparable to those contained herein, in order that the
    operator not be granted an unfair competitive advantage over
    another and to provide all parties equal protection under the law.
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    CHAPTER 20
    Residential Sale Regulations
    5-20-1 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to regulate the
    signage and actual sale of personal property from residentially
    zoned property to prevent undue commercialization of residential
    5-20-2 Definitions. For the purposes of this Chapter, the
    following terms set forth have the following meanings:
    (A) "Residential Sale" shall mean the sale from a lot or parcel of
    items of personal property either belonging to the owner or
    permitted by the owner to be sold on said parcel or lot. "Residential
    Sale" shall include the commonly referred terms "yard sale" ,
    "porch sale" , garage sale" , "rummage sale" , "bazaar", etc.
    "Residential Sale" shall not be defined as any sale of new
    property, property sold from any zone other than residential,
    and special events which would require approval of the City.
    (B) "Residential Zone" shall be any lot or parcel which is located
    in an "R" District as shown on the official Zoning Map for the
    (C) "Substantiated Complaint" shall be a complaint received by the
    City alleging a violation of this Chapter which shall require
    the complaining party to assist the City in a prosecution; up to
    and including testimony in a court of law.
    (D) "Sign" shall mean any temporary sign advertising a residential
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    5-20-3 Signs. The following regulations shall govern the number,
    type, location, and duration for all signs associated with
    residential sales:
    (A) A resident shall be limited to not more than one non-illuminated
    sign, which shall be wholly maintained on private property, not to
    exceed four (4) square feet in area, to advertise the sale. Other
    signs are prohibited.
    (B) Residential sale signs shall not be erected until twenty-four
    (24) hours prior to the sale and shall be removed within twenty-
    four (24) hours of the expiration of the same.
    (C) Signs shall not be placed within any public right-of-way. Signs
    which are noticed by any City employee to be placed in violation
    of this Section shall be removed immediately by that employee
    and disposed of. Violation of this Section shall result in the
    issuance of a citation to the owner of the property referenced
    on the sign as follows:
    1. Upon the first conviction, the owner shall be subject to
    the payment of a fine of ten dollars ($10.00); upon the second
    and subsequent conviction, the owner shall be fined twenty-
    five dollars ($25.00); and upon the third and all subsequent
    convictions, shall be fined an amount not less than fifty
    dollars ($50.00) nor more than seventy-five dollars ($75.00)
    or be subject to not more than thirty (30) days in jail.
    5-20-4 Residential Sales Regulations. Persons conducting
    residential sales shall comply with the following regulations
    governing these sales:
    (A) A residential sale shall be limited to a term not exceeding
    seventy-two (72) hours in length.
    (B) Not more than three (3) residential sales may be conducted from
    any lot or parcel during the calendar year.
    5-20-5 Enforcement. It shall be the policy of the City to
    enforce the regulations under this Chapter by "substantial
    complaint", except as provided in Section 5-20-3.
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